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Spain citizenship & permanent residence, Visas, nationality

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The Weather

Widely regarded as the best all year round climate in Europe, the southern Blanca normally offers up to 320 days of sunshine a year with a low registered rainfall. Its unique dry micro-climate and warm winters is one of the main reasons astute northern Europeans find this area so very desirable. Why live in the cold and damp any more, this part of Spain is just over 2 hours flying time away.

Health Benefits

Recommended by the World Health Organization as “near perfect environment as it is possible to obtain”. Near miraculous cures have been recorded in this area and especially beneficial to people who suffer from Asthma, Rheumatism, Arthritis or heart related problems. Spain offers truly exceptional, quick medical treatment and many new hospitals, recognized as far superior to the U.K.

Improved Standard of Living

The difference can be amazing, try it for yourself and you will soon note the contrast to living back in the U.K. This area offers greatly reduced living costs, low crime, more to do and enjoy, greater social life and of course that fabulous weather. You just feel that much better especially with winter evenings remaining brighter for much longer than back home, if you enjoy life you will certainly enjoy Spain and all it offers in a safe, secure, established environment.

Cost Of Living

It is well proven fact that you can live and own a freehold property in this glorious area for considerably less than back at home. Estimated savings on general yearly property running costs are between 30-40% less than in the U.K. with heating and food being noticeably cheaper. Ask anyone who lives there permanently and you will soon find out the many reduced cost and savings on offer.

Investment and the Golden

Spain constantly tops the lists of European countries for increased property values, couple this with a safe, strong economy and it can only get better.

Making an investment in Spain is an appealing option for many investors looking to invest in Europe. However, before investing in Spain, it is very important to know the ins and outs regarding these opportunities.

There are nearly 60 golf courses in Andalusia, of which 30 are on the Costa del Sol. The fine weather allows golf to be popular all year round. Those who purchase golf property as an investment usually rent their property for most of the year. Real estate agents or the golf complex developer will arrange to manage the rentals for a fee of around 15%.

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