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Starting a Consultancy Company in Dubai Free Zone?


Budding capitalists vouch by UAE as the business paradise due to its pro-business and tax-free free zones. The commercial and legal frameworks are simple and straightforward thereby attracting many budding entrepreneurs. UAE is slowly gaining an economic foothold in the international and local market and hence is known to provide an encouraging scenario for the new startups.

The current prevailing market trends attract diverse sectors for investment from set up of incorporated businesses to export and import sector. An encouraging market scenario and infusion of newer technology tools attract business owners with a futuristic vision. Business owners are hence required to adhere to the futuristic business requirements.

This necessitates that one appoint a professional consultant well-versed in the technological trends that a business needs to abide by, who will be able to provide expert guidance in this regard.

To set up a consultancy company in the UAE, one has to acquire a large clientele base besides providing business provisions like stable profits and growth incentives. Consultancy business is a flourishing opportunity in Dubai. If you set it up in one of the Free Zones, you would reap greater benefits. Follow the information to know what it takes to start a consultancy firm in Dubai Outsource Free Zone.

About Dubai Outsource Free Zone(DOFZ)

Knowing more about what Dubai Outsource Free Zone offers for your business helps you in planning your set up of consultancy company in Dubai.

DOFZ is a specific economic zone aiming to pool pioneers and individuals from the consultancy sector at one place to offer quality infrastructure and premium standards of service. DOFZ provides a tax-free dominion besides offering legal protection and economic stability for setting up a consultancy company. Significant types of business activities that are set up in DOFZ include:

  • Outsourcing Services,
  • Professional Consulting Services,
  • Remote Outsourcing Services and
  • Professional training.

Setting up your Consultancy Company in Dubai Free Zone

Setting up your company in DOFZ requires you to provide a name to your company (which is not already registered with DOFZ) and register it with DOFZ.

This registration should be followed up with formalities to obtain a Professional Service License or PSL from the DOFZ. This license is mandatory to provide professional consulting services to clients.

This license will also entitle you to retain 100% ownership and capital repatriation. To obtain the PSL you must have a Local Sponsor or Local Service Agent that is, a business partner. You may choose to have LSA as a sleeping partner. A sleeping partner does not claim any authority over your business decisions, profits and shares.

How does Blackswan help you?

Blackswan is a pioneer in the business consultancy sector in the UAE. We have assisted reputed clientele in setting up their business in this region. If you are an interested investor seeking consultancy firm ventures in Dubai Free Zone, we can help you with the acquisition of the license, follow up of protocols and procedures. Do talk to us to seek expert advice. We are just a call away.

We are a leading business consultancy in UAE with a reputation for assisting various clients in setting up their businesses across the region. If you want to set up your consultancy firm in Dubai Free Zone, then Blackswan can help you with the license acquisition and business setup procedures. Please take out a moment to talk to our experts who are available at your service just a call away.

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