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Category Archives: uae

Minimum Salary Needed

Minimum Salary Needed to Sponsor your Parents in UAE

What is the requirement to sponsor parents in the UAE? When we don't meet the salary requirements, how to request on humanitarian grounds, as my parents live alone in India?

When residing in the emirate of Dubai, the individual earns a monthly salary of Dh 20,000 to sponsor his parents in the United Arab Emirates accompanied with a two-bedroom apartment.

When your salary is Dh 20,000, you can sponsor the visa for your parents and get one from the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (the GDRFA). You or your wife must individually earn a monthly salary of Dh 20,000. The combined salary is not considered.

When your monthly salary is less than Dh 20,000 and no one takes care of your parents in the home country, you can apply to the GDRFA to sponsor your parents in the UAE. You have to provide evidence and documents confirming you are the sole bread-winner for your parents and they are dependent on you.

Becoming an Entrepreneur in Dubai

Becoming an Entrepreneur in Dubai

Dubai is a great place for entrepreneurs and startups. It has accelerators that strategically design opportunities for companies as there are numerous advantages when registering your company in Dubai. Being the wealthiest city within the Gulf Cooperation Council, Dubai serves perfect for any sized business.

What suits Dubai to be best for your company?

The attractive location of the Middle East along with the wide benefits catering to the startup circle are some of the perks that Dubai has to offer. Some of the other benefits are: The entrepreneurs have solid ideas to drive and execute for joining the economic growth of the country. The competition is fierce as Dubai is the ideal place for many people.

How to be an entrepreneur in Dubai

Few of the top nominated skills every future entrepreneur have to keep in mind:

Sales, Networking and Relations

  The company vision, mission and goals are the basic guidelines for every company formation that seems important, the longevity of any organization is their sales. Big time entrepreneurs and investors just believe in one motto: Defining that "Sales Cures All". You can invest time in networking and building relationship pipelines to keep your organization alive and healthy.

Stay dedicated, focused, and adhere to the business plan

Entrepreneurs drift off their business plan and replicate the pre-existing business model by assumption. It may be because the business model worked for another company that could yield similar results. However, that is not the case. Stay focused and be patient when things start to drift downhill, as it’s the way of the market. Situations deteriorate in off-seasons and maintaining a focused, sustainable business plan path is the key to overcome. The key is staying focused, crunching your budgets and expanding your reach.

Work Smart and Hard

Working hard to maintain the hours is the key; running your show won't clock out at the end of the day. In free time and time off the clock, you must be dedicated to networking that leads you closer to a deal. This would include weekends and nights. Working hard alone is not all it takes; being SMART is equally important. Be Specific: The objectives need to be specific and described positively to the public. Attainable: Attractiveness serves as key to the team and to your clients; be attainable most of the time. Being Measurable: Every goal and achievement should be measurable. Being Realistic: Not only you do offer service, hence be realistic and up to date, watch out for competition at all times. Be Time-Bound: How can we measure profit when tasks are not timed? Tasks can be monitored and timing makes all the difference in winning. To build a sustainable, homegrown business is desired by banks, investors, clients and customers. It’s not only the ideas that make organizations the “best”; instead the execution of building a reputable and honest brand image. This can be hard, but remain focused on your goals, be open to ideas from employees that help your organization grow and also respect your competitors. Implementing these behaviors in your company gives you every chance to lead within your industry. Looking for Business setup company in Dubai ? Black Swan Can help you in End to End business setup process in Dubai. Request a quote or a call back today.

