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How to get Logistics & Cargo License in Dubai

The UAE is the largest international logistics hub in the Middle East. It connects air, sea, and land routes from West to East, Europe to Africa, and Africa to Asia. Its infrastructure and logistics are very advanced and well-developed because the government has put a lot of money and support into the sector. So that you can make the most of this amazing chance, SORP makes the licencing process quick and easy and gives you full support for your logistics business in the UAE.

A very profitable logistics services and support business can be set up in the UAE by people from other countries. They will get the help they need from the government while not having to pay corporate or personal taxes. SORP experts will look into the logistics market services that you are interested in and make sure they are what you want. We will also help you set up your business and get the necessary permissions from the government.

Types of logistics business activities that can be licensed in the UAE

  • Freight broker
  • Customs broker
  • Warehouse storage
  • Leasing
  • Air cargo transportation
  • Sea cargo transportation
  • Land cargo transportation
  • Fleet management

UAE governmental authorities responsible for providing specific licenses for logistics business

  • Dubai Customs
  • Dubai Police
  • General Civil Aviation Authority
  • Maritime Authority
  • Roads and Transport Authority
  • Food Control Department
  • Ministry of Climate Change
  • Civil Defence

What is a logistics Licence in Dubai?

In Dubai, a logistics licence is just a permit that lets you run a legal logistics business from the emirate. This licence is for a wide range of logistics businesses, such as freight and customs brokers, warehousing companies, logistics planning firms, companies that move cargo by sea and air, and many more.

If you’re not sure if your business needs a logistics licence in Dubai, our experts can help you figure it out.

Benefits of opening a logistics company in Dubai

As one of the most important shipping hubs in the world, this emirate is a great place to start a logistics business. Some of the most important benefits are:


Dubai is in a very important place on the map of the world. A lot of trade takes place on sea and air routes that go through Dubai. The emirate is a centre for trade between Asia, Africa, Europe, Australasia, and, to a lesser extent, the Americas.

Great tax benefits

If you start a logistics business in Dubai, you can take advantage of the very low corporate and income taxes in the emirate. Also, if you choose to run your business from a free zone, you might not have to pay any corporate tax or VAT at all.

World class infrastructure

Most people agree that Dubai’s sea ports and airports are some of the best in the world. Thanks to this great infrastructure, it will be easy and smooth for you to start trading.

A government that supports trade

The government of Dubai is pro-market and pro-business, and it works to make the emirate a fair and competitive place to start a logistics business.

Proximity to other logistics companies

In Dubai, there are a lot of logistics companies, and each one specialises in a different area. This means that there are a lot of possible business partners, suppliers, customers, and skilled workers near your logistics company. All of this makes it easier and more efficient to run your business than if it were in a place where the industry isn’t as well-developed.

Global trade agreements

Dubai and the United Arab Emirates as a whole have many trade agreements with countries all over the world. This means it will be easy for you to do business with people everywhere.

Steps to start a logistics company in Dubai

In 2022-23, here are the steps you will need to take to get your logistics licence in Dubai:

1. Choose a company name

First, you have to come up with a name for your business. The name of your business should reflect what it does best, and it should also follow the UAE’s rules for business names.

2. Choose between mainland or a free zone

You can run your business from the mainland of Dubai. This is a good choice if you plan to work directly with partners in the emirate.

3. Apply for a logistics licence

You must fill out an application form for your business and send it along with certain documents to the Department for Economic Development (on the mainland) or the free zone’s authorities. The whole thing can be done online, and it only takes a few hours.

4. Submit all required documents

When you apply for a logistics business licence, you must provide a number of documents. Creative Zone can help you through the process if you don’t know which documents are needed or what format they should be in:

  • An application form
  • A copy of your passport
  • If you are an expat and want to live on the Dubai mainland, a copy of
  • the passport of your local sponsor.
  • An Emirates ID copy
  • Your memorandum of association
5. Logistics licence will be issued

Most of the time, the logistics licence will be given to you in just a few days, at which point you can start your business.

6. Start processing visas

Many people who own logistics businesses hire foreign workers. If this is part of your business plan, all of your foreign employees will also need to apply for visas. At Creative Zone, we can help you figure out how to get visas for your employees.


    Tags : Professional License Dubai, Business Incorporation Dubai, Business Setup Dubai, Company Formation Dubai, Company Registration Dubai, Dubai Freezone Company Formation, Dubai Mainland Company Formation, Real Estate Business / Company Registration Process, Start / Setup / Open a Licensed Play School, UAE Short and Long-Term Residency