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Category Archives: License

Process to Start a Cryptocurrency Business in Dubai, UAE

Many new entrepreneurs, foreign investors, and new businessmen are looking for different ways to make more money. The cryptocurrency business is a new, modern way to do this that is better than the others. People all over the world are paying attention to it because it keeps growing at a very fast rate. In the near future, the modern digital currency, or money, will probably become more well-known and useful for business transactions. Setting up a crypto business in Dubai, UAE, is therefore a good idea. With several free zones that let businesses manage crypto assets, trade bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, and do other related things, the Emirates have become more mainstream. With a cryptocurrency business licence, companies and organisations can manage and trade their digital money. In the United Arab Emirates, you can get this licence from:

What is Cryptocurrency?

The popularity of digital currencies is growing rapidly in the United Arab Emirates, creating a wealth of new and interesting business prospects in the fields of cryptocurrency exchanges, holding, and trading. One of the most popular discussions among aspiring business owners and investors is how to launch a bitcoin enterprise in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Digital currencies, sometimes known as cryptocurrencies, are cryptographic tokens based on the widely publicised blockchain technology. When it comes to the value of cryptocurrencies, there is no one entity in charge of doing so. Instead, cryptocurrency is disseminated electronically among its users. Dogecoin, Bitcoin, and Ethereum are just a few examples of well-known cryptocurrencies that can be purchased and used right now. Cryptocurrencies are available for buying or mining on many decentralised exchanges. Despite cryptocurrency's outward appearance as an asset class, investing in it involves significant dangers. To fully grasp how the Bitcoin system works, you need have done adequate research. One would reasonably wonder, given the inherent dangers, how they have become such a popular trading method. The exponential growth of cryptocurrency prices is largely responsible for their widespread adoption. To a lesser extent, holders and traders of cryptocurrencies also utilise them for international money transfers.

Requirements for Getting Cryptocurrency License in Dubai, UAE

The UAE government has instituted a few prerequisites for applying for a cryptocurrency licence in the Emirates, and these prerequisites are in place for regulatory purposes. The following are the necessities for getting a cryptocurrency licence in the UAE:
  • Obtain a commercial licence application from the DED
  • Then, submit passport copies for any business associates.
  • Your cryptocurrency wallet's transaction history should be spotless, with no indication of any fraudulent activity.
  • After that, have a plan in place to show how much money the business has and how much it costs to run for the next six months.
  • To legally hold any cryptocurrency in the United Arab Emirates, you must register your holdings with a "UAE financial free zone" department approved by the country's government.
  • Submitting your complete business plan to the appropriate government agency is the final step.

How to Set Up a Crypto Business in Dubai

Follow the steps below and you'll be well on your way to launching a successful crypto business in Dubai, where there are many crypto aficionados and modern investors.
  1. Choose a name for your business.
  2. Choose the economic zone you want.
  3. Register for a cryptocurrency licence by filling out an application.
  4. Follow all the rules and regulations

Choosing a Company Name

The first step is to choose a name for your business that doesn't include any well-known brands or swear words. The name of your business needs to be simple and easy to remember. Also, if you want someone's name to be your business's trademark, it should be that person's real name. There can't be any nicknames.

Selecting a Preferred Jurisdiction

Next, you have to decide whether your crypto business will run in a UAE free zone or on the mainland. Both jurisdictions have their own advantages and disadvantages. One of the best things about free zones is that you can use any currency you want. You can also use the gain and income repatriation to your advantage. On the other hand, if you set up your business on the mainland, you can easily travel to all of the Emirates' states.

Register for a Cryptocurrency License

After thinking about the above, you should be ready to sign up for a cryptocurrency licence in Dubai, UAE. You can also send this application straight to the appropriate government department. But it can be hard for an expatriate to take care of everything on their own. Because of this, the crypto business experts at the Riz and Mona Business Consultancy are a good choice to work with.

Follow All the Compliance Regulations

In Dubai, both traditional financial trades and Bitcoin trades are supervised in the exact same way. Because of this, you should have the right licence and follow all the rules against money laundering. If you aren't careful at this step, it could hurt your business.

