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Category Archives: How To

event management company setup in dubai UAE

How to set up an event management company in Dubai?

Event management Company Setup in Dubai : Dubai is famous world over as one of the event capitals of the world. Dubai hosts hundreds of events; from international trade fairs and consumer shows to corporate functions and conventions every year. Millions of international visitors land here every year and the World Trade Centre events and exhibitions alone are estimated to contribute some USD 3.3bn to the economy. Many event management companies have flourished here in Dubai and there is still scope for more! Starting an event management company in Dubai is very easy if you are aware of all the legal formalities. If not, you can always seek professional help of a business consultant to make things easier. Decide where you want to set up your business – on the Dubai mainland or in one of its many free zones. Foreign entrepreneurs setting up in a Dubai free zone are allowed to own 100% of their company & do not require a local sponsor to do business. However, free zone businesses have restrictions on where they can hold events and exhibitions as they must apply for a permit from every venue they work with and cannot hold events in public spaces like beaches or parks. Mainland businesses meanwhile only need apply once to the Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DTCM) and can then usually hold events anywhere throughout the UAE. If you opted to set up your events management company in a free zone then there is often no requirement to take up an office space, but on the mainland however, office space is mandatory.

Setup Process

The steps to obtain event management license in Dubai are as follows:
  1. Submit an application form for obtaining the license to the Department of Economic Development (DED) listing your business activities. read more
Benefits of getting a trading license in Dubai

Benefits of getting a trading license in Dubai

Benefits of getting a trading license in Dubai : Dubai has always been an important centre for international trade due to its strategic location. The economic boom has led to a phenomenal rise in trade activities & today, there is quite a huge market in Dubai for all types of products. As per Dubai rules, it is mandatory to acquire a trading license in Dubai if you wish to import, manufacture, distribute and re-export any product in Dubai. A general trading license as such, deals with trading of most of the products that are used in any market apart from products like Medical equipment, Alcohol, etc. As most of general items need only a general trading license getting it is quite expensive as compared to other trading licenses. But certainly, worth its cost!

Advantages of the general trading license.

Local and international trade

Traders have the option to import or manufacture all the goods mentioned in the general trading license. They can either distribute these products in the local Dubai market or export manufactured goods or re-export (imported goods) in the country of their choice. Utilizing the tax-free economy, cheap labour and other incentives proffered by the Government of Dubai these traders stand to gain a huge profit in their trade.

Tax free benefits

Various goods that come under general trade license are almost tax free and manufacturing of these products is possible at minimum costs deriving a huge profit for traders.

Large number of products

Almost all the goods allowed in Dubai are registered under general trading license apart from few specific products or sensitive materials. Hence trading a large number of products comes under a single license, getting the general trade license will provide continuous benefits for years to come.

Simple process

Obtaining a general trading license in Dubai is an easy process as compared to several other types of licenses. You can obtain it in just 1 week from the Department of Economic Development, DED after submitting the required documents. You can start your business in Dubai mainland, free zones or any other part of UAE after that. View process https://bss.blackswanbss.com/general-trading-license-in-dubai/ Traders can save on annual auditing as there is no need to submit auditing report in Dubai (and UAE) once you have the license in possession.

Easy sponsoring of dependents

The trading license makes it easier for investors to apply visas for their employees & dependents. These traders can sponsor their dependents & they can acquire UAE Visa quite -hassle free.

Get Trade License Cost !

How to open a business & Offshore bank account in Dubai

How to open a business & Offshore bank account in Dubai

Open Bank Account in Dubai - Along with the rising economy, Dubai has seen an onslaught of new companies opening operations in the Mainland and free zones. The exemplary infrastructure of Dubai, increased tourist demands and the relaxed taxation laws have attracted new companies here. But before a company is started be it off shore or mainland, a bank account need to be opened.

How to open a Business & Offshore bank account in Dubai:

Opening a business bank account in Dubai is a relatively uncomplicated procedure for Dubai Mainland Companies. Nevertheless, depending upon the size and activity of the business, customer identification requirements may vary. The legal existence of the entity need to be proved to the Bank to get a loan. Companies owned by corporate entities should provide a full set of corporate documents to identify the management and conclusive beneficial ownership of the structure. These documents should be notarised/legalised in their country of origin and again in Dubai. Taking into consideration global initiatives against tax evasion, money laundering and terrorist financing over the past few years, the Central Bank has imposed diligence procedures on financial institutions that open accounts for Offshore Companies. Hence, banks have had to adopt a risk-based approach to account opening. The customer’s primary business areas, the anticipated volume of currency and total deposits, the level of revenues and its main customers and suppliers should be understood by the financial institution before issuing a loan. A business startup consultant can guide you through the process of opening a business & offshore bank account in Dubai and help you prepare all necessary documentation to facilitate an account application.

