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Dubai named Arab media capital for 2020

Dubai named Arab media capital for 2020

Dubai has been recognized to be the very first in the Arab world to emerge as a media power in the Gulf region. It has been given the title of ‘Arab Media Capital’ for 2020 last Wednesday by the Arab Information Council of Ministers. As per tweets of Dubai Media Office, it was at the 50th council meeting held in Cairo that the announcement has been made.

Dubai’s Crown Prince, Sheikh Hamdan Bin Md. Bin Rashid Al Maktoum had welcomed this decision and claimed Dubai to the latest evidence of growing role of Dubai and the UAE as hub for both international and Arab media.
Media outlets are just not created to be mere channels which disseminate information and cover events. Rather, it can be rightly termed to be a partner that helps to achieve development goals, to set direction as well as to drive impact. However, with this role comes great responsibility as stated by Sheikh Md. Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, His Highness, Ruler of Dubai and the Prime Minister and Vice President of the UAE.

About two decades ago, Dubai’s media strategy had been launched by His Highness to help it grow into a media hub by incorporating pioneering projects and initiatives. Today, Dubai claims to have currently become home to over 4,000 Arab, international and regional media organizations.
The decision of the Council also confirms UAE’s significant role to support international and Arab media including recognition of prominent media stature of Dubai.

According to the Cabinet Affairs and Future Minister, Md. Abdullah Al Gergawi, Dubai’s selection as Arab Media capital can be considered to be a tribute to the visionary thoughts of the Ruler of Dubai and Prime Minister and Vice President of the UAE, especially with the laying of the foundation two decades ago in the emirate for media hub.

Furthermore, Sheikh Md. had initiated the establishment of Dubai Internet City and Dubai Media City with the vision of these two sectors merging with each other in a couple of decades. This region can be termed to be at the very forefront of regional content creation having over 4,000 media companies.

The Emirati youth had been entrusted by His Highness to launch new media sector while extending support to all the media related projects. Thus, Dubai’s capability to come up with new sectors as well as lead towards implementing new ideas is what has converted it into a role model for several countries.

The selection is also termed to be UAE’s major achievement, with only more responsibility being placed upon the professionals to accelerate further the progress of the country. Media, as on date, is rather considered to be a tool to allow positive change and major engine inviting development. It also is termed to be a key driver of soft diplomacy pertaining to any country seeking to advance in its global status.

The NMC (National Media Council) Chairman and Minister of State, Sultan Ahmad Al Jaber took the opportunity to congratulate His Highness President Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, His Highness Sheikh Md. Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai and Prime Minister and Vice President of UAE including Abu Dhabi Crown Prince & UAE Armed Forces; Dy. Supreme Commander His Highness Sheikh Bin Zayed Al Nahyan on this special occasion.

The naming selection also coincided with Expo 2020 Dubai hosted by the UAE, based on the theme, “Connecting Minds and creating Future’ that is expected to be visited by over 30 million people. As affirmed by Sultan Al Jaber, they were keen enough to cooperate with radio stations spread across the Arab countries, the Arab League, Arab journalists, poetry and writers organizations along with GCC, Gulf Cooperation Council, TV & Joint Production Foundation.

The media sector has witnessed the UAE playing a vital role and it’s supporting of ambitious initiatives and media projects through its openness towards other societies and cultures including combating extremism and terrorism and promotion of values of tolerance and moderation.
Arab recognition according to Mona Ghanem Al Marri, Dubai Government Media Office Director General of Dubai as Arab Media’s Capital, very well reflects positive, clear imprint, which this emirate has managed to leave on Arab media arena.

It also highlights the success story achieved by the emirate in the last two decades, keeping in sync with His Highness directives, emphasizing at several meetings and occasions with media persons of media being a key partner to drive progress and development of the Arab world. Dubai does deserve this accolade as per Gulf News Editor-in-Chief Abdul Hamid Ahmad who is also the Executive Director Publications, since he feels that Dubai has managed to derive several achievements in the field of media and is the very first in this region to recognize media’s power and role and as to how media will be able to play a significant role to change people’s lives in Arab world.

The launch of Studio City, Dubai Internet City and Dubai Media City two decades back has helped attract media from across the globe and the Arab world. Shaikh Mohammad also encouraged and empowered the media world allowing them to carry out their tasks without any fear of repercussion. For instance, journalists were allowed to freely do their work and not get sentenced for working honestly. The bar with regards to media has been raised significantly by the government. Dubai Media Office representing the Dubai government finds the latter to be transparent and give out clear statements if something big is occurring in Dubai.

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