Steps for Getting a cryptocurrency license in Dubai

  • You can download and fill out an application form for a cryptocurrency licence from the government agency in Dubai where you want to set up your business.
  • Put the name and name of each shareholder in your company on the form and send it in.
  • Give all of the required documents to the government agency where you are setting up your business.
  • Pay the application fees to the government agency that is in charge of giving you a licence to deal in cryptocurrency.
  • If the application form and the company's official legal documents are all in order, the authorities will give you a cryptocurrency business licence within a week.

Incorporate Crypto trading company in Dubai

Where to Get the Cryptocurrency License in Dubai

You should get a cryptocurrency licence in the UAE before starting a cryptocurrency business in Dubai. At the moment, three of the free zones across the country are giving out licences for cryptocurrency.
  • Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM)
  • Dubai Airport Free Zone (DAFZA)
  • Dubai Multi-Commodities Center (DMCC)
Blackswan Business Setup can help you in getting Cryptocurrency License in UAE, Just fill up the form below for a free consultation to know about Cryptocurrency License in Dubai.

Cryptocurrency License in Dubai Multi-Commodities Centre (DMCC)

The DMCC is very open to the idea of adding and introducing cryptocurrency. They give licences to new business owners and entrepreneurs in Dubai who want to use cryptocurrency. People from all over the world come to DMCC in the Emirates to get a licence to trade in cryptocurrency. With a DMCC cryptocurrency licence in Dubai, you can do business activities like providing services related to cryptocurrencies, trading, storing cryptocurrencies, managing them, making apps and software related to cryptocurrencies, and much more. With a cryptocurrency licence in the city, you can also offer consulting and other services. DMCC has opened a new centre for cryptocurrency and wants it to be the hub for all blockchain-related activities in Dubai. Dubai is already known as the most technologically advanced city in the world, and the addition of new technologies like blockchain and crypto-only made its position even stronger. The DMCC cryptocurrency licence is a very

Cryptocurrency License in Dubai Airport Free Zone Authority (DAFZA)

Dubai Airport Free Zone Authority is what DAFZA stands for. This is another free DMCC in Dubai that accepted cryptocurrencies without any trouble. They made a deal with the ESCA (The UAE Securities and Commodities Authority) that helped them help new businesspeople and entrepreneurs who wanted to do great things with crypto for their businesses. By giving cryptocurrency licences to businesses in Dubai, they made it possible for them to do business. By getting a cryptocurrency licence from the DAFZA, companies can use crypto assets for different business activities. Also, they can help foreign investors from all over the world who come to Dubai to do business. The DAFZA has a strong regulatory framework that makes it easy for companies to do business within its borders. They are moving forward with their plan to make digital currencies like Dogecoin, Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc. grow and be used more.

Cryptocurrency Licence from Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM)

Abu Dhabi Global Market lets crypto assets that are regulated by the Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA) work (ADGM). FSRA is the regulatory body that handles all cryptocurrency-related assets in the Emirates. At the moment, it is the only legal government body in the UAE with a large framework for regulating crypto licences. ADGM and FRSA have put out a guide for how cryptocurrency licences can be used in the country, which will help both small and large businesses in the Emirates. Tags : Professional License Dubai, Business Incorporation Dubai, Business Setup Dubai, Company Formation Dubai, Company Registration Dubai, Dubai Freezone Company Formation, Dubai Mainland Company Formation, Get Cryptocurrency License in Dubai, Get Cryptocurrency Trading License in Dubai

