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How to get Professional License in Dubai- UAE

How to get Professional License in Dubai- UAE

Different types of licenses are provided for various businesses in Dubai by the Department of Economic Development (DED). For example, one would need an industrial license for manufacturing activities, a commercial license for trading activities, and a professional license for professional activities. This article is going to concentrate on all things regarding DED professional license in Dubai.

DED Professional License – What is it?

A DED Professional License is issued to businesses that need to engage in service-oriented activities. This license is also given to skilled individuals with professional degrees who have experience in a specific profession.

You will be interested on: Professional License in Dubai

Many entrepreneurs get confused between professional and commercial licenses as some business activities may be considered for professional and commercial licenses in Dubai. It is better to consult a business setup expert before applying for a trade license.

Who needs a DED Professional License?

Most business and commercial activities require a trade license in Dubai. The DED (Department of Economic Development) has a designed administrative system that is divided into different sectors to provide better regulatory and constructive facilities. The critical aspect is to select the right trading license for your company set up in Dubai.

An individual or company with trained skills is named professional, and the companies requiring a DED professional license includes the following:

  • Accountants, Financial advisors, and auditors
  • Architectural Consultants
  • Advertising professionals
  • Business Consultants
  • Entertainment Artists
  • Teachers and Educational Professionals
  • Lawyers and Legal Advisors
  • Technical Services
  • Medical representatives
  • Carpentry and Artisanal activities
  • Consultancies
  • Printing and Publishing
  • Internet and Web Design Services
  • Management Consultancies
  • Beauty Salons
  • Accounting and Auditing Companies
  • Healthcare and Medical Services
  • Information Technology Services

DED Professional License – How to get one?


In order to obtain a DED professional License in Dubai, the primary step involves paperwork. It is advisable to gather the right documents and have them ready beforehand. The nature of the business determines the kind of paperwork involved.

List of commonly required documents to apply for a professional license in Dubai are,

  • Application form
  • Passport copy(s) of the expatriate business owner(s)
  • Passport and Emirates ID copies of the local partner
  • NOC from the expatriate business owner’s sponsor
  • Additional approvals listed by the DED
  • Approvals from the Municipality and Roads Transport Authority (RTA) (if applicable)
DED (Department of Economic Development)

The DED issues the professional licenses in Dubai, and hence dealing on a regular basis is necessary. Even though it is easy to get a professional license in Dubai, the proper protocol needs to be followed. DED charges a fee, and under the circumstances, you will have to make a security deposit. Also, one will have to submit the BR1 form, tenancy contract, name registration certificate, and EJARI registration certificate to the DED. A much easier and more efficient option is to seek the help of professionals or a business set up the company. Seeking assistance speeds up the work and proves to be more cost-effective.

Is it possible for a professional company to have 100% ownership?

DED professional licenses allow 100% ownership of your business, while for companies with trade licenses, it is mandatory to partner with a UAE national. UAE law allows the UAE national to hold 51% of the business shares, while the foreign partner can save only 49%.

The positive side of the professional license is that you will have to make an agreement with a local service agent who gets paid an already agreed fee annually. The ownership is with you.

Companies with a professional license need a local agent for all government-related proceedings, and this is when we Blackswan Business Setup can help you. We can act as your local service agent, making an agreement that safeguards both your ownership and investment.

To know more about the security of your business and to operate autonomously, contact Blackswan Business Setup. You can also book your free business setup consultation today by calling us at +971-563-848-204 / +971-522447757. To know more about us, please visit our site https://bss.blackswanbss.com/ or email us at info@blackswanbss.com.

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