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How to get Foodstuff Trading License in Dubai

Numerous businesses, commercial hubs, financial institutions, business centers, and other offices are located in Dubai. Consequently, the city’s population will increase. The city’s large concentration of immigrants and workers creates countless opportunities for the food industry. After realizing this, you will discover that many businesses, including global powerhouses, are engaged in the trading of foods.

To establish a business firm focusing on the subject business and start operations, you must make an application to the Dubai Economic Department (DED) and procure a foodstuff trading license in Dubai. Analysis shows that the potential of the food industry has not yet been fully realized. It also has areas where investors can make massive profits by selling high-quality food ingredients and food products.

Expats have been drawn to establish food trading businesses in Dubai due to the massive growth potential still present in this industry. If you have excellent food products or ideas to deliver in accordance with the client’s needs, you don’t need to burden your mind with strategy-thinking. Your food trading business in Dubai will take off quickly with a little encouragement. Additionally, the knowledgeable Black Swan team will help you establish, launch, and plan business operations in Dubai and other UAE regions.


What paperwork must be included with an application for food trading in Dubai?

The following paperwork must be submitted to the DED to obtain a food trading license in Dubai:

  • Passport copies for every company stakeholder.
  • A copy of the shareholder’s visa page, showing whether they are in the country on a visitor’s visa or a resident visa.
  • A copy of their Emirates ID for any residents planning to start a food trading business.
  • If the individual has a resident visa, they must submit a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from their present sponsor.
  • Any additional documents that the authority may have recommended.

In Dubai, I want to open a small foodstuff outlet. Does that require a license for trading in food?

Yes, a food trading license is required for any business dealing with food or food-related items. To make sure the businesses are adhering to the food safety regulations, this has been made mandatory.

How much will a Dubai food trading license cost you at least?

It will cost between 10,000 and 12,000 AED. The fees, though, might vary over time.

What part does the Dubai Municipality play in granting a license for selling food in Dubai?

The organization with the authority to approve the trading of foodstuffs in Dubai is the Dubai Municipality (DM). For the purpose of regulating and controlling trading, it has established rules, regulations, and policies. The rules are occasionally changed to reflect changes in the environment. The DM does not, however, grant a permit for the sale of food. For the organizations that apply, the department of food and safety has the authority to grant a license.

With the food trading license, can I trade fruits?

You can, indeed. Fruits and vegetables can also be traded by organizations that have a license to trade in food. Fruits and vegetables can be very profitable due to their large market.
Blackswan can help you with a Food Trading Licence in Dubai. Call us and speak to our experts or request a free quote now