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Category Archives: Startup

Best Ways to get a Real Estate License in Dubai and Start Your Real Estate Business

How to Get Real-Estate License in Dubai and Start Real-Estate Business

The market has slowed since the past two years, but Dubai real estate still generates impressive returns. Excess 6% of yields makes Dubai’s property market to be more lucrative than prestigious cities. For instance, London gives an average yield of 4.4% when New York returns 4%. These returns make Dubai real estate attractive for investors all around the world. If there's a thriving investment market, there is a demand for related services like property management, brokerage and development. With the right support, these businesses are affordable and straightforward. Here you learn how to start your real estate company in Dubai.

Are you getting ready to start a real estate business in Dubai?

Either you wish to start a property management company, the real estate brokerage business, or become a developer, there are few steps to consider if applying for a license. You have to outline your business activity. It determines the kind of service you're permitted to provide. For instance, if listing a real estate brokerage as the activity then you can rent proof act like a representative for the seller of a property, manage property on behalf of owners and consult on property sales. Several property related business activities can be chosen from. It can be vital that the chosen activity aligns with the activities you like to carry out. You can work with a company formation expert at this stage.

Choosing The Company Name

UAE has strict rules while choosing the name for your company. You have to follow a set of naming conventions. A professional in company formation can help you with it. Avoid using offensive languages. Plus avoid names of known organizations, and abbreviations. For instance, use Dave Mann Consulting besides D Mann Consulting. You can check if your chosen name can be registered You have to establish your business in the mainland or free zone before making the license application. Free Zones like Fujairah Creative City have benefits like easy incorporation process, financial incentives, ongoing business support like zero currency restrictions and tax exemptions. Mainland can permit you to trade directly with the UAE market and has lucrative government contracts. The setup must be suitable for the nature of your business. A company formation expert will advise the best approach.

Real Estate License Application

The setup type, activities and name can make the license applicant start the real estate business in Dubai. For property management services and brokerages, you have to apply for the professional services license. Apply directly to the DED or to one of the UAE’S free zones. The free zones are cost-effective and straightforward to start the real estate company as well give benefits like zero percent corporate and personal income tax, and 100% tax exemptions. The United Arab Emirates has free zone businesses to repatriate the invested profits and capitals. They have no currency restrictions or foreign exchange controls. You need extra accreditation to operate in the United Arab Emirates real estate industry. Pass the Certified Training of Real Estate Brokers course to get approval from the real estate market. Once you take the course from the Real Estate Regulatory Authority and pass, you can be issued with the permit to start trading. Prior knowledge is required to start a business in the UAE. Note down the application process to submit them error free. It's best to work with the company formation specialist if establishing a new company in the UAE. They can guide you for opening a corporate bank account, handle your license application and find the suitable financial institution to match your specific needs. They provide visa and immigration services, handle work permits, visas and government formalities that are needed to trade in the UAE.

Legal Corporate Structure in Oman for Business Setup

Various company structures have been offered in Oman. You must understand the difference of structure types and models of Oman and make informed decisions based on ownership conditions, needs and requirements. Helpline Group can guide you in this process and you can choose the best company structure for Oman Company Formation. Oman's Company Formation is based on the Laws of Foreign Business and Investment of 1974, Commercial Companies Code and the Commercial Register Law of 1974.
  • Commercial Agencies
  • Limited Liability Company
  • Branch Office
  • Offices of Representative Trade
  • Company of Limited Partnership
  • Holding Company
  • Joint Venture
  • Joint Stock Company / Shareholding Company

Oman's Limited Liability Company Formation (WLL)

WLL or a Limited Liability Company can be the basic form of Oman's business formation. It is used for the small businesses of the country if fixed capital gets divided into equal shares and is registered with the Ministry of Commerce and Industry of a Commercial Register.

Below conditions can be followed for Oman's LLC

  • The minimum of 2 shareholders and maximum of 40 shareholders
  • Liability can be limited for investments
  • Non-specified minimum share capital
  • GCC citizenship is granted for foreign investors and can have the complete ownership of Oman's LLC
  • A minimum of 30% ownership can be mandatory for local partners
  • 100% tax exemptions are allowed for free zone companies
  • LLC's are more suited for Oman's small businesses
  • Minimum of 20000 OMR capital requirements are needed for US, Oman or GCC owned companies
  • Foreign investment companies can hold 150000 OMR

Oman Company's General Partnership

All conditions of LLC are applicable in the general partnership. But partners in a general partnership can have an unlimited business liability that extends partners' wealth which seems risky for the business structure in Oman. It can be easy to register under the Commercial Register, but the general partnership company includes a written agreement of partnership detailing the partner's responsibilities and activities in business. Besides these:
  • Company name should have the name of a partner or partners.
  • General partnership ends if a new partner is added or an existing partner comes out from it.
  • General partnership company concludes if the partnership period gets over.