Coffee Shop License in Dubai

Dubai has established itself as one of the world's most important commercial cities. This status is due to the rules it has put in place to promote the growth of various forms of business operations. The government is willing to help large corporations as well as small businesses and individuals. Many small businesses are opening and growing in Dubai as a result of the support and scope of small businesses. Small savers are more cautious in their business selection since they cannot afford to lose their investment. In this instance, the greatest possibility for those wishing to invest in food are looking for a Coffee shop license in Dubai. It is because this industry is always growing in Dubai and has not been impacted by VAT or other economic concerns. A restaurant setup in Dubai requires a significant investment. However, the Coffee shop license in Dubai is the most cost-effective and money-making food license.
The Benefits Of A Coffee Shop License In Dubai
There is no doubt that the procedure of obtaining a coffee shop license in Dubai is not only simple but also the least expensive of all culinary sectors in Dubai. To open a coffee shop, you only need a modest space, and only a few items are required to serve customers. In comparison to other dining areas such as hotels and restaurants, customers often sit for a short period of time to have coffee and seats are quickly accessible for new arriving clients. This just reduces the expense of purchasing additional equipment. In comparison to starting a hotel in Dubai, this is a small setup with fewer needs. You do not need to submit a big number of documents to various government agencies. The time it takes for your application to be approved is likewise pretty short.
Starting A Coffee Shop In Dubai
However, just because you have these benefits does not mean that getting your coffee shop license in Dubai would be easy. Indeed, you will confront difficult times, at least at first, due to stiff competition and a variety of other issues. The following are crucial actions you can take to decrease your troubles with obtaining a coffee shop license in Dubai and making the most of the perks offered to your small business.
  • Present something distinctive
  • Select an appropriate place
  • Obtaining an appropriate license
  • Marketing strategy
Present something distinctive
No matter how important or selective your company area is, you will encounter competition from a local coffee shop in Dubai. In this instance, the best policy you can use is to draw more customers to your establishment; always offer something new and distinctive that is not available in other stores. There are numerous coffee varieties available, and you can present coffee with a fresh flavor. Aside from that, you can introduce some novel culinary goods, as well as coffee that is not accessible elsewhere. For this purpose, new pastries, cakes, snacks, and so on may be created. You can also provide certain complimentary services, such as free Wi-Fi, or allow clients to bring their own snacks to enjoy with the coffee you provide in your cafe. These elements will distinguish your shop and attract more customers.
Select a suitable place
The most crucial factor to consider before launching a coffee shop is to choose a location that fits your budget and needs. Choose a zone with a high population but a low number of coffee shops. We recommend a commercial space in this scenario due to the significant number of clients that arrive on a regular basis. If the area is classy and you have a limited budget, try to choose a location that is conveniently accessible by car or train. Coffee shops can be opened on Dubai's mainland as well as several free zones. Both locations offer advantages and disadvantages, so you must weigh them in order to decide where to go. This is an important step before opening your coffee business, so make time for it. Otherwise, you risk losing money on a potentially valuable venture.
Obtaining an appropriate license
After you have seen and planned all of the important issues for the growth of your coffee shop, you will need to deal with the most important aspect of getting the correct type of license for your coffee shop. In order to open a coffee shop in Dubai, you must first obtain a professional license. This license will allow you to offer coffee as well as other small food products to your customers, such as brownies, cookies, cakes, soft drinks, and pastries. You are not authorized to offer meals in your coffee shop and will require a separate license and approval for this purpose. To obtain this coffee shop license in Dubai, you must submit numerous documents to the DM and other relevant authorities.
Marketing strategy
Starting a coffee shop in the right location and supplying the necessary supplies is not enough to get your business up and running. You will need a comprehensive marketing strategy to reach out to clients not just in your immediate location but also in other areas. This is also determined by your investment. If you want to attract a huge number of customers from various locations, you will need to invest in aggressive web marketing. This can be done using billboards in Dubai, as well as print and electronic media. However, most people prefer marketing on a small scale for local people based on their capacity. Banner ads in the surrounding neighborhood as well as on roads are ideal in this instance. Another important aspect of marketing success is to always advertise something new to your potential clients. It will not only enhance your client base temporarily, but it will also help you attract clients on a regular basis. It is a lengthy procedure to prepare to open a coffee shop in Dubai since you must obtain information on a suitable location, a marketing strategy, and, most importantly, a license from the government. But you don't have to be concerned. We can help you set up a coffee shop in any part of Dubai, from start to finish. You simply need to hand over the paper to us, and we will assist you in completing the task properly.
License to Practice Dentistry & Medicine in Oman

License to Practice Dentistry & Medicine in Oman


Take a look at these procedure to get a license to practice the profession of dentistry and medicine.

