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The Do’s and Don’t’s of Doing Business in Dubai

The Do's and Don't's of Doing Business in Dubai

The Do’s and Don’t’s of Doing Business in Dubai: You know how to set up a business in Dubai and now it is time to learn the do’s and dont’s of setting up and doing business in Dubai.


Get a local sponsor

You will need a local sponsor to invest in your company if you want to get a license to start a company in Dubai.

Choose your license carefully

There are different types of licenses for different businesses. Check the ones that apply to your businesses.


Many businesses require additional permissions from other departments. You should do a lot of research about your business in Dubai, check its viability, research about the location and about the culture of the people.

Hire a business consultant

All the processes look straightforward and easy on paper. If everything goes right you will get registration for your business in 4 weeks max. But if you are not sure, you should hire a business consultant who will help you figure it all out and get your business setup in Dubai.

Be patient

Patience is a virtue. You will need it in abundance to do business in Dubai. People might not turn up on time, negotiations may take longer than expected. You should be prepared to handle different scenarios.

Learn the culture and join groups

Meet people, make an effort to learn a few words in Arabic. People will be quick to appreciate you.

Be casual and develop close relations with the people

Be friendly and develop a rapport with the community of peers in Dubai. That part of the business world is still heavily influenced by word of the mouth referrals and the social mixers can be a great way to get your business advertised.


Don’t rely on verbal agreements

Verbal agreements are not binding. Once you find a local sponsor make sure you make an agreement stating your terms and get it notarized.

Don’t boast about your self

Humility says a lot about a person. Dubai is chock full of successful people and the people don’t especially care for boasting.

Don’t be late

Even though people may turn up late, meetings may run late or there will be all sorts of delays, make sure you are always on time.

Don’t talk about religions or sensitive topics

Avoid talking about topics that can hurt the sentiment of people. It does not help and alienates people.

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