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How to Get a General Trading License in Dubai

How to Get a General Trading License in Dubai

Are you surfing over the internet to get a trade license in Dubai? You’ve come to the right place. We’ll guide you with the procedure to get a general trading license in Dubai.

Dubai is the important trading hub of the Arab region. Dubai’s strategic location offers benefits over other European and Asian trading destinations.

Due to this benefit, the region has had significant growth in retail, logistics and trade in the past. The inexpensive energy, infrastructure facilities and the flawless communication systems present Dubai. It is the preferred trading destination of international businesses and traders. The well-equipped airport and seaport facilities having impeccable cargo-handling capabilities make Dubai the international cargo hub.

Obtain Your Trading License In Dubai

Businesses that wish to conduct trading of goods and commodities must acquire a general trading license in the United Arab Emirates.

Here you’ll find the complete steps to get a general trading license in Dubai.

Businesses require the general trading license who likes to engage in more trading activities. It means the activities can belong to different industries. Many activities require the single general trading license to operate in the United Arab Emirates. Some activities are toy trade or furniture, trading of jewelry, electronic items, spare parts, exports and imports as well. Wholesale trading companies need a valid General Trading license to operate in the UAE. Some restrictions are suitable in trading products like beverages and tobacco. For trading these restricted products, businesses must get an external approval from its competent authority.

You must set up a trading company in the UAE’s free zone or mainland. The drawbacks and benefits vary with the jurisdiction. So, the investor must determine the jurisdiction from which they have to apply for a trade license.

Documents Needed For Issuance Of General Trading License

  • Business Managers’ signature in the application.
  • Attested copy of business name approved from the DED.
  • MOA.
  • Copy of partner’s passport.

Instructions To Get A General Trading License In Dubai

Instructions are given in a brief manner.

  • Determine the suitable trade name for your trading.
  • Assign a legal form.
  • Business activities are finalized that are to be listed in the license.
  • Get the initial approval.
  • Duly fill the application and submit.
  • Restricted activities need external approvals.
  • If trading activity requires additional approval, get them.
  • Submit all the required documents.
  • Find a location that is apt for your trading.
  • Prepare and attest the tenancy agreement.
  • File the Final License form at DED.
  • Pay the license fee.

Validity & Renewal Of General Trading License

Validity for the General Trading License is for 1 year. You must renew the license if it expires. For renewal, you must submit the expired license with proof to get approval from DED. The validity for renewed license is 5 years.

General Trading License Cost (Dubai)

The license cost around AED 40,000.

Benefits On Getting A General Trading License (UAE)

  • Exempted from tax- the license owner is exempted from tax.
  • Repatriation benefits- the business has complete reports assets and profits.
  • Uncomplicated formalities- the license issuance formalities are direct and easy. It is accomplished within 10 days.
  • Multiple visa benefits- the license grants multiple visas for the workers or staff of the license holder. Employee visa issued depends on the area of the office space. More the area, the more the number of visas issued.
  • Exempted from annual auditing- the license holder is not required to submit the annual auditing report.
  • Enhanced possibilities of trading- traders like to exploit their market to the fullest. The license holder can conduct a national, local and worldwide trade to get a General Trading license in United Arab Emirates.
  • Sponsoring visas- Visa sponsorship is available for the dependants of a license holder.

To acquire the general trading license in UAE or Dubai, it offers a lucrative opportunity for investors and traders. It provides the reliable platform to get more revenue in business expansion.

We at Black Swan perform all procedures to get a license and related business setup in UAE and Dubai. Get in touch with us for the best plans and packages.

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