License To Practice Dentistry & Medicine

Who is eligible to request this service? Omani doctors.

Steps To Request The Service

Process Steps
Applicants of Doctor for the Ministry of Health
  • Forward the applications to the Director of Office for Public Hospitals.
  • Copy of biographical format submission.
  • Certificates of diplomas and experience copy submission.
Applicants of Doctor for specialist or consultant
  • The personal interview conducted from the Commission of Higher interviews must be passed.
  • The work offered by the Commission's recommendations must be accepted.
Category of specialist and physician assistant and specialist doctors
  • Mobilize application form submission.
  • Oral and written test results submitted.
  • Work offered by the Commission's recommendations must be accepted.
Applicants of Doctor to serve a private sector
  • Application must be submitted to the Ministry of Health to the Director of Office in the Public Hospitals in ministry.
  • Application should be submitted to serve the private sector to the Director of Public Service and private health institutions.
  • Biography copy.
  • Diploma and certificate of experience copies.
  • Inspection and audit certification of the health institution for applicant services needed to serve in a private sector.
  • Get the applicant A visa for visiting the Sultanate for a performance test.
  • Mobilize Application Form completion to enter the license tests (entry fee for licensing test).
  • Oral tests and written tests conducted by the Committee of the Ministry's office must pass the exam.
  • Labor cards and licences are to be issued.

Documents Required For The Process

  • Forms depend on the position.
  • Forms for visa process.
  • Curriculum vitae copy.
  • Certificates and diplomas of experience copies.
  • Passport's copy.
  • Photographs-2.

Special Conditions

  • Employment experience of 3 years.
  • Sponsor's letter to give permission.
  • Must be physically fit.


Applications get processed within 4 weeks of submission. Applicants get notified by telephone, e-mail, regular mail or by posting on the billboard of the Ministry's office.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I take an Arabian-language exam, instead of English? No, all our exams are conducted in the English language. 2. Can I take my exam through the phone? No. All our applicants must take the test in person. 3. After passing my exam, can I defer the oral exams? Yes. Oral exams must be taken within three months from the date of passing. 4. Can I participate in the oral exam if my visa gets near completion? Yes. We do our best to arrange the exam. 5. Am I a guaranteed employee, if I pass the oral and written exams? No. You don't become a guaranteed employee until you pass the hiring process. 6. When will I get the appointment after passing the exam? As subjected to the availability of vacancies. 7. Will I get the appointment from the Ministry of Health if there is a vacancy? Yes. The Ministry staff will contact you by mail, letter or phone.
How to Get a General Trading License in Dubai

How to Get a General Trading License in Dubai

Are you surfing over the internet to get a trade license in Dubai? You've come to the right place. We'll guide you with the procedure to get a general trading license in Dubai. Dubai is the important trading hub of the Arab region. Dubai’s strategic location offers benefits over other European and Asian trading destinations. Due to this benefit, the region has had significant growth in retail, logistics and trade in the past. The inexpensive energy, infrastructure facilities and the flawless communication systems present Dubai. It is the preferred trading destination of international businesses and traders. The well-equipped airport and seaport facilities having impeccable cargo-handling capabilities make Dubai the international cargo hub.

Obtain Your Trading License In Dubai

Businesses that wish to conduct trading of goods and commodities must acquire a general trading license in the United Arab Emirates. Here you'll find the complete steps to get a general trading license in Dubai. Businesses require the general trading license who likes to engage in more trading activities. It means the activities can belong to different industries. Many activities require the single general trading license to operate in the United Arab Emirates. Some activities are toy trade or furniture, trading of jewelry, electronic items, spare parts, exports and imports as well. Wholesale trading companies need a valid General Trading license to operate in the UAE. Some restrictions are suitable in trading products like beverages and tobacco. For trading these restricted products, businesses must get an external approval from its competent authority. You must set up a trading company in the UAE's free zone or mainland. The drawbacks and benefits vary with the jurisdiction. So, the investor must determine the jurisdiction from which they have to apply for a trade license.

Documents Needed For Issuance Of General Trading License

  • Business Managers' signature in the application.
  • Attested copy of business name approved from the DED.
  • MOA.
  • Copy of partner's passport.

