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How to Register a Company in RAK

How to Register a Company in RAK

Ras Al Khaimah: Middle east’s the most happening, confidential and secure offshore destination. Ras Al Khaimah, shortly as RAK is located at UAE’s northern part which shares its mountain borders with Omani Sultanate. A preferred business destination for its fast emerging nature and is hardly 45 minutes apart from Dubai.

Is setting up a business right away in this destination your dream?

Of course, RAK owns hassle free administrative setups. The configuration of Ras Al Khaimah is relaxed and made as easy going, all we have to take it properly is some legal and report checklist procedures. So, here is your answer for

How to form a company in Ras Al Khaimah

Decide your Business Kind

Choose the type of business activity of your plan. Keep your operation under business or technical or industry. Public related, manufacture, retail outlets, production comes under business kinds. Administration, accounts, consultations and rest business services fall in the roof of technical. Industrial types include produce – store – package of products.

Clear picture of your business legal shape

The succeeding pass of your business setup is to decide on a corporate agency and pick up a kind of business based on the actual operation. The need balancing the legal actions is controlling the company’s existence.

Clinch the location

The RAK free zone, RAK offshore and RAK mainland are the main jurisdictions.

These free zones are hassle free, business friendly operation, cost effective ambience which draw foreign nationalities to set up their company here.

The RAK offshore is entrenched to regulate the thriving demand of the offshore market. Thus helping the admin operations in scaling up income sources for the high growth in their economy.

The RAK mainland must possess a local sponsorship. Major shares will be held by that local sponsor and it reaches in enormous places.

Company Name Registration

Following the confirmation of trade location, the very next level process is choosing the business with the most appropriate name. Present your chosen venture name to the department of Economic Development.

Get the initial approval

Prior to getting a certificate on a company name, the venture capitalist must receive one initial approval. This initial start props up the capitalist to open the procedures on business license issues and contacting concerned authority. Carry out your entire process after getting a license in hand for a safer go.

Click and Present

Following the first level approval, check whether the legal matters and proposed criteria are met or not. If met, you can take this to the right authorities. Separate activities need different ministries. For example, few actions require permission from the Economic development department. The list of documents needed is,

  • Tenancy contract Certificate copy
  • Copies of Visa, Passport and no protest letter
  • Map of location and ownership certificate
  • Legal agreements
  • Signboard and kind of license agreement
  • Economic development ministry’s permission certificate
  • All government approval check through
  • Notary public’s relationship contract
  • Professional assessment done
  • Trade name confirmation certificate

Register your Company Today!