Oman Company's Limited Share Partnership

Another form of LLC is the Limited Share Partnership in Oman. Besides LLC's conditions and norms, LSPs have few provisions and limitations.
  • There are no limitations to add maximum partners.
  • Limited Share Partnership are registered through the commercial registrar.
  • A minimum of one general partner and one limited partner is needed.
  • General partners can have unlimited liability and responsibility to manage the business.
  • Limited liability is provided for limited partners for their capital contribution and are prohibited to engage in managerial responsibilities and activities.

Oman's Holding Company Formation

Oman's holding company manages and owns other businesses of Oman. This company can own any kind of company in Oman that have limited liability companies and joint-stock companies. The holding companies have 50% ownership or more in companies. The company name should have "Holding Company" at the end name. You must have 2 Million OMR or more in capital for your holding company in Oman. Get in touch with the Helpline Group for information on the set-up of a holding company in Oman.

Joint Stock Company or Shareholding Company in Oman

The shareholding company or joint-stock company in Oman has a system where the fixed amount of capital is distributed from the number of shares of public subscription. Oman's Joint Stock Company needs at least OMR five hundred thousand for capital investment for not intending on offering public subscription of shares. Moreover, if the public subscription gets involved, the capital needs exceed up to 2 million OMR. Shareholders get preemptive rights and they have different needs for companies to follow while setting a joint-stock company in Oman. Their requirements are mandatory like:
  • At least 3 shareholders
  • Maximum 12 and minimum 3 Board of directors
  • Register for Commercial Registrar
  • Get approval from Oman's Ministry of Commerce and Industry
  • Adhere and follow the Muscat Securities Market Law

Oman's Joint Venture Formation

Joint ventures can be formed between businesses of Oman that comprises foreign entrepreneurs and businesses. Though it is legally recognized as a contract form, it won't have legal recognition as their entity. The responsibilities and roles of a joint venture are good as the agreement or contract also their Memorandum of Association. Their beginning and end activities depend on the agreement of involved parties or the Memorandum of Association that have duties and obligations. Contact Helpline Group for getting information on setting up an Oman's Joint Venture.

Oman's Representative Trade Offices

Foreign investors and companies can open representative trade offices in Oman for carrying out their company activities. But such offices are not permitted for the activities of profit-making. The local person must represent their company in Oman. These businesses are suited for business support and customer relationships. You have to present a copy of the Article of Association and the undertaking letter to set up a representative trade office in Oman. The Helpline Group manages these requirements and can set up the representative trade office in Oman.

Oman's Commercial Agents

Commercial agencies represent the parent company in Oman. It is mandatory to have a commercial agent for such businesses. Any foreign business can appoint a local agent to distribute goods and engage with local customers. Local commercial agents must have an Omani company or can be Omani citizens. The commercial agent business needs to get registered with the Ministry of Commerce and Industry and the member of Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Helpline Group assists you to set up a commercial agency in Oman to carry out the business activities.

Oman's Branch Offices

Oman must have their entire owned branches of foreign companies if there is a contract with a government entity in Oman. It is one way to have 100% ownership in Oman that is not suited for government-controlled entities, although branch offices don't need sponsors, local partners or share capital. The branch office setup is valid until the registration period of the contract and permitted to set up the branch office in Oman from the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. You will also be interested on:

Business ideas for Women Entrepreneurs in Dubai to start their own Business in 2023

Women are key to the economic future of UAE! It is evident from the fact that 70% of the region’s university graduates and 44% of the workforce consist of women. There are ample opportunities for women in Dubai to start their own business and 2019 may be the year of women entrepreneurs in UAE!

Black Swan presents "Success in Making"

Startup Success story of Alisha Merchant Veljee - Founder of Tian Yi Lifestyle Consulting LLC

Here’s a list of business ideas for women entrepreneurs:

Boutique Business Setup

boutique business setup in dubai ajman abu dhabi sharjah

Fashion industry is evolving constantly & even though there is no dearth of boutiques in Dubai, the customer base is increasing day by day. If you have a passion for fashion, opening a Boutique is a good idea.

