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Dubai Mainland Company Registration Process

Dubai Mainland Company Registration Process

The Dubai mainland business set up has huge opportunities for entrepreneurs. The regulatory authority to issue mainland licenses is the Department of Economic Development (DED) of the United Arab Emirates.

Mainland license

An offshore license is also known as the mainland license which allows people to run internationally and inside businesses of UAE without any limitations. UAE has the regulatory authority for issuing licenses by the Department of Economic Development (DED).

Based on the UAE company law, the mainland company set up in Dubai and the rest of UAE needs a local service agent or a local partner.

The Dubai mainland business setup would determine either you need a local service agent or a local sponsor.

51% of the company shares are maintained by the local sponsor and the remaining goes to the business owner. The control of business is retained by an exchange for a set annual fee.

The shareholding authority is not maintained by a local service agent, but they can act as the company representative in administrative dealings with the government departments.


  • Can rent commercial space in any area.
  • Would conduct a wide range of business activities.
  • Can trade internationally and anywhere in the UAE.
  • Easy to open a corporate bank account.
  • Can bid on government projects.
The license types of mainland company set up

The legal structures of a mainland company

  • The sole establishment
  • The civil company
  • Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • The Branch
  • The Representative office
  • The Subsidiary

The process of mainland company setup

Choose your business activity

We have a team of company formation specialists to choose business activity and the right jurisdiction to set up your mainland company. They advise you the suitable and most economical options.

Plan your company structure

You can either choose an LLC or a sole establishment for your business activity. An LLC would have 51% owned by a local sponsor and a sole establishment would allow 100% shareholding.

Get approval of the trade name

Our team of experts secure the company name availability and registration on the decisive zone. We would advise you for suitable alternatives, when the company name is unavailable.

Get an initial license approval

The company formation specialist of Dubai will complete your license application process quicker and hassle-free.

If required get an external approval
Get your license issued

Your relationship manager can process your visas as well your employees by processing the labour file and an establishment card.

Open your company’s bank account

Our expansive network of banking experts would assist you to open a corporate bank account in the decisive zone.

Get an establishment card

After obtaining an establishment card, the owner can apply for visas.

Processing of visa

Our visa specialist team would guide you with visa related queries.

The Labour file

The labour file is needed to hire the employees.

The exceptions of mainland company setup

When you are a non-gulf cooperation council national looking to set up a mainland commercial business or industrial license in the UAE, you have to partner with a local sponsor. If you set up a professional services license, a local service agent is enough.

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