What are some common mistakes when setting up a business in Dubai

What are some common mistakes when setting up a business in Dubai - Call or WhatsApp +971 55 663 5965 Subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfRURTYPdFSygpy1h6wGzBQ At Black Swan we provide a simple, straightforward and effortless approach for setting up your Business. We are a team of dedicated, practical and highly skilled professionals providing exactly what your business needs and are ready to run the extra mile for providing 100% client satisfaction. VISIT US: Website : https://bss.blackswanbss.com/ Official Blog : https://bss.blackswanbss.com/updates/ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/blackswan201/ Twitter : https://twitter.com/BlackSwanBSS Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/blackswan_businesssetup/ LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/company/black-swan-business-set-up-services  
Influencer License in Dubai

Influencer License in Dubai, UAE

A transition has been witnessed in influencer marketing from a niche for luxury brands to an effective channel with mass-market appeal in the last decade. Unlike the traditional methods of promotion, influencers today market every product and service with greater reach. There is a queue of brands to market their wares on this most modern of platforms. Globally, The estimated worth of the influencer market is almost USD 5bn and between now and 2025is expected to grow by 25%. Here in the UAE, for a social media campaign, influencers regularly charge between USD 1,000 and 10,000, with up to USD 50,000 spent by some companies on a single ad. The influencer market is regulated with license thereby making the companies more confident. Getting a UAE influencer license can be quick and easy with an apt support,

How to Get Your Influencer License in the UAE?

There are few steps to be followed to apply for your social media influencer license.
  • Outline your business activities. Every activity that applies to your business should be listed out failing which can lead to fines or even license revocation.
  • When starting up as an influencer, ‘Marketing Services Via Social Media’ should be the prime activity. To promote and market their products and services via social media applications, the license gives permission. To attract and retain customers, a plan is prepared along with purchasing an advertising space.
  • Choosing a company name is the next step in accordance with naming conventions like, no blasphemous or offensive language, no references to well-known institutions or any abbreviations of your name.
A legal entity like FZE or LLC has to be attached with no resemblance to any other company. Black Swan will help you with these initial decisions.

Applying For Your Influencer License In Dubai

You can now apply for your influencer or social media license in UAE, with your admin taken care of. A trade license has to be issued by the DED to work in this field, along with approval from the National Media Council (NMC). Black Swan can manage the entire process for you to ensure smooth running. We’ll require the following documents to make your trade and NMC license applications on your behalf, A copy of your signature A No Objection Certificate from your current employer (if applicable) Emirates ID photocopy Passport photocopy Trade license photocopy (for NMC application) They can also help you apply for your UAE visa and Emirates ID which involves four stages including a medical fitness test and biometric capturing that usually takes less than a week. You can also sponsor others such as children, a spouse or domestic staff for their visas being holders of a UAE business license.

How Much Does An Influencer License Cost?

The overhead charges of an influencer license are low. Cost of license from the Dubai Department of Economic Development (DED) is AED 20,000 to AED 25,000 whereas UAE free zone applications may also include the cost of your visa.
What You Need To Know About Starting Your Company In The UAE

What You Need To Know About Starting Your Company In The UAE

To start a company in the UAE, you need to go over the basics as usual - selecting a business activity, your jurisdiction, nature of the business, licensing, registration, getting approval, etc. This is practically common knowledge now. But more often than not, in following the nitty-gritty of the business setup procedure, one overlooks several details that may affect the functioning of the company in the long run.


It is best to get expert advise from professionals who excel in the field of analysis of the market. Decisive Zone experts will help breakdown the financial and administrative aspects, and will also guide in the field of jurisdictions to choose. This process must be done beforehand, kind of like a layout of what needs to be done eventually.

Market Study

Starting a business in this day and age can bring some problems to the brim in the field of innovation. If picking up a field/product/service that already exists in the market, ensure you address areas that are overlooked by other businesses. When you market your product/service, highlight the overlooked factor that you now have fixed.

Location Check

Many new businessmen think of setting up in Dubai Free Zones as beneficial because of its many advantages such as exemptions on corporate and personal tax, no customs duties on exports and imports from free zones, etc. But what one misses out on is that you cannot expand into the rest of UAE, and will have to renew the business license every year. So choosing location wisely is important, depending on how you want to conduct the business.

Public Relations

While setting up a business, needless to say, there are a thousand things to take care of. It may seem a bit overwhelming to have to do it by yourself. Hiring a Public Relations Officer, who has expertise inefficiently filing paperwork and getting documentation done would help. A PRO would also devise certain strategies to take your business forward in a unique way. Ensure that your PRO aligns with your ideologies.