Beauty Salon Business Setup

womens beauty saloon business setup dubai ajman abu dhabi sharjah

Women of any age can start this business. It needs only a little investment on training, quality products and basic equipment. A spare room in your house can easily be converted into a beauty salon. Know more on Beauty Salon business Setup in Dubai

Daycare/Creche Setup 

Daycare Setup In Dubai Ajman Abu Dhabi

Women have inherent talent for childcare! Spending time with kids starting a daycare center or creche is a great idea for women entrepreneurs. It’s better to start on a small scale and then reach for higher levels.

Consultancy Business Setup

Consultancy Business Setup In Dubai UAE

If you are good at networking with professionals of diverse industry backgrounds and have in depth business knowledge of the market, you can very well set up a consultancy firm and share information with others. No need for much investment, just a small room can be turned into your office space.

Interior Decor Store 

Interior Decor Store Dubai UAE

A good eye for design and art can change your business scene! You can very well open an interior designing business in Dubai. You can try to bring in local art and crafts in your shops and get good clients as your shop gets popular.

Restaurant Business Setup

Restaurant Business Setup in dubai

Most women share a passion for cooking and are always trying out new recipes. Why not turn this into a business idea & start your own restaurant or café in Dubai? Catering or take-away service are good options too.

Start a Gift Shop 

Interior Decor Store Business Setup Dubai

A gift shop business is very apt for women entrepreneurs in Dubai as no prior experience is needed for setting up. You can start by ordering things from a trusted dealer or search the Internet for latest gift items and build up your stock in your store to sell.

Online Business Setup

online business dubai uae

There are diverse ways for women in business to start earning online. Freelancing web writing, blogs, articles and feeds for websites, opening e-stores etc. can generate a lot of revenue if they are marketed well.

Start a Pet Shop 

pet shop setup dubai UAE

A pet store selling accessories and other knick-knacks for pets can be started complete with items like pet foods, accessories, clothes, cages, kennels, etc.



Travel & Tourism Business Setup in Dubai UAE

Travel & Tourism Agency Business Setup in Dubai UAE

Dubai, is a city reputed for its world famous tourist attractions and is a tourists’ paradise. The city is as one of the world’s top 10 most visited places & Travel & Tourism Agency Business setup in Dubai is certainly a most lucrative business for investors worldwide. The Government of Dubai has left no stone unturned to assist new startups and budding entrepreneurs with its tax reforms and free zones. If you’re confused on how to open a travel agency in UAE you don’t need to worry! Black Swan BSS has some tips and guidelines to help you start a travel and tourism business in Dubai:

Get UAE Tourism License

To start a travel and tourism business in Dubai an apt tourism license is a must! Typically 3 types of tourism activities need travel company license in Dubai:
  • Travel Agency Activity License
  • Inbound Travel Operator Activity License
  • Outbound Travel Operator Activity License
Choose your type of license accordingly. The application for an inbound/outbound license is to be filed with the Department for Tourism and Commerce Marketing, travel agency license with the Department of Economic Development.

Ensure the right documents

After you deposit the requisite amount with the concerned authority, you’ll have to submit the following documents:
  • Application Form
  • Passport copies of each foreign applicant
  • Education and experience certificates of Manager
  • Clean criminal record certificates of the owner & the manager
  • For UAE Nationals, Khulasat-Al-Qaid and a copy of Identification documents.
  • NOC from the Civil Aviation Authority
  • Feasibility Study report

Office premises for Travel Agency

Office space is a vital requirement in getting a license. There has to be at least a 30 square meter office space for each activity.

Starting a Travel Agency in Dubai - the Process

  • Pay the initial approval fee to the DTCM
  • Request the approval of trade name of the travel agency
  • Supply an insurance policy;
  • Submit a lease contract and the blueprint of the location where the travel agency will operate. The contract must be signed for at least three months


How to open a business & Offshore bank account in Dubai

How to open a business & Offshore bank account in Dubai

Open Bank Account in Dubai - Along with the rising economy, Dubai has seen an onslaught of new companies opening operations in the Mainland and free zones. The exemplary infrastructure of Dubai, increased tourist demands and the relaxed taxation laws have attracted new companies here. But before a company is started be it off shore or mainland, a bank account need to be opened.