Instructions To Get A General Trading License In Dubai

Instructions are given in a brief manner.
  • Determine the suitable trade name for your trading.
  • Assign a legal form.
  • Business activities are finalized that are to be listed in the license.
  • Get the initial approval.
  • Duly fill the application and submit.
  • Restricted activities need external approvals.
  • If trading activity requires additional approval, get them.
  • Submit all the required documents.
  • Find a location that is apt for your trading.
  • Prepare and attest the tenancy agreement.
  • File the Final License form at DED.
  • Pay the license fee.

Validity & Renewal Of General Trading License

Validity for the General Trading License is for 1 year. You must renew the license if it expires. For renewal, you must submit the expired license with proof to get approval from DED. The validity for renewed license is 5 years.

General Trading License Cost (Dubai)

The license cost around AED 40,000.

Benefits On Getting A General Trading License (UAE)

  • Exempted from tax- the license owner is exempted from tax.
  • Repatriation benefits- the business has complete reports assets and profits.
  • Uncomplicated formalities- the license issuance formalities are direct and easy. It is accomplished within 10 days.
  • Multiple visa benefits- the license grants multiple visas for the workers or staff of the license holder. Employee visa issued depends on the area of the office space. More the area, the more the number of visas issued.
  • Exempted from annual auditing- the license holder is not required to submit the annual auditing report.
  • Enhanced possibilities of trading- traders like to exploit their market to the fullest. The license holder can conduct a national, local and worldwide trade to get a General Trading license in United Arab Emirates.
  • Sponsoring visas- Visa sponsorship is available for the dependants of a license holder.
To acquire the general trading license in UAE or Dubai, it offers a lucrative opportunity for investors and traders. It provides the reliable platform to get more revenue in business expansion. We at Black Swan perform all procedures to get a license and related business setup in UAE and Dubai. Get in touch with us for the best plans and packages. Related Links You will also be Interested in

Business Setup Department of Economic Development- Dubai

DED is the government entity to issue licenses for individuals or corporate entities to carry the business in Dubai's mainland outside of the free zones. A local company also known as the DED licensed enterprise. The Department of Economic Development acts as the one-window service centre for local companies. For SME's, to get a local license in Dubai can act as the preferred option for opening an office anywhere. Some business activities have no choice but to open the locally licensed company. Unlike a free zone, a company cannot own 100% of the company as it needs a local sponsor or the local service agent as per the activity you'll choose.

DED Dubai License

When you don't have full ownership of your company, it pushes the foreign investors to set up a free zone company. A professional business incorporator can maximize your business and minimize the risks. We provide invaluable experience and expert insights in Dubai trade license acquisition. The business setup consultants offer guidance, in-depth consultancy, assists entrepreneurs and foreign companies to establish a local presence in the United Arab Emirates. We've teamed up with the dependable local company incorporators at Dubai to offer solutions to our clients. We facilitate cost-effective trade license acquisition with our experienced business consultants and with our knowledge of the application process. We prepare documents for your application with certified and deemed UAE rules and regulations. Our team carries the document submission, lease application, and fee payments for businesses to get approval from the DED.

DED Dubai Company Formation

Our team takes care of the paper processing, so clients can create business strategies, plan for the future and prepare for challenges. Our efficient service can make the client benefit from a hassle-free and value driven process, allowing business to hit the ground. We take away the stress of processing applications and facilitate the payment to government agencies. Choose any of the licenses for business and we can offer your application underway: Commercial- issued to those who engage in trading. Industrial- issued to those who are engaged in industrial activity. Professional- issued to individuals who can create crafts, artisanal works, or professional services

No local sponsor Required for Professional & Commercial License in Dubai

No local sponsor Required for Professional & Commercial License in Dubai Get free consultation Call or WhatsApp +971-50 509 1451/ +971-42406939 Website : https://bss.blackswanbss.com/ Official Blog : https://bss.blackswanbss.com/updates/ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/blackswan201/ Twitter : https://twitter.com/BlackSwanBSS Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/blackswan_b... LinkedIn : https://linkedin.com/company/black-sw... #localsponsordubai #dubaibusinesssetup #companyformationdubai #dubai
Free Zone Company Setup & License in Ajman