External Approvals

The Department of Economic Development (DED) usually deals with giving trade licenses to businesses to conduct business-related activities. At times, external approval is needed to start the business, depending on your field. They usually come from NGOs and semi-government bodies.

Naming the Company

There are several restrictions on what the company name can be, and one must ensure to follow all the rules. The company name cannot have resemblance to any other established brands or any name of a country. It cannot be named after a tribe or a person.

Choosing a Bank

While approaching a corporate bank, make sure their institutional restrictions don’t hinder your business activities. Research what bank will provide you most benefits. Need Help for Company Formation in UAE ?

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How to Choose the Best Free Zone in UAE

How to Choose the Best Free Zone in UAE

Free Zones in the UAE have their own body of governance that has special tax, customs and import regime, and are governed by their own framework of regulations. There are multiple free zones throughout the country. All these free zones have different procedures, prices and requirements that are constantly changing. They are in competition with each other and as a result, they introduce new products that lead to the change in market conditions. Therefore, it is important to make sure to ask agents that will help you set up to inform you of the latest news on what particular free zones are good for you. There are several things to keep in mind when you’re choosing a free zone to conduct your business activities in:

Type of business activity

Every free zone different sets of specific activities that it allows to be performed within the jurisdiction of the area. There are also regulations in what activities are permitted under a specific business license.
Facilities required
Every business required different kinds of facilities. IF yours is a business that required many meetings, one should opt for using an office facility. One should also keep in mind that setting up a business in a free zone means you cannot conduct it in the mainland.
Ideally, the location should be in close proximity to transportation services and ease of access to your resources. This is a default regardless of where the business set up.
Capital Requirement
Each free zone has a different setup cost and a deposit fee. Depending on your budget and credit availability, you should properly research what suits you best and go for it.
License Requirements
Based on the activities you want your business to conduct, there are specific licenses that you need to acquire. Typically, there are three types of licenses - trading license, professional license and service license. Each fee zone might also require you to acquire an additional license.
Audit report requirement
Some free zones such as the DMCC require a financial audit report at the end of the fiscal year. Those zones that present an audit report are eligible to apply for loans and attract foreign investors whereas others are not. Depending on that need for your business, you can decide.

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United Arab Emirate’s 100% Foreign Ownership Rule

A new law was announced in 2021 permitting 100% foreign ownership in the United Arab Emirates. This law grants foreign ownership in mainland or “onshore” businesses. The traditional law only allowed 49% of foreign ownership. The 100% foreign ownership was permitted only in free zones or while setting up the professional services company. The milestone economic reform for the United Arab Emirates has the law to increase FDI in the United Arab Emirates by 15-20%. It's the best time to invest in the United Arab Emirates. UAE is seen as the gateway to international business opportunities and even more. This country is known for their pro-business culture and conducive infrastructure of foreign investment. UAE is inclined towards a political climate extremely favourable for investments. The benefits are zero corporate taxes of the gained profits and complete exemption of income tax. Currently, there are endless opportunities with the new reform that benefits UAE’s economy and foreign investors alike.

The reason to choose mainland over free zone foreign investment

The free zone areas have some restrictions when it comes to foreign investments. When the tax and customs benefits are lucrative, the restrictions complicate things for first-time entrepreneurs. Restrictions like staff numbers and ownership of spaces are absent when you invest in the mainland business setup.

The company formation in UAE is now simpler for foreign entrepreneurs

Sectors that directly benefit from the new law are artificial intelligence, renewable energy, technology and space. With the traditional law, foreign investors work closely with local sponsors for their mainland business. New law removes this obligation. When you are an entrepreneur looking to invest in the UAE, you get more autonomy now. So you can directly focus on your company formation without worrying much. This shall increase productivity and explore added avenues to make profits.

