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Category Archives: Trademark

Trademark Copyright registration in Dubai UAE

Trademark & Copyright registration in Dubai, UAE

Trademark & Copyright registration in Dubai, UAE : Let your business stand apart with a distinct Trademark!  In UAE trademarks are registered under a ‘class’ system with 45 international classes covering different products and services. Choosing the correct class is vital for necessary protection and avoiding unnecessary costs.
Let your business stand apart with a distinct Trademark!

Benefits of trademark registration

By registering your trademark, you can protect your brand, gain maximum value of your business, use as a marketing tool to grow your brand & take legal action for copying your trademark.

The process of Trademark Registration in UAE

  1. Forward an application to the Ministry of Economy & Commerce. Trademark applications must be filed in Arabic, together with fourteen (14) specimen drawings of each mark. The application may be filed through locally licensed legal consultants in Dubai, UAE.
  2. Conduct a search at the Trademark Registry to find out whether anyone else has prior rights to your proposed trademark.
  3. After necessary checking the Ministry will issue an examination report which will indicate whether further information is needed or any other requirements, conditions or limitations for registration.
  4. The Ministry calls upon the applicant to reply to such reports within a specific period. The applicant can accept or appeal against it to the Trademarks Committee of the Ministry & further to the Civil Court.
  5. After resolving all outstanding issues, trademark applications are preliminary approved for registration & published in the UAE Official Gazette & in two leading National newspapers.
  6. The general public has thirty days to forward written objections to the Ministry concerning the trademark. The applicant shall have thirty days to respond to any such objections.
  7. The Ministry can accept or reject the application & the decision may be appealed to the Trademarks Committee of the Ministry, and then to the competent courts.
  8. If the mark is accepted for registration, the applicant notifies and provides details related to the mark to the federal and local bodies, Chambers of Commerce & Industry etc.
  9. A trademark registration in the UAE is valid for 10 years but is renewable for further periods of 10 years each.


Copyright protection is given by law to the authors, creators, and writers for their work, including dramatic, musical, artistic, literary and other intellectual work. To register a copyright application must be filed with the Ministry of Information & Culture with the following:
  1. Certificate of origin with the name of the author and/or assignee.
  2. An authorization from the licensee and/or owner for exhibiting or circulating the material in a specified region/territory.
  3. A certificate from the licensee stipulating that all applicable royalties has been collected.
  4. A certificate of non-violation of restrictions on folklore, issued by the Department of Culture at the Ministry of Information & Culture.
The application for Trademark / Copyright registration may be filed through locally licensed legal consultants in Dubai, UAE and they will help you with all legal formalities.

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Ways to Register a Trade Name with DED in UAE

The trade name registration process is termed as business name registration with the Economic Department of the United Arab Emirates. The commercial entities that run their business here go through the process and register their business name to the Department of Economic Development for approvals. Several things are considered before the registration of a trade name. Here we can look into the document requirements, prerequisites, and overview of the entire process. You have to understand the difference between three common technologies like Trademark, Trade Name and Legal name.

The difference between Trademark, Trade Name and Legal Name

The Trade Name is issued to a company for carrying out its operations. This is termed as a pseudonym that does not operate under their registered company name. This happens because the company uses a trade name to conduct business with a simpler and than their formal or lengthier name. Trade names are used when the preferred name cannot be registered. This may happen because it is similar to a name that is already registered. You need to select a commercial activity to choose the legal type and apply for the approval. When you have done that, you start to prepare the MOA and LSA agreement. This process needs to disclose the company address also. When this process is completed, you will receive the commercial license. The Legal name is officially allocated to the agency or the person processing the undertaking. The legal name is registered with the state authority that is unique and has a correct ending like the term LLP or LLC. The official communication can be done through the name as this appears on invoices. Government also uses this name as the point of interaction. The Trademark can be defined as the brand's name. It has different aspects like the tagline, the registration of the logo, badges, illustrations, hallmarks that identifies the brand's core identity. The Ministry of Economy has the responsibility for registering the trademark within the UAE. Though trademark registration is not needed all the time it is helpful when someone steals your brand idea or concept. The trademark registration can prove helpful in winning any type of lawsuit.

Authorities Involving In Trade Name Registration Process

The registration process involves government authorities presenting the documents, following the rules to get the certificate and pay the desired fees. Two authorities get involved in the trade name registration process that can be contacted and the process to get completed.

