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How to Setup Fragrances & Perfumes Business in Dubai – UAE

Dubai wants everything to be fancy, from hotels and conference centres to food, clothes, and perfume.

This is such a big business in the UAE that the market is thought to be worth almost $1 billion. The easiest way to get into this big and growing business is to open a perfume shop in one of Dubai’s famous malls or shopping districts. Black Swan is there to help.

In this article, we’ll talk about:

  • A general look at the perfume business in Dubai, UAE
  • How to open a perfume shop in Dubai, UAE
  • Cost of opening a perfume shop in Dubai
  • Documents needed to open a perfume shop in Dubai
  • How to grow a perfume business in Dubai What Black Swan can do for you

Perfume / Fragrances industry in Dubai, UAE

Last year, the fragrance market in the UAE was worth just over $910 million. Between now and 2030, it is expected to grow by 6.6%.

A lot of this market value comes from online and in-person retail sales. Men and women in Dubai are proud of how they look and are willing to pay more for the right scent.

Once thought of as a luxury, high-quality perfumes and personal care products are now seen by many as a daily must-have. This is a big chance for businesses that sell fragrances in this area. If you can bring a new product to market or compete on price and service, you are likely to find a large market that is open to you.

Steps to open a perfume / Fragrances shop in Dubai, UAE

Before you start the process of applying for a perfume shop licence in Dubai, you should always talk to an expert. After a short meeting, the Black Swan team will walk you through the whole process and talk to all the right people on your behalf.

We’ll do the following four-step process together.

Step 1: Registering the name of your business

Choosing a company name is the most important first step when starting a business in Dubai. When you do this, you’ll need to make sure you follow a few common rules. But don’t worry, most of them are pretty obvious.

Basically, you should try to stay away from words that could be offensive or blasphemous. You should also make sure that the name you choose is not the same as that of another business or organisation.

Lastly, your business name must be unique and able to be registered. Because of this, it’s always a good idea to offer more than one choice, just in case your first choice is already taken.

Once you’ve decided, we’ll submit and register your trade name on your behalf.

Step 2: Get a licence to run a business

The next step is to get a licence for your perfume shop. This process will be a little different if you want to set up your business on the mainland or in a UAE free zone. The people who work at Black Swan can help you figure out which option is best for your business.

If you choose the mainland, you send your application to the Department of Economic Development in Dubai. If you want to do business from a free zone, you will need to apply directly to the authority in charge of that zone.

No matter which option you choose, your Black Swan contact will handle the process on your behalf to make sure your application goes quickly and smoothly.

Step 3: Finish the visa paperwork

To work and live in the UAE, you need a trade licence and a residency visa. This process is a little more complicated than applying for a business license, but Black Swan is there to make things easy.

You will need to fill out an application and go through a medical and fitness test. There will be a blood test and an X-ray of the chest.

Once you have your UAE trade license, you can help other people get theirs by sponsoring their applications. This could be your spouse, children who depend on you, or even a maid or driver who helps you around the house.

Step 4: Open a bank account

Open a corporate bank account. This is the last thing you need to do before you can trade in the UAE. This process isn’t always quick and easy for people who aren’t from the GCC, but the staff at Black Swan can help make it easier.

After we talk about your specific banking needs, we can suggest the financial institution that will best meet them.

Cost of opening a perfume shop in Dubai

In Dubai, getting a licence to open a perfume shop costs at least AED 13,500. But there are also a number of other costs to think about.

You will also need to think about visas and any other permits you might need to trade. There are also costs for staff and the office to think about.

Get in touch with the team at Black Swan to get a full and personalized breakup of how much it will cost to open a perfume shop or a perfume wholesale import/export business in Dubai.

Documents required to open a perfume shop in Dubai

When you fill out your application form for a perfume shop licence in Dubai, you will also need to send in the following documents.

  • Company registration certificate
  • Lab test results for all perfumes you want to sell
  • Analysis report for all perfumes you want to sell
  • Certificate of free sales

How Black Swan can help

Black Swan Business Setup is one of the biggest and most trusted companies in the area that helps people start businesses. And if you work with us to start your business, you can use our international experience and knowledge.

Our team of people with many skills has helped tens of thousands of business owners make their dreams come true. We are your one-stop shop for everything you need to set up a business in Dubai.

We can help you with everything from licenses, permits, and visas to a wide range of other business services to help your business grow quickly before it even starts. We also want to help you keep costs low, so we offer flexible payment plans and custom packages.

Need more information? Contact us today to take the first step toward starting your perfume business in Dubai.


    Tags : Professional License Dubai, Business Incorporation Dubai, Business Setup Dubai, Company Formation Dubai, Company Registration Dubai, Dubai Freezone Company Formation, Dubai Mainland Company Formation, Real Estate Business / Company Registration Process, Start / Setup / Open a Licensed Play School, UAE Short and Long-Term Residency