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Category Archives: Free Zone

Get your Dubai Free Zone Visa with DMCC

You have started a new business in one of the free zones in the UAE. You've set up the processes and are looking for a new team to help your business grow. Getting a Dubai Free Zone visa is pretty easy, whether you want to hire someone from the UAE (someone who works at Dubai's onshore location) or from another country.

But with so much information available today, it can be hard to understand the visa process, including who is eligible, what the rules are, and how much it will cost.

Most free zone authorities put a cap on how many visas each business can get. If a company wants to get more visas, it can either move to a bigger office or ask the free zone authority for permission to get more visas.

This blog gives you a lot of information about the procedures, types of visas, and eligibility requirements for each type of visa. This will help you make an informed decision about which visa to get.

Four Types of Dubai Residence Visas at DMCC

When you use DMCC to apply for a visa, the process is easy and clear.
Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC) sets a limit on the number of visas you can get based on the size of the office you choose. For instance:

  • Flexi desk: Up to 3 visas
  • Serviced office: 4 or 5 visas depending on the size of the office
  • Physical space: 1 visa for every 9 square metres

The UAE Ministry of Labour has nothing to do with free zone visas. Each free zone authority has its own employment law, and the terms of the job contract are in line with labour law. People with free zone visas are not allowed to work outside of the free zone, or "onshore," because they do not have a full UAE work contract.

Every company with a DMCC licence can apply for four types of visas: an Employment visa, a Dependents' Resident visa, a Partner/Investor visa (which includes a Business Visit visa), and a Student visit visa.

Each of the four visas comes with different scenarios, such as how to apply for a new visa, how to renew an old one, or how to transfer access for employees who already live in the UAE. Visit this page to find out more about how each category is broken down.

Employment Visa

A company with a DMCC licence must make sure that its employees are allowed to work in the free zone by making sure they have an employment residence visa, an ID card, or an access approval.

Identity cards and access permissions are another way for a business owner to give permission to an employee who is not directly sponsored by the company.

Employment Residence Visa

The most common way to get a visa is to get a job with a business in a free zone and sign a contract to live there. A free zone employee's visa is paid for by a free zone authority (in this case, DMCC), not by the employer.

To start their application, an employee in a free zone needs a letter of appointment from their company. This type of visa is good for one, two, or three years, and the process for applying is different for employees who live outside of the UAE and for those who live in the UAE.

Identity Cards

If you want to hire a woman who is sponsored by her husband or father, you will need to get an ID card for this woman employee. The ID card can be used for a year. Each electronically issued ID card is a new count against the number of visas your company is allowed.

Access Approvals

If you want to bring someone in to do temporary work at your office who is not an employee, you will need to get permission to let them in. This is usually for consultants, contract workers, and workers from sister or parent companies who need to work temporarily in DMCC. A valid Access Approval can be used for 1, 3, or 12 months. Access Approvals are only given to up to 30% of the workers who are doing the work.

Dependents’ Resident Visa

Through DMCC, a company with a DMCC licence can apply for UAE residence permits for sponsored employees and their dependents, such as their wife, children, parents, parents-in-law, and housemaids. But this application will have to follow the rules and laws of Dubai's Federal Authority For Identity and Citizenship (FAIC).

A dependents' entry permit is valid for 60 days. If the family member does not pass the medical test, they cannot stay in the UAE.

Partner / Investor Visa

This kind of visa is perfect for foreigners who want to start their own business in Dubai or put money into companies that are already there.

An investor visa is good for three years, and the immigration office does not need a deposit.

Business Visit Visa

A company with a DMCC licence can also pay for a foreign team member to do business in UAE. DMCC can help this worker get a business visitor visa. This kind of visa can be used for a month.

Student Visa (University and Institution)

A student at a university or school licenced by the DMCC can apply for a student visa. A visa for a college student is good for one year, and a visa for an institution is good for 90 days.

Key Criteria for DMCC Visa

All visa applications are taken care of by DMCC's online portals. Each application has its own set of documents that must be sent along with it. The process for getting a visa also changes based on whether the applicant is inside or outside the UAE.

If the employee application is outside of the UAE, it must include the Emirates ID, a copy of the most recent passport, a photo the size of a passport, a signed offer letter, relevant education certificates, a signed employment contract, and a medical fitness certificate. The Emirates ID and medical fitness certificate can be issued by DMCC, but you don't have to use this service.

If the employee application is in the UAE, they will also need an Emirates ID, a document showing that their status has changed, and a copy of their current visa.