Guiding to benefit from UAE’s new foreign ownership rule

The mainland business setup is preferred over the free zone business setup because of various reasons. This has increased access to the world market as a lucrative enough offer for many. The new law also has few restrictions imposed on free zone businesses. You must be guided by professional consultants when you are a first-time investor. The professionals make the process seamless and hassle-free, making you choose the best UAE destination for your business. Select the best assistance to guide your company formation in the mainland Emirate. Grow your business to new heights by making the most of the new foreign ownership law.

Dubai Company Formation Testimonial by Mr Haroon

Do I need to rent an office in Dubai?

For company formation, renting an office is mandatory. official business address cannot be designated to a private residence. Different types of offices are available which are subjected to the competent authority. workstations in an open-plan office of a business center, already fitted out offices or shell and core premises to warehouses with attached office space are various options. you cannot only rent commercial spaces but also buy them which is subject to the location of the company and the individual case.
Most Profitable Businesses to Open in Dubai 2021 - 2022

Most Profitable Businesses to Open in Dubai 2021 – 2022

UAE exhibits different ideas than the rest of the Middle East. They rely less on oil production, knowing they would run out someday. UAE imparts trades and merchants with startup opportunities and investment for UAE's booming entrepreneurship. The United Arab Emirates is an ideal place to start your business. Based on the World Bank's Ease of Doing Business 2020 report, setting up a business in UAE is easier than in other Middle East countries. It takes only eight days and simple procedures to start a company in the UAE. Dubai is the best place for the UAE to invest because of its healthy business climate and abundance of resources. Dubai rulers are working hard to improve the business environment and provide opportunities for investors.

Best Businesses to do in Dubai


The construction of skyscrapers and high-rise buildings is not slowing down in Dubai. New buildings are erected with every passing day. Huge opportunities are open for architects, engineers, construction firms, real estate developers and various professionals of the sector. The investor can set up a real estate development firm or manufacturing business to sell materials used in construction.

Handyman services

The handyman service business is in higher demand as people look for trusted agencies and skilled workers. Start the business with individual services of a small job for the clients. The working area of the handyman needs plumbing, maintenance, repair and other electrical jobs to offer different services to your clients.

Beauty and Hair Salon

The residents of Dubai are conscious when it comes to beauty and fashion. Set up a ladies beauty salon in Dubai to provide services for beauty, hair, feet, nails and face. You must know the requirements of business and know Dubai's fashion trends.

Real Estate Agents

The increasing number of expats increases the real estate affairs like selling, buying and renting of properties in Dubai. Residents have trustworthy agents to make property dealings. You must get advice from the consultancy agency and get the required licenses by authorities.

Oil and Gas

The oil and gas industry of Dubai has operations like extraction, transportation, exploration and distribution that generates revenue for investors. The business startup needs thoughtful planning to start a business in the industry.

Travel and Tourism

Opportunities for tourism includes business tourism, sports tourism, shopping tourism, medical tourism and cultural tourism. Other things related to tourism are food services, hotels, restaurants, transportation and photography. Travel and tourism emerges as a powerful industry with an annual economic impact of 6.5 trillion U.S dollars worldwide.Start a travel and tourism industry that makes profitable ventures for passionate entrepreneurs.

Job Agencies

Many expats come to UAE in search of good job opportunities. Open a job providing agency in Dubai to connect companies and job seekers to use your channel. The Job Recruitment Agency Company can be started with ease and minimal investment.


Internet marketing, e-commerce, web development, mobile and online businesses are the trending sector for investments. E-commerce stores thrive more for businesses to go online. The digitization of the United Arab Emirates is growing and continues to provide more opportunities for webpreneurs.

Online Tyre Trading Business

All prestigious car brands wander on the roads of Dubai. It gives rise to unique business opportunities for online tyre traders. The total worth of the tire market in UAE is valued at $ 220 million in 2019 and may cross $ 420 million by 2025. The Pioneer of the industry is PitStop Arabia, one of the leading online tire shops of Dubai.

Business Consultancy Services

Business setup services and Business consultancy are the profitable business of Dubai. Get the license for the business from the authorities.

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