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  • Oman

Process of Company Setup in Oman


Oman foreign investors always incorporate a Limited Liability Company (LLC). Here are the procedures for company registration in Oman that incorporate an LLC. Their procedure can be followed by the applicant’s company registration process in Oman.

Activities Carried Out In Businesses

Applicants can choose activities that are carried out by LLC. If insurance and banking activities have to be carried out, the applicant can take the consent of the Ministry of Commerce and Investment.

Company Registration

Applicants must apply at the Ministry of Commerce and Investment if registering the company for a trade license. Their permits can be secured by the applicant.

Document Submission

It takes time for the Ministry of Commerce and Investment to get back to applicants. At this time, the applicant can check whether their documentation of Oman’s company registration is in order. Essential documents must have the memorandum of association along with articles of association for the company.

Name Reservation

Applicants can choose a suitable name for LLC. The name can reflect the objectives and goals of the business. It is provided in Arabic and has a legal meaning for it.

Incorporation Certificate

Above mentioned steps can be carried out to receive a certificate of incorporation.

Documents required are:

  • Articles of Association
  • Memorandum of Association
  • Certificate of Tax Registration
  • Shareholders Visas and Information
  • Initial Deposit of Certificate
  • Shareholder’s Identity Card
  • Company Registration Form Filed
  • Certificate of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Affiliation

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