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Share Capital Required to Setup Seychelles Offshore Company

A vital offshore jurisdiction providing wide range of business advantages to international investors eager to form companies in insular state is Seychelles. Among the different benefits offered, one that is worth the mention is privacy of the firm as well as share capital requirements, where in majority of the cases, is said not to exist. To understand better how offshore companies can be set up by foreigners in Seychelles, you can discuss with our Seychelles company formation specialist team.

To set up Seychelles company, what minimum share capital is required?
Registered Seychelles companies having 1 non-resident director and shareholder is not required to offer minimum share capital. When fees are concerned, the investor simply requires to take into consideration approximate $100 government tax. In Seychelles, a popularly formed business structure is International Business Company or IBC.

What maximum authorized capital is necessary in Seychelles?

When maximum authorized capital is concerned in Seychelles, no limitation exists. This means, IBC registration is possible even with an amount of $100 million. Our Seychelles company incorporation team can provide valuable information on how to form different available business structures or IBCs in Seychelles.

What minimum share capital is required by LLCs in Seychelles?

Minimum share capital is not required by Limited Liability Companies (LLC) to resister its business in Seychelles. As a matter of fact, Seychelles LLCs can be owned by foreigners to about 100% and also not subjected to taxes on earnings.

Benefits of Seychelles offshore companies Formation

The preferred business jurisdiction that offers innumerous benefits and welcoming business environment with regards to forming offshore companies in insular state is Seychelles. Given below are few benefits that foreign investors can enjoy by forming offshore companies in Seychelles:

  • No mandatory minimum share capital for Seychelles company.
  • Such companies can derive tax-free benefits, which mean earnings are levied upon.
  • Foreign investors are free to form companies in Seychelles enjoying 100 percent ownership.
  • Seychelles offshore companies do benefit by deriving complete privacy with regards to assets and owners’ name.

To get more details pertaining to forming offshore company in Seychelles including share capital requirements, do feel free to call up our company incorporation specialist team in Seychelles.

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