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  • Dubai
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Dubai: Great Platform for Women Entrepreneurs

Women make for a significant proportion of university graduates and the workforce of Dubai. Regardless of whether the women are Emirati or ex-pat, they are driven, have creative ideas and are willing to persevere through any circumstances to rise in the world of business. Dubai, as a whole, has an extremely entrepreneurial environment and encourages business ventures. That paves way for multiple business opportunities that women entrepreneurs want to make their way into the business market.

Aid from the Government

The UAE government has set in place many sustainable development goals. On its agenda, it is wording towards becoming one of the top 25 countries in the world for gender equality by 2021. There are many support programmes in place that initiate and encourage with the help of associations, councils and other entities for the Emirati women entrepreneurs and expat. The UAE Women‘s Organizations, Emirates Business Women Councils, and various other entities are constantly formulating policies to help promote women entrepreneurship.

Financial Aspects

From a survey by International Finance Corporation (IFC), it can be gathered that the financial aspects refrain from trusting women entrepreneurs and thus, women have to use their own personal money and savings to set up. To mitigate that, the Dubai Business Women Council (DBWC) provides guidance, technical support, advice, and even funding if the women entrepreneurs present creative and potential ideas and translate them into productive projects.

Balancing Work and Home Life

Many women have to balance their responsibilities at home and at work. It can be quite taxing to do that, and even more so when the women are at a leadership role and have to control and oversee all activity. Women are given special leeways and options to up skill themselves at home during cases of post-childbirth etc. The online platforms sources flexible and non-flexible roles and has an online platform through which women are offered training and skills sessions.

Workshops and Seminars

Throughout Dubai, there are several entities that focus solely on empowering women and have advisory programmes that enable women-led SMEs by providing guidance on practical business skills and confidence building. These sessions serve as motivation and inspiration for aspiring female entrepreneurs to follow their lead.

When the government is ready to help, and the whole world is screaming for women empowerment, the women who want to be in business see it as an opportunity to rise. They will get the support from the right channels and according to surveys generate twice as much revenue than men-led companies if the marketing campaign and approach is appropriate. Dubai screams “You Go Girls!”.

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