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Setup Private Higher Education Institution in Oman

Setup Private Higher Education Institution in Oman


We guide investors who are interested in higher education with suitable rules and regulations, study and receive their applications, and refer them to the Council of Higher Education for decision.

Who is eligible for this service?

Omani and non-Omani people can invest in this field.

Process Steps

  • Submit application and needed documents to establish the higher education institution.
  • IPLD (Institutional & Programmes Licensing Dept) examines the application.
  • Institutional & Programmes Licensing Dept submit its project report to the Minister of MOHE.
  • The Minister forwards the project to the Council of Higher Education.
  • Applicants get notified with the Council’s decision.
  • Procedures and forms are required to apply for the service.
  • Application form to establish a private higher education.

Documents Needed

  • Request from incorporators to start the project and authorize to follow up.
  • Resumes and names of the investment percentages and incorporators.
  • Incorporators must not withdraw for 5 years after beginning to operate the institute.
  • Feasibility study done by an approved consultant.
  • MOU between the affiliates and under construction establishment.

When does the service get processed?

Anytime of the year.

How long does it take?

It depends on the applicant’s response while providing credentials and data by the Ministry. It depends on the sound feasibility and meeting sessions of the Council’s Higher Education.

Fees To Pay: Description fee.


1. What are the conditions to establish a college or a private university?

On the 21st of Feb.2007, the Higher Education Council approved the conditions to establish the private higher educational institutions. The focus is to establish top level universities. The colleges with limited capacities are not supported as they require strong financial support and result in weak competition. Expansion of private higher education institutions must be reduced.

2. Do they have any specific forms?


3. How to get approval?

On completion of needed documents, a report is submitted to the Minister of Higher Education, who can raise his comments. The incorporators will inform the decision about higher education from the Council.

Facilities To Establish These Establishment

The Omani government will grant the land to establish an institution of higher education. These institutions are exempted from taxes and fees. Private universities get awarded with 50% capital, and not exceeding three million Omani riyals. Investors are guided to process the request. They are provided with regulations, conditions and required forms.