Free Zone Company Setup & License in Ajman

Ajman is the developing city of the United Arab Emirates that has a promising economy and its government to expand and diversify its local market. Investors realize the potential of the emirate on becoming an economic hub. The emirate experiences infrastructural and economic growth. They are located at the Arabian Gulf, next to Sharjah and Dubai. It gives easy access to two international airports and four maritime ports for 24 hours in a day and 7 days in a week. Local ports experience increased activity that serves as a transport hub for international and local shipments. The business setup in Ajman becomes an increasing proposition to investors to involve in trade with small regional markets. You can look upon us to get experts help in company setup and license acquisition.

Comprehensive Business Solutions - Ajman Free Zone License

We combine industry experience with technical expertise. We've navigated to set up a company to expedite the process. Our in-house team can offer comprehensive end-to-end support to make your ground running. Here are the range of our services:
  • Company incorporation
  • Company registration
  • Marketing and advertising services
  • Professional document clearing services
  • Process and applying for a bank account
  • Application or visa renewal
  • Free zone license application

Benefits Of Business Setup In Ajman

To set up a company in the free zones of Ajman has lots of advantages. This type of establishment has reasonable cost of operations. Raw materials are available from local markets which stock up on resources and supplies to be affordable. The developed technological infrastructure availability has affordable office rental facilities. It's economical to avail business offices, corporate facilities, and warehouses equipped with cutting-edge technology for business in the city of Ajman. Local ports can be accessible with transportation of goods, either international or local, making it faster, easier and economical. This reduces operational costs and efforts while maximising your company’s return. These operational conditions can establish a company in Ajman. Build your empire to acquire the free zone license in Ajman. If you need to maximize your investment, start a company in the emirate of Ajman. Get in touch with us to establish a company in the emirate of Ajman. Related Links
How to get Cryptocurrency License in Dubai UAE

How to get Cryptocurrency License in Dubai UAE

The United Arab Emirates has started encouraging entrepreneurs in the cryptocurrency business stretch. Dubai began to speed up the work which heightens the country’s digital money. Being one of the top trading market lines in the world, Dubai started showing an enormous interest ratio in digital payment pace that followingly paved crypto platform to rise. Crypto currency market rise is hoping to modify the whole world.

Know about cryptocurrency license in UAE

The top rising crypto currency market and many entrepreneurs being attracted here in Dubai makes UAE one of the best platforms. It changes the whole traditional way of business and increases the online payment modes. Even the office framework is advanced in both the mainland and free zone areas of Dubai to attract and encourage crypto traders. It is also expected that in upcoming years it will more and more crypto currency trade operations in Dubai. Thinking of beginning a crypto currency business in mainland or free zone, anywhere in Dubai? Go with approval of commercial cryptocurrency license. The approval is needed from 3 main departments which confirms the company structure and their credits to befit the business. Navigate to a better and best crypto currency business dealing consultancy in local Dubai for complete guidance from beginning to the end level. Initial process is to get a license for commercial crypto currency. Even this license falls under the categorization of commercial license like every other commerce do in Dubai. It is a chain of trade with bitcoins and many other crypto coins. Possessing crypto currency license, allows you to do any crypto trade in Dubai.

Follow these steps for getting a commercial license of crypto currency trading in Dubai UAE

Application form has to be filled and submitted to the authorized person to register your trade. Available online. After filling the application, attach the needed documents and click on submitting it. Make approval of the chosen trade name. Passport copies of all the ownership holders. All the main documents are to be presented to Dubai Multi Commodities Center. Make a double check for no documents lost from your license application process. Do all the payments asked. After a week or two, get your hands on the crypto commercial license of Dubai, once every document is approved. Don't go on any fraudulent undertakings. Maintain honest documentation always. Visibility of your capital investments and operation amounts is needed for a period of at least 1 year. Make infos secure inside the crypto wallet. The Department of Economic Development provides the commercial license. Once the complete structure detail of your business is done, the license will be issued.