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eCommerce Business Scope in Dubai UAE

eCommerce-Business Scope in Dubai UAE

Considering the shift of most activities online, it would make sense that revenue-generating ventures also happen on the internet. That is where E-commerce comes in. E-commerce is practically your trading, but all markets are in your hand, locked in a bright, white screen.

Use of Technology

Dubai, in general, is a great place to conduct business because of its flexible investment capacities, infrastructure, and the holistic business environment. The scope of E-commerce is quite happening in Dubai. It is a fast way to grow your existing business by giving it a digital presence. One of the main reasons business aspirants should consider divulging into e-commerce is how dependent today’s generation is on the mobile phone. In this day and age, not having a mobile phone means being stuck. People in Dubai spend time on social media not only to socialize, but there has been a significant increase in the use of those platforms to do retail shopping.


The convenience and reach of the internet in hand-held devices at any time and anywhere is the maximum selling point. Acknowledging the fact that about one-third of Dubai’s population is comprised of millennials and GenZ, the generations that need everything done immediately and at their own whims and convenience, online shopping will only grow. With that in mind, all these e-commerce websites are even associated with cashless, online wallets that make the entire experience for people efficient and convenient.

Purchasing Power

Another important factor that contributes to the developing scope of e-commerce in Dubai is the purchasing power of the citizens. It being a developed city ensures people living there have the capacity to spend money and avail the benefits provided by an e-commerce business.

Government Intervention

Besides, the government has shown keen interest in developing an online culture and has been developing effective and efficient policies to help the proliferation of -commerce. In the UAE Vision 2021, developing e-commerce is of top priority. By approval of the Dubai E-commerce Strategy, the city has come to be the centre for the world’s conducive e-commerce. This lead to the government increasing the market share of Dubai-based e-commerce businesses, meaning reaping benefits becomes multifold.

How can Black Swan Help You !

As a business consulting firm Black Swan Business setup service can help you in setting up of eCommerce business in Dubai mainland or Free Zone with eCommerce licence and end to end support in PRO Service, Bank Account, Logistics, VAT Service, VISA Services, Office & Business Center, Secretarial Service, Warehouse, Accounting,  eCommerce Website Development, Digital Marketing, Book Keeping, Trademark Registration and more

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