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Dubai Mainland Company Setup Process


Planing to setup your business in Dubai Mainland ? Listed below are step by step process involved in Dubai Mainland Company Setup

Business Activity

Creating a new business is a process. The process is highly stochastic and iterative. Here, entrepreneurs have robust business concepts. But the discovery in identifying opportunities and shaping them into business needs support as per the environment. And this support is provided by Black Swan Business Setup at UAE.

 Jurisdiction Choice

In Dubai, the business jurisdictions are separated zonally which helps to escalate the business especially in Mainland business setups, and ultimately benefits the free zone and offshore business establishments. The option of jurisdiction depends on the business activity and the nature of the choice of the business. Here also,Black Swan will assist your business to assess and recommend the best productive in relation to its cost and available in terms of jurisdictions.

Company’s Shareholding Structure Choice

The most common form of ownership in a company shares. There are many types of shareholdings that can be defined for a company each of which carries certain rights with respect to types to run business and selected jurisdiction. And can procure over the Dubai limited debt companies using different types of partnerships like a general partnership, partnership in commendams, public shareholding, private shareholding, joint venture, or shared partnership.

Tie in with a UAE National

An appropriate entry strategy is a must for every foreign investor seeking to do business in Dubai. Factors like the concerned sector, scale of operations, and costs and other commercial objectives varies depending on the entry strategy of the business. Broadly, foreign investors can set up a company in Dubai requires 51% of UAE partnerships in terms of LLC company or UAE agent in terms of free zone company. But by establishing a tie up in Black Swan Business setup on mutual terms, the aforesaid conditions can be relaxed. With the said establishment, there are benefits for the investor i.e. not only tying up with a trustworthy UAE business partner but also helps in drafting the contracts ensuring the safety of an investor.

Name & Activity Approval

In Dubai before starting the business, the Department of Economic Development (DED) needs to approve the name and type of the business. Here also interference of Black Swan Business set up will ease the said task in the simplest way to the investor.

External Approvals

It is imperative that approvals, certificates and documentation are given through non-governmental and semi-governmental bodies before initiating a business along with the external approvals from the Department of Economic Development (DED) to complete the process of registration of the companies and business trade license.

Rent Business Place

After completing all the necessary process for initiating a business in Dubai, a tenancy agreement needs to be submitted well in advance in DED. In this regard, Black Swan Business Setup will assist in fulfilling the needs as per the governmental requirements. Also, identify the best place to rent in Dubai, drafts the agreement, tenancy contract and attain required papers notarized.

Granting of Initial Approval of DED

For initiating a business in Dubai, the Department of Economic Development (DED) provides the inchoate approval to the business. In continuation of the inchoate approval, the necessary details like reservation certificate, passport copies of all partners/shareholders in the company and consents received from the external departments are to be submitted for completing the process to start the business activity. Without the inchoate approval, no business activity is allowed within the company.

Memorandum of Association

The memorandum of association of a company is a document that governs the relationship of a company prescribing the share of limitations and liberty every partner with the company, one of the most important documents needed for the incorporation of a company.

Company Registration & Business License Procedures

The Dubai company registration and business licensing is a side by side process. Once the company is registered by the Dubai Economic Department in Dubai (DED) or the Dubai free zone authority, the business license will be in operation aptly.

In continuation to the aforesaid, there are a number of documents that may require depending on the business shareholding structure and the activity of the business.

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