Documents needed to open a corporate bank account in the Dubai:

  • Company Trade Licence;
  • Certificate of Registration;
  • Share Certificate(s);
  • Company Memorandum & Articles of Association;
  • Board Resolution empowering a Company Officer to open the account;
  • Passport copies for shareholders and authorised signatories.
Depending on the bank and the corporate structure of the company, the required documents may vary. If the corporate shareholders of the companies are from outside the UAE they will be required to notarise and attest all parent company documents in the country of origin and again in the UAE. Before choosing where to open your business account, try to get an idea of the full list of potential charges you may incur.. To sum it up, opening a business banking account in Dubai should be a hassle free process & also there are diverse options for choosing the right account for your business. Choose wisely! open bank account in duba


Types of Licenses Available in Dubai South Free Zone

License Types provided by Dubai South Free Zone

Have a look at the Types of Licenses Available in Dubai South Free Zone

Industrial License

Industrial license will be necessary to carry out manufacturing activities.

Logistics License

Logistics License is required for Companies engaged in transportation activities are to be obtained this license.

General Trading & Trading License

General Trading License & Trading License is essential for export, import, sale, distribute or store any specific product within the UAE market, there will be necessary a trading license. By obtaining general trading license, the holder is allowed to trade goods, except the ones which are strictly prohibited by law outside and within the UAE.

Service License

On obtaining service license, the holder is able to conduct several services as specified by the Free-Zone authorities.

Education License

Education License is for Companies engaged in social and educational services are to obtain this license. It is also applicable for consultancy and training services

Business Activities in Dubai South Free-Zone

  • Social and health work
  • Financial intermediation
  • Contracting & Construction
  • Classification Services
  • Agriculture
  • Communication, Storage and Transport
  • Services & Trading
  • Personal & Social Services
  • Renting and Real State
  • Quarrying, Mining and Manufacturing
Black Swan BSS can help you in Dubai South Free Zone Company Formation, Request a quote now & Talk to  our experts today.

Register Company in Dubai South Free Zone Today

How to setup a Laundry Business in Dubai

How to open a Laundry business in Dubai?

Starting a laundry business in Dubai can be relatively easy, even if you don't have any previous experience in the industry. Laundry license in Dubai allow washing clothes, small carpets, curtains, bed sheets, leather products etc. manually or with washing machines. As it is a field with tough competition, you are likely to face a lot of competitors. Before you start your venture, do your homework well.
If you are investing in a laundry business in Dubai Mainland, a local partner is needed. If it is in a free zone 100% ownership of the main investor is allowed.

General requirements to set up the laundry business in Dubai

  • No Smoking signs should be installed in the entrance
  • Sleeping and cooking are not allowed in the working area of the Laundry
  • Emergency contact numbers must be displayed prominently.
  • Cloth used for ironing should be kept clean at all times. Read More

Open a Laundry business Today !

llc cоmраnу fоrmаtіоn process stаrtіng а llc company іn dubai

LLC Cоmраnу Fоrmаtіоn Process – Stаrtіng а LLC Company іn Dubai

LLC Company Formation in Dubai : The business hub of the Middle East, Dubai is the ideal ground to set up your business. The strategic location of Dubai at the juncture of East and West economies makes it one of the busiest business destinations in the world. Dubai provides state of the art infrastructure, high connectivity, a multinational workforce and a cosmopolitan lifestyle to investors from all over the world. The standard form of business in the Emirates is the LLC or the Limited Lіаbіlіtу Cоmраnу, Dubai. The Lіmіtеd Liability Company саn bе incorporated by a minimum of two and a maximum оf fifty ѕhаrеhоldеrѕ whose lіаbіlіtу іѕ lіmіtеd to thеіr ѕhаrеѕ in thе buѕіnеѕѕеѕ саріtаl. Apart from that, a great number of companies with fоrеіgn membership and assistance hаvе been established as Limited Lіаbіlіtу Cоmраnies, as it is the only course of action that will provide a direct and legal authorization and ownership of 49% tо the еxраtrіаtеѕ fоr a local buѕіnеѕѕ. Furthermore, it іѕ mandatory in UAE tо hаvе a local partner who is a UAE nаtіоnаl іn thе LLC with 51% of ѕhаrеhоldіng prospective. The іnvеѕtоr hаѕ thе sole right to choose his local раrtnеr in thе соmраnу. All these elements add to the fact that a limited liability company іѕ a dynamic and flеxіblе choice for business. Differential рrоfіt sharing аrrаngеmеntѕ can be made possible in an LLC. This allows thе foreign іnvеѕtоr to be a cut above as 51% lеgаl еԛuіtу іѕ with the local раrtnеr.

The Lісеnѕіng Authorities

The Dераrtmеnt оf Economic Dеvеlорmеnt is the chief licensing authority in Dubаi.

Whаt are thе Benefits of UAE Limited Liability Company?

