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Why is Mauritius attractive for business?

Why is Mauritius attractive for business?

Located between Africa and Asia, Mauritius is gradually becoming an international hotspot and not just as a tourist destination. Its pristine blue and white beaches as well as beautiful scenery are no doubt exceptional; but the attractions of this beautiful island, do not end there. Mauritius has by now, built a good reputation, as a reliable destination, for foreign investment as well.

With one of the highest growth rates in sub-Saharan region: Mauritius has steadily changed from an economy dominated by just sugar cane to a multifaceted and advanced service economy as well.

Along with geo-political stability, easy and transparent regulations, efficient financial ecosystem as well as variety of value-additions, Mauritius offers a plethora of facilities for investors. So, today, one can say that, Mauritius is a well-established business destination and the choice of investors who are
seeking a secure and favourable investment platform.

Investment options abound in Agro-industry, Aqua-culture, Ocean economy, Education, Financial services, Healthcare, Hospitality, Property development , Smart citiy set up, Information and Communication Technology companies, Business Process Outsourcing services, Life sciences, Logistics, Manufacturing, Media and Creative industries to name a few. Thus, driven by innovation and a fast-growing economy, today, Mauritius offers investors business opportunities in a broad spectrum of sectors, field and industries.

There are many convincing reasons why investors choose Mauritius for investing and living in, notably:

  • Mauritius offers competitive operational cost
  • Good governance – Mauritius ranks 1st in Africa for the Mo Ibrahim Index of African Governance 2018
  • Ocean State with one of the largest Exclusive Economic Zones in the world
  • A robust and independent legal system with the Privy Council as the ultimate court of appeal
  • Ease of doing business – Mauritius ranks 1st in Africa in the World Bank Doing Business 2018
  • Investment-friendly regulatory regime
  • Convenient time zone (GMT +4)
  • Economic democracy – 1st in Africa for the Index of Economic Freedom – Heritage Foundation, and 1st in Africa in the Economic Freedom of the World – Fraser Institute
  • Open to foreign investors and talents
  • Political stability – 1st in Africa for the Democracy Index 2017 (The Economist Intelligence Unit)
  • State-of-the-art technological infrastructure
  • Skilled and bilingual (English/French) workforce

Mauritius is an important member of regional economic cooperation blocs such as the African Union, COMESA, SADC and the Indian Ocean Rim, thus profiting from no trade barriers. Through a wide range of trade agreements, Mauritius also enjoys preferential access to markets in many export destinations especially European Union and the USA.

Last but not the least is the various corporate tax credits and incentives offered by Mauritius as per their laws.

No wonder then, that the economic track-record of Mauritius is respected in the international community and has found many takers among foreign investors.

The main thrusts of the Mauritian tax system are the following:

  • 15% tax on personal income (withholding tax).
  • No tax on capital gains.
  • No restrictions on repatriation of profits, dividends and capital .
  • 80% tax credits on offshore companies – GBL1 (effective tax rate of 3%).
  • No taxation on dividends.
  • Vast network of Double Taxation Treaties.
  • OECD white listed Jurisdiction.
  • 15% tax on corporate profits.

Now it’s time to setup your business in Mauritius !

Read on Company Registration in Mauritius