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Steps to open up a Bank Account in The Sultanate of Oman

Steps to open up a Bank Account in The Sultanate of Oman

Steps to open up a Bank Account in Oman

There are to be followed some stringent rules and regulations to open up a corporate bank account within the domain of Oman, including submission of lots of paperwork. Business consultants mostly are hired by Expats, those who have set up their companies here in the Sultanate to help with the opening procedure of a corporate bank account easily, quickly and hassle-free. Some essential documents to be submitted:

  • Two passport sized photographs
  • ID Card
  • Tenancy agreement to authenticate residential address
  • Work-Permit/Residency copies
  • Original trade license
  • Valid passport including valid resident card and visa
  • Expat bank of origin country providing Reference Letter
  • Omani employer certified No Objection copy stating expected monthly salary to be deposited into respective accounts.

For foreign investors, all above stated documents are crucial to be submitted to initiate corporate account opening process. We, at Black Swan understand our clients’ specific requirements and provide the necessary assistance to set up their company and respective bank accounts. Also, we help to clear the necessary procedures and open up a corporate bank account in the Sultanate of Oman.

Black Swan Business Setup Services can help you in Company formation in oman with bank account.

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