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  • Dubai
  • Oman

Start an Advertising Agency in Dubai

Dubai’s business environment is extremely competitive. The region is home to a large number of businesses of various sizes, which presents opportunities for exponential growth for businesses in the advertising sector. You can obtain a license for an advertising agency in Dubai by following the simple procedure set forth by the authorities.

If you need professional advice or help to acquire an advertising agency license in Dubai or the United Arab Emirates, send us a message or get in touch with us. Our qualified team would provide you with first-rate assistance. On your behalf, we would oversee the entire licensing process for advertising and finish the formalities in a set amount of time assisting you in quickly opening an advertising agency in Dubai.


Is opening an advertising agency in Dubai advantageous?

Dubai’s burgeoning business community provides an advertising agency with many opportunities. By opening an advertising agency in Dubai and working hard, you can advance and grow.

Can an expat own all the stock in a Dubai advertising agency?

Yes, an expat may own all of the company’s stock. There is no requirement for an Emirati sponsor to open an advertising agency in Dubai.

Which area in Dubai is ideal for establishing an advertising agency?

In Dubai, there are many great places to launch an advertising agency. You can seek a briefing from our team on where to locate an advertising agency.

Is there a minimum size requirement for offices for advertising firms?

Depending on the size of the business and the activities anticipated, the minimum office space required to set up an advertising agency in Dubai can range from 200 square feet to 500 square feet.

How much will it cost to get a license as an advertising agency?

The cost of licensing advertising agencies varies depending on a number of factors. To learn more about the cost of setting up an advertising agency in Dubai, send us a message.