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Minimum Salary Needed to Sponsor your Parents in UAE

Minimum Salary Needed

What is the requirement to sponsor parents in the UAE? When we don’t meet the salary requirements, how to request on humanitarian grounds, as my parents live alone in India?

When residing in the emirate of Dubai, the individual earns a monthly salary of Dh 20,000 to sponsor his parents in the United Arab Emirates accompanied with a two-bedroom apartment.

When your salary is Dh 20,000, you can sponsor the visa for your parents and get one from the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (the GDRFA). You or your wife must individually earn a monthly salary of Dh 20,000. The combined salary is not considered.

When your monthly salary is less than Dh 20,000 and no one takes care of your parents in the home country, you can apply to the GDRFA to sponsor your parents in the UAE. You have to provide evidence and documents confirming you are the sole bread-winner for your parents and they are dependent on you.