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Category Archives: Seychelles

Offshore Company formation in Seychelles

Offshore Company formation in Seychelles

Seychelles is a hot and favourite destination among investors as it is considered to be a tax haven. They can enhance their businesses, by planning tax much more effectively and to form Seychelles offshore company, thus safeguarding their assets. Forming an offshore company here in Seychelles is sure to be useful. Setting up International Business Company (IBC) offshore in Seychelles is perhaps the most suggested business form for international entrepreneurs. Offshore company, generally means a business that is formed with a specific purpose to complete wide range of activities away from the country, where it is registered. Formation of offshore company in Seychelles also is the right way to safeguard personal asset. This needs to be established in AOA (Articles of Association) by the company founders, for the business to be regarded as offshore company. Our Seychelles company incorporation specialists can offer necessary details and information pertaining to offshore company formation in Seychelles including the conditions to follow. We also provide foreigners seeking to form Seychelles offshore companies with specialised formation services.

Legislation pertaining to forming Seychelles offshore company

International Business Co. Law, amended last in 2016 is stated to be the main law that governs offshore company establishment in Seychelles. The offshore company’s other name is offered by the law’s name, which is IBC or International Business Company. Another law which offers offshore company formation is Seychelles Commercial Code. It provides essential legal forms to be registered in the form of IBC companies. The best example with regards to business forms that any foreigner seeking to set up Seychelles offshore company can use is anonymous company.

Requirements to form Seychelles offshore company

IBC Act provides the necessary essentials to be fulfilled to perform certain procedures to form Seychelles offshore company. Such requirements require having minimum 1 director & 1 shareholder. No restrictions are imposed upon pertaining to the directors or shareholders’ nationality. Besides this, the director is not necessarily required to be a resident of Seychelles. Moreover, the company can keep several directors as desired by the shareholders. Also can be used corporate directors to ensure efficient and smooth offshore company management. One shareholder is to act as company director. Seychelles IBC company, when compared to other company types do not need appointing a secretary. Offshore company is to have a trade name in any language. A useful tip to follow is to keep English names as it is used mostly by businesses operating in Seychelles. The other essential requirement to set up offshore company is to have legal or registered address in Seychelles. Having virtual office will fulfil this requirement. Our offshore company formation specialists in Seychelles can provide virtual office solutions including nominee services pertaining to company directors and shareholders. We do provide Seychelles VAT registration. Documents necessary to set up offshore company in Seychelles Offshore company in Seychelles can be formed by foreign enterprises by preparing and filing essential documents given below with Companies Registrar: Company information like articles of association and certificate of incorporation, for legal entities.
  • Personal information like certified passport copies for natural persons.
  • Residential address proof in Seychelles like 3 months utility bill.
  • The Registrar in certain cases may request bank references showcasing investor’s good standing.
  • Our local agents are knowledgeable enough to offer assistance to prepare documents necessary for IBC company registration.

Formation of offshore company in Seychelles and its benefits

Seychelles financial sector is well appreciated. Entrepreneurs are free to form Seychelles offshore companies without requiring to pay taxes. This is a trustworthy and stable island state and several registered offshore companies operate here. The investor through Seychelles offshore company can safeguard his/her assets as well as benefit from diverse financial tools that can help create company’s potentiality and wealth. We state that every Seychelles offshore company is subjected to complete privacy. No risks are also present pertaining to the assets, since such entities are safeguarded by modern and complete legal system practiced in Seychelles. For Seychelles offshore companies, entrepreneurs need to appoint board directors to have better control over possessions and finances. If interested to form Seychelles offshore company, our specialist team having ample knowledge of incorporating company in Seychelles can offer you with support necessary to draft documents for any company type desired to form.

Why Seychelles is termed to be an attractive jurisdiction?

One of the most preferred offshore jurisdictions is Seychelles archipelago, as it is an attractive business environment and financial sector and suits perfectly the different requirements of worldwide investors. Since no taxes are levied upon to form Seychelles offshore companies. Moreover, with the island offering protection to company assets, combined with complete privacy, over 100,000 firms have already registered here. Seychelles offshore companies are well protected with regards to litigation. It is essential to understand offshore company registration in Seychelles consumes very less time and takes just few working days. If you wonder as to how much time will it take to carry out the procedures to form offshore company in Seychelles, then the answer is just 1 to 2 days for completion of the formation process. But opening up of corporate bank account is likely to take much longer time. Black Swan Business Setup service can help you in seychelles company formation process

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