How to open a Business & Offshore bank account in Dubai:

Opening a business bank account in Dubai is a relatively uncomplicated procedure for Dubai Mainland Companies. Nevertheless, depending upon the size and activity of the business, customer identification requirements may vary. The legal existence of the entity need to be proved to the Bank to get a loan. Companies owned by corporate entities should provide a full set of corporate documents to identify the management and conclusive beneficial ownership of the structure. These documents should be notarised/legalised in their country of origin and again in Dubai. Taking into consideration global initiatives against tax evasion, money laundering and terrorist financing over the past few years, the Central Bank has imposed diligence procedures on financial institutions that open accounts for Offshore Companies. Hence, banks have had to adopt a risk-based approach to account opening. The customer’s primary business areas, the anticipated volume of currency and total deposits, the level of revenues and its main customers and suppliers should be understood by the financial institution before issuing a loan. A business startup consultant can guide you through the process of opening a business & offshore bank account in Dubai and help you prepare all necessary documentation to facilitate an account application.

Documents needed to open a corporate bank account in the Dubai:

  • Company Trade Licence;
  • Certificate of Registration;
  • Share Certificate(s);
  • Company Memorandum & Articles of Association;
  • Board Resolution empowering a Company Officer to open the account;
  • Passport copies for shareholders and authorised signatories.
Depending on the bank and the corporate structure of the company, the required documents may vary. If the corporate shareholders of the companies are from outside the UAE they will be required to notarise and attest all parent company documents in the country of origin and again in the UAE. Before choosing where to open your business account, try to get an idea of the full list of potential charges you may incur.. To sum it up, opening a business banking account in Dubai should be a hassle free process & also there are diverse options for choosing the right account for your business. Choose wisely! open bank account in duba


Becoming an Entrepreneur in Dubai

Becoming an Entrepreneur in Dubai

Dubai is a great place for entrepreneurs and startups. It has accelerators that strategically design opportunities for companies as there are numerous advantages when registering your company in Dubai. Being the wealthiest city within the Gulf Cooperation Council, Dubai serves perfect for any sized business.

What suits Dubai to be best for your company?

The attractive location of the Middle East along with the wide benefits catering to the startup circle are some of the perks that Dubai has to offer. Some of the other benefits are: The entrepreneurs have solid ideas to drive and execute for joining the economic growth of the country. The competition is fierce as Dubai is the ideal place for many people.

How to be an entrepreneur in Dubai

Few of the top nominated skills every future entrepreneur have to keep in mind:

Sales, Networking and Relations

  The company vision, mission and goals are the basic guidelines for every company formation that seems important, the longevity of any organization is their sales. Big time entrepreneurs and investors just believe in one motto: Defining that "Sales Cures All". You can invest time in networking and building relationship pipelines to keep your organization alive and healthy.

Stay dedicated, focused, and adhere to the business plan

Entrepreneurs drift off their business plan and replicate the pre-existing business model by assumption. It may be because the business model worked for another company that could yield similar results. However, that is not the case. Stay focused and be patient when things start to drift downhill, as it’s the way of the market. Situations deteriorate in off-seasons and maintaining a focused, sustainable business plan path is the key to overcome. The key is staying focused, crunching your budgets and expanding your reach.

Work Smart and Hard

Working hard to maintain the hours is the key; running your show won't clock out at the end of the day. In free time and time off the clock, you must be dedicated to networking that leads you closer to a deal. This would include weekends and nights. Working hard alone is not all it takes; being SMART is equally important. Be Specific: The objectives need to be specific and described positively to the public. Attainable: Attractiveness serves as key to the team and to your clients; be attainable most of the time. Being Measurable: Every goal and achievement should be measurable. Being Realistic: Not only you do offer service, hence be realistic and up to date, watch out for competition at all times. Be Time-Bound: How can we measure profit when tasks are not timed? Tasks can be monitored and timing makes all the difference in winning. To build a sustainable, homegrown business is desired by banks, investors, clients and customers. It’s not only the ideas that make organizations the “best”; instead the execution of building a reputable and honest brand image. This can be hard, but remain focused on your goals, be open to ideas from employees that help your organization grow and also respect your competitors. Implementing these behaviors in your company gives you every chance to lead within your industry. Looking for Business setup company in Dubai ? Black Swan Can help you in End to End business setup process in Dubai. Request a quote or a call back today.
JAFZA offshore Regulations & Features