  • Formation of a Limited Liability Company in Dubai has great benefits on offer for any investor which include:
  • Thе іnvеѕtоr can become a раrtnеr іn thе company
  • No ѕресіfіс mіnіmum саріtаl requirements are there
  • LLC is the mоѕt рорulаr choice for founding a соmmеrсіаl company іn Dubai The profit and lоѕѕеѕ of the LLC саn bе ѕhаrеd at a ratio different from thе ѕhаrе capital even though the foreign еԛuіtу in thе соmраnу dоеѕ not еxсееd 49%.
  • For an LLC it is eаѕу to open glоbаl соrроrаtе bank accounts and avail credit fасіlіtіеѕ
  • In an LLC, thе іnvеѕtоr will be able to manage the buѕіnеѕѕ wіthоut the day-to-day іntеrfеrеnсе from thе lосаl раrtnеr
  • By founding a LLC in UAE an investor can get unmatched ассеѕѕ tо thе extensive UAE есоnоmу
  • Only a few activities are restricted for an LLC.
  • All thе assets and саріtаl сrеаtеd by the LLC wіll be in thе nаmе оf the соmраnу аnd nоt in thе nаmе of thе local national раrtnеr
  • The іnvеѕtоr in an LLC also hаѕ thе option tо open separate branches in UAE.

LLC Inсоrроrаtіоn Services

Black Swan BSS works сlоѕеlу in coordination with clients to help in establishing their LLC right frоm the beginning to the end. We support our clients wіth strategic іdеаѕ and wоrk according to your business рlаn. It is to be noted that the time span of forming an LLC wіll bе about one to two wееkѕ frоm thе date оf receipt of all required dосumеntѕ. Black Swan provide assistance in:

Register LLC Company Today

Business Setup Process in Dubai South Free Zone

Business Setup Process in Dubai South Free Zone

Dubai South Company Registration : Business Setup Process in Dubai South Free Zone You are likely to come across an ideal ecosystem here at Dubai South Free-Zone, where you can actually set up your business and enjoy saving significant money and time. One cost effective option to initiate start-up internationally and in the UAE is Dubai South Zone, as its fast developing economy does help you to reap in its advantages. Similar to other free zones, the procedure to be followed is very much the same. However, regulations pertaining to submission of necessary documents vary. Application submission with valid legal documents: Application form is to be collected from the free-zone authorities. It can also be applied online. Once done, all essential documents that are mentioned clearly in the form are to be submitted. Activity and Name Approval: Proposed name of the company is to relate clearly with the intended business activities and is not to resemble any other existing names. Moreover, there should be obtained NOC (No Objection Certificate) for those activities which may need external approval. Invoice Issuance & Company Registration: Your company is to be duly registered in the portal, only after approval of the documents is completed. Then you are provided with an invoice which states payment of dues, if any. Fees need to be paid at the counter and there is some waiting time to obtain the license. To obtain Dubai Free-Zone license, there needs to be paid an annual fee of around AED 3,000 to 7,000, which varies significantly, depending upon the nature of the business and its activities. Sign & Collect License, Registration Certificate and Lease (if an office is rented): Approval form is to be duly signed. License and other essential documents are to be collected. If an office is being rented for the business, then lease agreement will also be required. See all License type provided by Dubai south free zone Black Swan Business Setup service can help you in entire business setup & company formation process in Dubai South Free Zone. Talk to our experts Today.

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Company incorporation process in Mauritius

Company incorporation process in Mauritius

Company incorporation can be either affected with the submission of essential documents at Registration of Companies office or online.

Application form needs to have the following

  • Proposed company’s name.
  • Any former name or present full name, usual service address & residential address of each and every secretary or director of the company.
  • Specifications pertaining to any directorships and business occupation in any public company subsidiary or public company held by every director. If the proposed director is found to be the director of multiple subsidiaries belonging to a single group, then the holding company’s name should suffice with inclusion of ‘group’ word.
  • Every shareholder’s, full name, service address and usual residential address, amount that needs to be paid and number of shares need to be taken.
  • If company is unlimited or limited.
  • If company is public or private.
  • Company’s registered office address.
  • For one person company, service address and usual residential address of the nominated person by proposed director for acting as secretary, calling meeting of heirs in case of sole director’s death.
  • Business Registration Act stating business location and activities. The information provided within the application is knowledgeably correct and true.
  • Applicant’s full name.

The application form is to be accompanied with the given below documents

  • The company having a constitution needs to have a copy certified by one application at least to verify its authenticity as the company’s constitution.
  • Every proposed secretary or director’s signed consent needs to state that they do not have the necessary qualification to hold such office.
  • Every proposed shareholder’s signed consent comprising of class of shares and numbers including amount paid for them.
  • If the company is guaranteed limited, then every member has to sign the document to signify his/her consent of being a member and to contribute the amount in case, the company has plans to wind up.
  • If the agent who represents the member or shareholder signs the document, it becomes a proxy form that authorizes the agent to act accordingly.

What you Get after Application Process ?

  • Issue incorporation certificate
  • Enter on the Register the company specifics to provide unique number to the company.

While making incorporation application, the following documents need to be submitted

  • Certification of Reservation Original Copy (If any).
  • Passport photocopy for non-residents.
  • Residence permit copy in case, the company’s only director is found to be a foreigner.
  • Address proof of director like Utility Bill.
  • Address proof of Secretary for one person company.
Black Swan Business Setup Service offers Company Registration Service in Mauritius

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