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How to get E-Trader or Online Trading License in Dubai ?

How to get E-Trader or Online Trading License in Dubai ?

The E-trader license is for entrepreneurs or home-based individuals who sell services and products through social media platforms like Instagram. E-trader license was introduced by the Department of Economic Development (DED) to regulate the sales of online commodities sold through social media websites. The regulation curbs the sales of fake commodities and goods over social media.

Licensing acts as a confidence booster for buyers or customers who engage in online purchase through various social media platforms. To obtain an e-trader license in Dubai, you have to engage in offering services or products for sale on social platforms.

You will be interested on Trading License in Dubai

When you plan to work from home on social media platforms, the e-trader license in Dubai is the solution to flourish your business. The Dubai e-trader license makes you do online business only in Dubai, to sell your services or products to other Emirates, you must get separate approval from the DED authorities.

The Benefits of E-trader license in Dubai

Obtaining an e-trader license in Dubai, gives benefits for individuals to promote products and services or legally sell through various social media channels like Facebook, Instagram or on a personal website. An e-trader license in Dubai provides other benefits like:

  • The E- trader licensing promotes trouble-free online sales and gives customer confidence.
  • Licensing brings authenticity to online trading and E-commerce.
  • While the E-trader license makes the individual the legal authority to sell or market a product through various online platforms such as websites and other social media platforms.
  • The home-based business entrepreneurs have a wonderful opportunity to take part in exhibitions, events and showcase their commodities and products.
  • The license holder could sell their product through various E-commerce websites like amazon. ae
  • The license holders could benefit by participating in the E-trader training program organized by the DED.
  • The license safeguards trade name and Intellectual property.

Documents needed for E-Trading License in Dubai and their estimated cost

Attach documents proving your age, residency detail and place of address to DED for obtaining the E-trading license in UAE and Dubai. You can open a shop with the license. The license promotes the business operating from residences. When you think of setting up a company in Dubai, the license, procedure and eligibility criteria are different.

Documents needed for the e-trading license in Dubai are:

  • Should be located in Dubai and have a valid Emirates ID.
  • The Minimum applicable age must be 21.
  • Must register the trade name with the authorities and the approval should be attached with the application.
  • Must have proof of residence (Makani number). While the Ejari is not necessary.

The UAE e-trader license can be issued within 5 business days. The payment must be made to the authority within 24 hours of issuance of the payment voucher. The Dubai Chamber of Commerce membership needs to commence commercial business activities. The license must be renewed annually, before one month of the due date.

The E-trader license seems to be Emirate-specific. It depicts that the E- trader license issued in Dubai may not be used to trade in other Emirates. When you plan to sell a product to other Emirates, you have to seek separate approval from concerned DEDs. And you need to acquire another E- trader license for this.

The GCC and UAE nationals could engage in commercial and professional trading through social media accounts. It means they are allowed to sell physical goods and commodities along with services through social media platforms. There are few restrictions for expat entrepreneurs in connection with online sales. The Expat entrepreneurs cannot engage in commercial trading but they could offer professional services.

Eligibility for license issuance and the type of trading activity depends on the nationality of the expat entrepreneur. The information reveals during the license registration.

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