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How to Setup a Business & Register a Company In Dubai Mainland

How to Setup a Business & Register a Company In Dubai Mainland

Setting up a business in Dubai’s mainland has been the most profitable opportunity for the foreign investors to turn their entrepreneurial ideas into reality. This can be the preferred destination for investors for registering their business and to sell in the United Arab Emirates market.

Various reasons are behind the popularity of companies in Dubai’s mainland. It includes the liberation to conduct business operations anywhere in UAE and Dubai. You must follow the standard procedures of mainland business setup in Dubai.

Dubai Mainland License

The mainland business setup of Dubai is called the onshore process of establishing the business. This can give you the chance to run your business at the center of Dubai.

You can do business with UAE customers and their world seamlessly. Apply for a license to set up a business in the mainland. Procedures are simple and are quickly done online.

Mainland’s commercial activities can be governed by the Department of Economic Development (authority responsible to issue the license). The process of Dubai’s mainland business setup can be made easy with foreign investors, and the government has a mandatory provision that partners with a local sponsor.

The local sponsor has a shareholder that accounts for 51% of company shares and allows you conduct hassle-free business operations with local and government businesses of UAE. But the local sponsor may not be necessarily involved in taking part in decision-making of the company and use the exchange for the fixed annual fee.

Kinds Of License For The Mainland Business Set Up In Dubai

Based on your niche, there are various mainland business licenses available. Main types of permits for the mainland business setup of Dubai are:

This license has a plethora of service activities. For instance, you get a professional license to offer medical and counseling services.

This license is composed of an extensive range of trading activities. For instance, if you sell the physical products offline or online, you require this license.

If you’d set up an industrial or manufacturing business in Dubai mainland, you have to apply for this kind of license.

Legal Structures For Dubai’s Mainland Business Set Up

Different legal structures are permitted to set up a mainland business in Dubai. Your choice of legal framework can depend as per your needs besides your budget or industry.

  • Branch
  • Sole Establishment
  • Limited Liability Company
  • Civil Company
  • Representative Office
  • Subsidiary

Advantages Of Mainland Business Setup in Dubai

If you’re having thoughts of setting up a business in the mainland, you get a lot of opportunities. Five core benefits for setting up a mainland business in Dubai are:

  • Exemption Of Taxes

Dubai’s mainland business set up allows you to benefit from a complete corporate tax exemption. Plus, the 100% repatriation of profits and capitals if you register the trade name in the mainland.

  • Operation Flexibility

Conducts business activities across UAE with the mainland business set up in Dubai. The business incorporation process is simple and needs only a week for completion.

  • Vast Business Activities

It has multiple legal frameworks and license flexibility across the niches of businesses that are easy to set up a business in Dubai. It can be a salon, tourism, eCommerce or real estate, Dubai has a welcoming approach for everyone. But you need to get permission from the UAE government.

  • Bidding On Government Projects

The advantages of mainland business set up in the UAE grants the permission to bid government projects. So, it’s advised to partner along with a local sponsor who is the government official to leverage contacts and upgrade your business to greater heights.

  • Legal Procedures

No need to wait or check with the concerned department to get your business license. The mainland business set up gives hassle-free and fast licensing procedures.

Process Of The Mainland Business Set Up In Dubai

Here are the step by step procedure to set up the Dubai’s mainland business:

  • Business Activity

A business activity must be decided to pursue in Dubai’s mainland.

  • Company Structure

As per the business activities needs, you have to select the company structure for the Dubai’s mainland business set up.

  • Approval Of Trading Names

A trading name must resonate with your business and target customers. Ignore the use of offensive terms. You can submit the company’s document for registration.

  • Business License

The license must be applied for an initial approval for the Dubai’s mainland set up at DED.

  • Get Approvals

Apply for the special approvals of business activities. If your Local Service Agent and other documents get finalized, your business license is approved.

Apply for the business visa to stay in Dubai. You have to present your documents based on the UAEs mainland business.