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How to Setup Branch Office in Oman

How to Setup Branch Office in Oman

The Sultanate of Oman is developing business hubs and they embrace the corporate structures. It’s easy to establish the company in Oman, since it has business owners and international investors to operate the business.

One kind of option is to establish a branch office. Here you can understand the process to initiate the branch office in Oman.

Branch Office

Branch means the division or extension of a core platform that has the same roots.

If a business entity likes to expand their reach to another location, they take a step to establish the extension. This kind of business extension has small divisions focusing on human resource, marketing and accounting, that is known to be a branch office.

Ways to Open the Branch Office in Oman

Lifetime of the branch office at Oman deals with the contractual period of the Omani government entity or can be through a quasi-government entity.

If the contract reaches the completion stage, commercial registration goes to the end.

Establishing these corporate entities don’t need the minimum capital requirements.

The administrative set-up is easier if compared with the mother company.

Documents Needed for Opening a Branch Office in Oman

  • Application form to register the Branch Office
  • Memorandum & Articles Of Association Certificates
  • Company Establishment Certificate
  • Authorization letter to the Branch Manager
  • ID copies with authorized signatories
  • Authenticated letter from main office
  • Agreement’s signed copy with the Omani government (date of commence, expiry and number of contracts).

Process for Opening a Branch Office in Oman

Submit A Request

The initial step for the request has to get submitted at the Investors Services Department saying that the branch office must be incorporated.

Signing The Application Form

Supporting documents have to be submitted with the duly signed application.

Collect The Application Number

Computerized system generates the application number along with the submission date to forward it to the applicant through the contact details and registered mail.

Check The Application Status

You have to acknowledge the status if the application is rejected or approved or it needs additional information.

Collection of Fee Payment And Certificate

The investor has to pay an amount for collecting the Certificate and registered papers that are needed by the Commercial Registration Office.

Benefits To Set Up The Branch Office In Oman

  • No minimum capital required
  • Branched completely owned by a parent company
  • Liabilities borne for the parent company
  • Less Administrative burdens
  • Gateway to new location
  • Dealing with Omani Government and enhances the goodwill

Tags: Company Formation in Oman, Business Setup Service in Oman, Oman Mainland Company Formation, Company Registration in Oman, Oman Special Economic Zone of Duqm, Oman Free Zone Company Formation