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Opening a Branch office in Oman


Opening up a Branch office in Oman: As a country, the Sultanate of Oman is advancing vigorously into a great business hub spreaded its shadows in a large commercial spectrum. This Omani government leads the Sultanate by its concentration towards industrialism, diversity and privatization with the concept of Vision 2020 for creating better opportunities in employability sectors to take up the arms of young Omanis. Thus establishment of a company in this sultanate became easier than early process because it lets international investors and other business owners to operate their firm in several ways. Investors all over the world are benefitting from the Vision 2020 to widen their company.

Although there are many methods, an investor can enter into the market of Oman. One such good door is establishing a branch office. The foreign company’s branch office set foot into a contract with quasi government or the government entity sanctions to operate as a branch in Oman.

Go through this article to understand what exactly a branch office is about.

Know what a Branch office is !

You may know what a branch office is. A company’s office located in some other place from the main office location is known as Branch office. It is simply an outlet of a company except the headquartered company. When a business needs to spread its out stretch to other location sticked to its main root company, your option is to set up an extended office called Branch.

An introduction of opening a Branch office in the Sultanate of Oman.

A branch office activity is equal to the headquarters activity. There is no permission to do any activity without approval from the main office.

It lives in Oman upto a contract period of time tied up with the government of Oman or a Quasi government entity. Once the contract duration completes, the validity of this registration also completes. Branch office has to register with the Ministry of Commerce – Oman.

Needed documents to open a Branch office

  • Incorporation certificate from the main office to branch incorporating country.
  • Memorandum of Association Certificate.
  • Establishment of company certificate.
  • Main office authority to the branch stating its responsibility of whatever happens to its branch office.
  • ID copies of proposed manager or managing authorized signatories.
  • Agreement copy signed for entering into Omani government that mentions the date of starting and expiring.

Registration process of branch office

  • Your branch has to be registered with the Omani government entity.
  • Submit your request to the investor Service Department.
  • Draft and submit Memorandum of Association along with all the supporting documents.
  • It generates an application number to note it down.
  • Once you get approved, collect your certificate and pay the required fee.
  • License will be issued from the Ministry of Commerce.
  • Get required permissions from Municipality, Oman police department, Manpower and Industrial ministry.

An entry to a new location made easy, no base capital requirements, headquarter based responsibilities and less managerial burden are some important benefits an investor can get due to entering into the great Omani commercial hub.

Blackswan can help you in Business Setup Services in Oman.

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