Some of the most important things to think about when applying for any kind of visa are:

Employment Visa

  • When applying for an employment entry permit, your passport must be valid for at least six months.
  • The UAE Embassy in the home country and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) in Dubai must both attest the relevant education certificates.
  • If the applicant lives in the UAE area, all certificates need to be legally translated into Arabic.
  • You can apply for your potential employee's health insurance through one of the 45 local health insurance plans in the UAE that have been approved by the Dubai Health Authority (DHA).

Dependents’ Resident Visa

  • Employees who make at least AED 4,000 per month and live in at least a one-bedroom apartment can pay for their wife and children to stay in the country.
  • Employees who make at least AED 20,000 per year and have a place to live can sponsor their parents and parents-in-law.
  • Dependants must have valid health insurance.
  • If the employee's title is "clerk," "sales," "executive," "administrative officer," "assistant," etc., then that person has to give a three-month bank statement.
  • To be eligible for sponsorship, the sponsor can't work as a worker or in a job similar to that of a housemaid.
  • You can still apply for a dependents' resident visa with DMCC if you are only a shareholder of a DMCC licenced company and hold a Dubai residence visa but not an employee residence visa issued by a free zone authority (in this case, DMCC).

Partner / Investor Visa

  • If your DMCC-licensed company has more than one shareholder who owns at least 50,000 shares, you can get a partner visa for them.
  • You can get an investor visa if you are the only owner of your DMCC-licensed company.

Business Visit Visa

  • Each company can ask for up to three of these visas at once.
  • This kind of visa can't be renewed and can't be paid back.
  • If the application is turned down, the costs are not refundable.

Student Visa (University and Institution)

  • Minimum of six months left on the passport and a letter of application from the university or institute

Hassle-Free Visa Services with DMCC

The DMCC Member Portal makes it easy for you to do a lot of things for your business, like get licenses, make changes to your business, and get NOCs. The portal makes it easy to handle all of your business tasks in one place, giving you more time to focus on what's most important for your business.

Tags : DMCC Company Registration, UAE Residence Visa, UAE Student Visa, Dubai Investor Visa, Dubai Freezone Company Formation, UAE Work Visa, UAE Business Golden Visa, Dubai Digital Nomad Visa, Maid Visa in Dubai

Company Registration in Dubai: Mainland vs Free Zone vs Offshore

When you start your own business in Dubai, one of the most important things to think about is what kind of business entity to choose. Most of the time, you can choose between the mainland, a free zone, or an offshore entity. Each has its own pros and cons, and the right choice will depend on what your company does for business, who it wants to trade with, how it is owned, and other factors.

So, how do the types of businesses compare? Which one will help your business the most? Our blog goes into detail about these questions and compares the costs, problems, and benefits of each place.

1. Free Zone Company

Free zones are places where goods and services can be bought and sold, usually with lower taxes and customs fees. By doing business in one of Dubai's 30 free zones, you can get benefits like 100% foreign ownership, 100% tax exemption for corporations, 100% repatriation and capital funds, and 100% repatriation and capital funds.

Ownership Structure

One of the best things about setting up your business in Dubai's free zones is that you have full ownership of it. To start a business, you don't need a local sponsor or service agent.

Business Activity

You can't do business on the mainland as a company in a free zone. If you want to sell to people in the UAE, you will need to set up a company on the mainland with the help of a local sponsor.

Office Requirements

In each free zone, there is a wide range of office space options, from virtual desks to offices and even flexi-desks.

Visa Requirements

The number of visas you can get will depend on the size of the office space you rent and the type of free zone you are in. Most free zones in Dubai will let you get between 3 and 6 visas.

At DMCC, the number of visas your business can get depends on the size of the office you choose:

  • Flexi desk: up to 3 visas.
  • Serviced office: 4 to 5 visas depending on the size of the office.
  • Physical space: 1 visa for every 9 square meters.

Cost of Setup

Costs vary greatly for setting up and running a business in one of Dubai's free zones. Here is a list of the four main fees for setting up and running a business in Dubai:

  • Company Registration Fee
  • Licence Fee
  • Office Fee
  • Share Capital

For a more in-depth look at how the costs of setting up a business in Dubai's different free zones vary.

2. Mainland Company

Companies that are based on the mainland, which are often called "onshore" companies, have access to the local market and markets outside of the UAE. To become a Mainland LLC company, you must get a licence from the Department of Economic Development (DED) of the emirate where you want to do business.

Ownership Structure

Before the new UAE laws on commercial company ownership went into effect, foreign business owners who set up a mainland company in Dubai could only buy 49% of the company's shares. A local sponsor had to buy the other 51%. But as of December 1, 2020, the UAE passed a law that lets foreigners own 100% of companies on the mainland. Since the resolution is so new, it has not yet been fully put into place or fully explained.

