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Trademark & Copyright registration in Dubai, UAE

Trademark Copyright registration in Dubai UAE

Trademark & Copyright registration in Dubai, UAE : Let your business stand apart with a distinct Trademark!  In UAE trademarks are registered under a ‘class’ system with 45 international classes covering different products and services. Choosing the correct class is vital for necessary protection and avoiding unnecessary costs.

Let your business stand apart with a distinct Trademark!

Benefits of trademark registration

By registering your trademark, you can protect your brand, gain maximum value of your business, use as a marketing tool to grow your brand & take legal action for copying your trademark.

The process of Trademark Registration in UAE

  1. Forward an application to the Ministry of Economy & Commerce. Trademark applications must be filed in Arabic, together with fourteen (14) specimen drawings of each mark. The application may be filed through locally licensed legal consultants in Dubai, UAE.
  2. Conduct a search at the Trademark Registry to find out whether anyone else has prior rights to your proposed trademark.
  3. After necessary checking the Ministry will issue an examination report which will indicate whether further information is needed or any other requirements, conditions or limitations for registration.
  4. The Ministry calls upon the applicant to reply to such reports within a specific period. The applicant can accept or appeal against it to the Trademarks Committee of the Ministry & further to the Civil Court.
  5. After resolving all outstanding issues, trademark applications are preliminary approved for registration & published in the UAE Official Gazette & in two leading National newspapers.
  6. The general public has thirty days to forward written objections to the Ministry concerning the trademark. The applicant shall have thirty days to respond to any such objections.
  7. The Ministry can accept or reject the application & the decision may be appealed to the Trademarks Committee of the Ministry, and then to the competent courts.
  8. If the mark is accepted for registration, the applicant notifies and provides details related to the mark to the federal and local bodies, Chambers of Commerce & Industry etc.
  9. A trademark registration in the UAE is valid for 10 years but is renewable for further periods of 10 years each.


Copyright protection is given by law to the authors, creators, and writers for their work, including dramatic, musical, artistic, literary and other intellectual work. To register a copyright application must be filed with the Ministry of Information & Culture with the following:

  1. Certificate of origin with the name of the author and/or assignee.
  2. An authorization from the licensee and/or owner for exhibiting or circulating the material in a specified region/territory.
  3. A certificate from the licensee stipulating that all applicable royalties has been collected.
  4. A certificate of non-violation of restrictions on folklore, issued by the Department of Culture at the Ministry of Information & Culture.

The application for Trademark / Copyright registration may be filed through locally licensed legal consultants in Dubai, UAE and they will help you with all legal formalities.

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