The Department of Economic Development (DED)

DED is Dubai's governing body that drives the city's economic agenda within the United Arab Emirates. The organization was set up in 1992 and 2008 as the ruler of Dubai gave DED the responsibility to regulate and plan the economic performance of Dubai. It was done so that there would be a dedicated governing body to support and supervise the economic development of the city. Dubai's strategic plans can be carried out with the intent of completion. The services DED offers are:
  • Gives Instant License
  • Renews the Trade Name
  • Reserves the Trade Name
  • Renews the License
  • Issues the Initial Approval
  • Issue Branch Initial Approval
  • To Print License
  • The License activities of Terms and Conditions
  • Managing the License Contract
  • Payment of Inspection fines
  • Updating the Mobile Number
The DED offers legal contract-related services from issuance of legal contracts for a license to legal contract printing. You can make enquiries based on your transaction status and payments, search trade names and browse for business activities.

The Department in the Ministry of Economy

The Department in the Ministry of Economy has the role of assisting with the overall growth of national enterprises and their exports or imports. The department is responsible for regulating the small and medium-sized enterprises along with entrepreneurship. The department has consumer rights that are protected with intellectual rights and when in a problem the government-appointed people would undergo the rigorous process so all parties get satisfied with a solution. Trademarks are registered with the department or you will not be protected by the law.

The Trade Name Registration Process in UAE

Many businesses tend to register a trade name that makes a common procedure. But not many people in the UAE still have the clarity about its details. The trade name registration process can be conducted online and in-person in the UAE.

The Trade Name Selection Process

You have to select a trade name based on the brand identity but it may not be mandatory. Selecting the trade name should abide by the rules and regulations of DED to review the name after its selection. DED has the right to cancel the name when they find it inappropriate. DED needs to meet all criteria before the name gets approved. The requirements to be fulfilled are:
  • The business operation should represent the name of the business.
  • Businesses that are similar in Dubai do not claim the company name by copyright.
  • Name of trade may not include the terms of indignity.
  • The Trademark must not be named after God.
  • Some terms like City names, Dubai's Emirates, Districts and Airport codes are not recognized.
  • Country names and Continent cannot be used as trade names, but nationalities can be used as a name.
  • The company name can't start with Middle East, European, Asian or their names translated.
  • The corporate name should not have Government Agencies abbreviations.
  • The company name may not include popular global brands like Samsung, Apple, Kia as a whole or in part.
  • The name of businesses may not indicate sectarian religious organizations like the Vatican and the FBI.
  • The name of the division may not be equivalent to the name of the parent company and the suffix and legal names are not considered part of a name.
  • The privately-owned businesses words like "CO" and "ME" are limited until they are part of a word like "ACTO Services" and "LCME Trading".
  • Family names are only used as the first name and one of the proposed shareholders must be named.
  • The titles are written in a literal manner and may not be translated.

To check the Trade Name Availability

Once following the steps carefully, you have to understand the kind of trade names that are good for approval. When you have the basic understanding and have finalized the name, you can do an online check and search for its availability as there are many trade names already taken by different companies.

To reserve the Trade Name in UAE

When you follow the guidelines and check for the availability of the name, you can reserve the trade name. When you don't reserve the name beforehand, it would be taken by other businesses. Reserving the trade name is the prerequisite to attain the license in the first place. Reservation of the trade name can be done with DED and once getting their permission your name would be reserved.

Paying Trade Name Registration in UAE

You have to pay to process the trade name. This is the last step because you will not receive the certificate when DED guidelines are not met. Within 72 hours of your payment, you will receive the confirmation of the payment voucher. The trade name is valid only for six months and you need to get reserved again. Feel free to contact our experts by requesting a quote below
Trademark Registration Process in UAE

Trademark Registration Process in UAE

Trademark registration processes differ in all countries. To register a trademark in UAE, the first thing one needs to know is what does not belong in the trademark category before going through the hassle of the entire process. Trademarks cannot include any religious symbols, any offence to religions, other public symbols, direct translations of an existing trademark, and names of any third parties in the trademark itself.


The first step is to ensure the trademark that is going to be registered is not in use by another company. One has to carefully scour the internet for existing trademarks that might match by using trademark researching tools . If no match is found, one can move on to the next step.

Documents Required

  • Trademark Logo of the company
  • Proof of Trade License
  • Power of Attorney
  • Copy of Passport
  • A list consisting of items that will be protected
  • Priority Document
  • Contact Details
  • Other (Depending on the case of your trademark requirement)

Payment of Fees

Upon finishing and submitting the application, one has to pay a fee of for the trademark registration. This fee is exclusive of any legal fee that one might have to pay.

Approval of Application

Needless to say, the application must be filled precisely and with careful consideration. Any misinformation or lack of clarity can get the application rejected. However, one can appeal to modify their application. The approval process can take up to 30 days.

Publishing in Newspapers

Once the approval is done, The Ministry of Economy needs to be further paid a significant sum if one wants their trademark published in the Official Trademark Journal. Getting the trademark published in two local Arabic language newspapers in mandatory, and wait for 30 days to see there are no objections to the trademark.


If there are no objections, one will get the certificate of trademark registration. It will be valid for 10 years.

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