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Steps to get Event Management License in Dubai

When you head for business with requisite skill, there is no more reason why you can’t get involved in this vast market.

You can set up the UAE event management business with expert help to complete in five easy steps.

Outline your business activity

Outline your business activities before applying for your event management license.

Wide range of activities are carried with the event’s license. This allows you to carry out activities like hospitality management to event promotion. You need to list on your application that you wish to undertake.

Carrying out the activities that are not listed on your license would result in penalties. It’s best to work with the company formation expert in this stage to make it covered.

Choose your company name

After outlining your business activities, choose your company name. This would take an extra thought in UAE than other countries.

Choose a name that reflects to offer in the memory of your target customers. It must comply with the UAE’s company name regulations.

The company name should not have any offensive language or reference to known organisations or blasphemous language. When you want to include your name in your business name, it must be in full with no initials or abbreviations. Check whether your chosen business name is available to get registered. The company formation expert would do this as a part of the license application process.

Choose the right set up

Before making the formal license application, decide the right company set up for your business.

The two choices in UAE are mainland or free zone. There are advantages to both.

The free zones have cost-effective ways to start an events company, it has attractive benefits with 0% personal and corporate income tax and 100% exemption from customs tax. UAE free zone businesses benefit from all invested capital and profits. It has no currency restrictions or foreign exchange controls.

You can set up the business in the UAE mainland. The mainland business trades directly with the local marketplace without services of a local agent and takes on government contracts, which free zone companies cannot.

Apply for your license

After deciding the activities you wish to list on your license, submit your application. Based on your choice of set up, you can directly apply to the Department of Economic Development for emulating you to set up or the relevant governing authority of the free zone.

Whatever setup you choose to apply for an event management license in Abu Dhabi, Dubai or UAE, a company formation expert would help with this step. They manage the entire application process on your behalf.

Either making your application yourself or through a company formation agent, you need to provide few details and some basic documentation as:

The Completed application form
  • The passport copy of the owner or proposed owner.
  • Any two colour passport size photos.
  • Pay AED 15,000 to secure your event management license.
  • Apply for a license package that has a Flexi-desk package which affords entrepreneurs the use of business facilities like mail services, internet, desk space and phone use.

Apply for visas and bank accounts

Apply for visas, business license and open your corporate bank account.

Apply for your visa and employees visas too. The maximum number depends on your license type and size of your business.

Sponsor dependants for their visa applications. You can bring your family, that includes spouse, children and dependent parents to the UAE. You can hire domestic staff like the housekeeper to make the process simple.

The corporate bank account opening works with a company formation expert who would guide you with the complex process. The company formation expert will advise on best banks to suit your needs and arrange the appointments.

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