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General Maintenance License in Ajman

General Maintenance License in Ajman


General Maintenance License in Ajman

General Maintenance License in Ajman: Among the 7 UAE Emirates, Ajman is considered to be a small one, located on the north-eastern part of Dubai on the Arabian Gulf. Since this emirate boasts of having excellent road connectivity, people can easily access from any part of the UAE. Besides this, Ajman industrial area has been one of the main reasons for its financial growth in recent years due to its constant development. Ajman for quite some time has become an important hub for attracting investments. Hence, registration a company in Ajman has become integrally standardized. There have emerged different types of business in Ajman, service & trade area. One among them is stated to be General Maintenance License. Each day witnesses formation of administrations and organizations in Ajman.

License Type in Ajman

Given below are the license types that can be obtained in Ajman (Dubai)

Trading License

This license allows you to perform wide range of trading activities like import & export, buying, selling of different kinds of products in the UAE. However, with this license, you will be able to deal in any specific product category only.

General Trading License

It allows dealing with different types of products. There are however, few products which are banned in the UAE for trading purpose. Hence, with this license, such products cannot be traded, like food products which require additional approval, which means, you cannot deal in this product using this license.

Service License

It is issued to those eager to provide services like accountancy, consultancy, etc.

Industrial License

With this license, companies are authorized to perform various types of services including manufacturing, processing and processing.

How to obtain General Maintenance License to operate in Ajman?

If the desire is to open up General Maintenance license in Ajman, you will definitely require obtaining valid license for the same. The maintenance field does have diverse range of activities to provide.

You can perform regular maintenance duties, undertake repairs, keep buildings in perfect conditions, etc. Those in maintenance business do take crucial decisions pertaining to the need for replacement for equipments and structures.

The maintenance staffs can work all over the state, but will also require mandatory general maintenance license to perform assigned maintenance duties.

The exact procedure involved to obtain maintenance license tends to vary from one state to the other. However, the essential procedure is very much the same for almost all the states. This is also the same for Ajman maintenance license. The basic requirements to obtain maintenance license to operate in Ajman are given below:

Business Registration

The very first and a major consideration to make when trying to obtain license in Ajman is to your business registration. When opening any kind of business, in any of the state, it is mandatory to have a registered license to operate it. It is advisable to register the business name with a reputed and approved state agency. Registration might be essential according to the Licensing Department or Secretary of State.

Essential Training

To obtain maintenance license to operate in Ajman, there is necessary proper training. License is given to those having undergone some training in their chosen field. Hence, training is crucial. Before applying for maintenance license, there is a genuine need to have appropriate maintenance training. Although precise training requirements might vary from one state to the other, certification or some authorized recognition is to be obtained to display eligibility and excellence in the field to obtain general maintenance license, here in Ajman.


Valid insurance is to be possessed to showcase legal responsibilities to compensate for damages or harm caused to the customer’s property while carrying out maintenance duties. Liability insurance is mandatory as set by the states to ensure adequate compensation is received for repairs by the clients. The state’s business licensing unit can be contacted to understand the minimum insurance to acquire including the list of insurance providers who offer such policies in the concerned state or area.

Contact Agency for License

To obtain General Maintenance License to operate in Ajman, it is essential to contact the agency for deriving license application. There are several agencies that offer application forms to those who seek it on their official websites. Fill up the form with essential information comprising of your business name, your name, business structure type, DBA, address & location of specific business along with what kind of maintenance services are planned to be offered.

Application Form submission

This is the final step involved in setting of a general maintenance company. It involves submission of the properly filled up application form to be submitted to licensing unit to obtain maintenance license. You will have to include the following in the application form, like proof of training availed, proper evidence of having valid liability insurance along with the state applicable fee while submitting the application. Once the application is submitted, your application including all the documentations will be reviewed by the state. The review period takes about 30 days from the date of application submission. If everything is found in order, then you will be given the license for your business by the state.

What benefits are derived by obtaining Maintenance License to operate in Ajman?

In Ajman, overseas investment seems to be quite lucrative. Hence, new entrepreneurs and existing businessmen can be found to be attracted to this region for investment purpose.

Be it for a big or small maintenance license in Ajman, there are people who have been financing repeatedly in such businesses within the Emirates. The reason is because of the huge rewards that they can derive in the future.

Ajman according to investors is an amazing destination to park their money. Moreover, Ajman does boast of having excellent global relations, thus fostering smooth & good trade, across the globe.

Given below are the benefits that investors can derive through their investments in Ajman:

Can rent office just about anywhere

To avail this license type in Ajman, you are free to choose any location to set up your office in Ajman in the mainland area. The office location can be as per the company’s set strategy. Since it will be the place from where the business related activities are to be carried out, you need to carefully figure it out as to which can be the perfect place to set up your company

No currency limitation exists

When compared to other global main lands, the main land of UAE is not known to have any restrictions pertaining to currency within its territories.

No mandatory annual auditing or checking necessary

The company that is established in UAE’s mainland does not have to carry out annual audits, since it is not necessary.

Performs business with local market

It is on UAE’s mainland that local market is mostly located. This business type can be set up in mainland area to ensure deriving work related benefits from the local markets.

Zero Capital requirements

The charges are quite affordable and reasonable for Ajman based general maintenance license. With capital not mandatory, you can start a company in an affordable manner.

No limitations set on activities

In Ajman, being a stockholder or an investor does provide you with the liberty to determine any type of business to set up here. This is unlike that of other regions of the UAE, where restrictions are in place for few business activities.

No Visa limitations

For UAE maintenance license, no limitations are set on the visas. This has helped companies to grow and expand in size here. You can also apply many visas as desired. </span

Tax Free

Although, the start of 2018 saw imposition of VAT (value added tax) on companies, business tax or income tax is not mandatory on firms. This is indeed a fabulous sign for any type of company to set up its business in Ajman, as it is now declared tax free.


+971 56 219 3732 / +971 4240 6939


  • 100% foreign ownership
  • Tax benefits
  • Duty free
  • Low operational cost
  • Low freight charge
  • Abundant & inexpensive energy
  • Exemption from all import and export duties
  • Freedom to recruit expatriates
  • Freehold offices available on sale or lease
  • Readymade offices, factories & warehouses
  • Free transfer of funds
  • No foreign exchange control

Why Black Swan ?

  • Taking the trade name approval
  • Initial or security approval.
  • Preparing Memorandums.
  • Bank Account assistance.
  • License issuance.
  • All Visa's
  • Any external approvals if required.
  • Final Submission.
  • Court Notarization of memorandums
  • POA and other documents.
  • Space Rental
  • VAT Registration
  • Government Approvals