JAFZA offshore Regulations & Features

JAFZA offshore Jebel Ali Free-Zone authority Regulations & Features Jebel Ali Free-Zone Authority has framed several regulations to deliver efficiency and convenience of worldwide offshore locations exclusively to entrepreneurs planning to undertake Dubai offshore investments. Simultaneously, they tend to maintain very high standards and reputation with the international financial authorities, who are stated to have acted as critical determinant to take Dubai offshore to achieve sure success
  • The offshore company provides the privilege and capacity of a natural individual.
  • There is not required any minimum capital amount.
  • Upon allocation, all shares to be paid fully and there are not allowed any differential or bearer classes of shares.
  • Capital deposit in bank not necessary.
  • Director number should minimum be two. Secretary (preferably a UAE resident) probably also the Director of the organization is to be appointed by every offshore company.
  • There is permitted 100 percent foreign ownership
  • Greater flexibility offered to open up corporate bank account at Dubai.
  • Efficient regulatory regime offering complete exemption on duty and taxes.
  • There needs to be appointed registered agent like consultants, auditors, legal firms from approved registered agent list by the company that is maintained by Dubai / JAFZA. To set up Dubai offshore company, a registered and approved agent is Black Swan Business Setup Service.

Why Jebeli Ali Offshore is unique?

In JAFZ (Jebel Ali Free-Zone) is located Offshore domicile
  • DTAA (Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements) are being maintained with 40 countries by Dubai and the UAE.
  • UAE is not dependent upon any other country and also not any overseas territory.
  • Offshore company owners are permitted by the law to hold or own interest in Dubai based properties.

Get JAFZA Offshore Package


Blast Off to startups in UAE and Israel

Blast Off to startups in UAE and Israel: Concord for both the countries will be prodigious for the Startups Problems are everywhere but nagging the venture capitalist will never create an own strategy for the development of the business environment in the UAE & Israel. But recently, leveraging relationships beyond the two countries’ borders results in economic vitality, especially in the business sector, with startups’ efficient involvement. New framework conditions urged by Dubai and Abu Dhabi created UAE with a better business economy for startups. Due to the changes in the diplomacy policies, there was chipping away from the UAE’s business environment, establishing more than one-third of startups from the Middle East and North Africa with potent growth in the technology sector. According to Israel’s economy ministry, it reveals that more than 40 percent of the country’s export comes from the high-tech sector stating with an example of an industry that has the nickname startup nation. Yesterday on Saudi-based Arab News, an entrepreneur stated that “The new partnership makes a compelling and cogent case. UAE has the financial capital above what can be put to effective use within the country, so we have sovereign wealth funds. Israel is advantageous in terms of human capital and ingenuity from all around the world. It’s a perfect fit” he added. A deal normalizing ties in a jiff between UAE and Israel divulged a Tel Aviv technology, head of an organization received dozens of LinkedIn invitations from several nationals of the UAE. In August, after one month of a diplomatic step forward, a startup CEO of National Central, Mr. Eugene Kandel, reveals Israeli technology sales in Dubai. The startup also tries to bridge the gap between the Israeli government, businesses, and organizations for more usage of Israeli technology companies. Mr. Kandel added that “The launching of public business ties can provide a lot of opportunities for many Israelis”. The organization also reveals that immediately after the August 13 announcement of diplomatic concord, the number of Emirati users in the Startup National Central platform raised to 122 percent. Over time, visiting the web page escalated to 600 percent. According to the internal study, the investment in Israel’s startup sector upturned to 33 percent worth $4.6 Billion (Dh16.8 billion) in the first two quarters. Mr. Kandel added that “Israel must now tap into the unrealized potential with doors opening to the Gulf”. In the coming weeks, an Israeli investment tycoon Mr. Erel Margali of JVP Margalit, which handles cyber security, artificial intelligence, and financial technology, plans to forward a team of representatives to UAE. Here, Mr. Margalit said that he wants to invest in young, dynamic, smart Arab entrepreneurs. He also added that he is closely watching the Emirates as a country of tech innovators, rather than just customers. And his goal is to open a startup incubator in Dubai. It’s our goal, it’s our dream, says Mr. Margalit. But “This would serve as a gateway to the whole region” he added.

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