Business Activity

A business that is based on the mainland can do business anywhere in the UAE. They can also do business in any free zone in the United Arab Emirates.

Office Requirements

In contrast to a free zone or an offshore company, mainland companies must have an office space. The DED says that you have to rent at least 200 square feet of office space. Companies on the mainland are not allowed to have virtual offices.

Visa Requirements

For a company on the mainland, there are no restrictions on visas. The size of rented office space or a business facility determines how many residency visas can be given. So, the more office space your company has, the more work visas your company may be able to get. In general, one visa per 80 square feet is used to figure it out.

Cost of Setup

When a business owner starts a mainland company, some of the first costs they can expect are:

  • License fee: The DED has different licence options, but the standard trade or service licence is usually 5% of the rent. A General Trading licence Instant licence, Merchant licence, and launch licence don't apply to this.
  • Initial Approval from DED
  • Dubai Chamber of Commerce
  • Approval of trade name
  • Office rent
  • Attestation of Memorandum of Association (MoA)
  • Drafting of contract and court agreement attestation
  • Registration with Ministry of Economy
  • Trade license fee
  • UAE local Sponsorship fees depend on the nature of the business

3. Offshore Company

Offshore companies are not allowed to run any kind of direct business in the UAE. But an offshore company can be a shareholder in any UAE company on the mainland or in a free zone. This lets the offshore company enter the UAE market and do business through its subsidiary companies.

Ownership Structure

An offshore company can own the whole business, but it can't have a physical location in the UAE.

Business Activity

An offshore company in Dubai can do business anywhere in the UAE, including on the mainland and in any of the free zones.

Office Requirements

A company that is not based in the UAE cannot have a physical office there. Their office must be in a country other than the one they work in.

Visa Requirements

Visas can't be given out by companies in other countries. Only companies in Dubai/UAE that are on the mainland or in a free zone can give out resident visas.

Cost of Setup

Setting up an offshore business isn't too expensive. Setting up an offshore company in Dubai is the least expensive of the three options. This is because there are no minimum requirements for capital deposits before incorporation, and there are no costs associated with office space or getting a visa.

Choosing the Right Jurisdiction for Your Business

Your company doesn't have a "best" choice between a free zone on the mainland or one off the coast. Whether or not a jurisdiction is good for your business depends on its goals and strategies.

Here is a summary of what was talked about in the blog.


Free Zone

Mainland (Onshore)


Ownership Structure 

100% foreign ownership

100% foreign ownership

100% foreign ownership

Business Activity 

You can trade within the Free Zone and internationally. Trade within the UAE is possible through a local agent/distributor.

You can trade throughout the UAE and internationally.

They are free to do business outside the emirates. They cannot have a physical setup for doing business within the UAE.

Office Requirements 

Not compulsory to have a physical office space. Many free zones in Dubai allow you to create a business licence by offering virtual/flexible desk solutions.

Minimum 200 sq ft office.

You are not allowed to have any physical office in Dubai.

Visa Requirements 

Setting up your company in a Dubai free zone automatically makes you eligible for a visa. Visa costs differ per free zone.

The number of residency visas granted is based on the size of leased office space. Generally, it is calculated as one visa per 80 square feet.

No residency visas issues.

Cost of Setup


Setup costs strongly depend on which free zone area you select. 



Set Up Your Business in DMCC

If you think the best thing to do is set up as a free zone entity, DMCC is your best bet. As the world's number one free trade zone and the centre of global commodity trading, DMCC offers your business benefits and services that can't be found anywhere else to help it succeed

Tags: Company Formation Dubai, Company Registration Dubai, Dubai Freezone Company Formation, Dubai Mainland Company Formation, Offshore Company Formation, DMCC Company Registration, Difference Between Mainland Free Zone Company Formation

Oman Free Zone Licence & Business Setup Cost

Free zones have historically been the enticing element for investors to establish a business in GCC nations. As tax-free zones, these zones have been instrumental in attracting international business to their respective nations. Due to the existence of free zones, Oman has long been a popular location for international investors to establish a business. If you have plans to expand your business in Oman, you should consider Oman's free zones. This guide will provide you with an overview of business formation in Oman's free zones.

Industrial Free Zones in Oman

The Sultanate has four free zones where different types of businesses and activities can grow. The zone makes it possible to import raw materials, process, assemble, and package them, export finished goods, and store and warehouse them. There are free zones in Oman.
  1. Al Mazunah Free Zone
  2. Salalah Free Zone
  3. Sohar Free Zone
  4. Duqm SEZ
The free zones have been put into groups based on the types of businesses they help. One should choose a zone based on their business and how they do business. In Oman, there are 4 free zones:

1. Al Mazunah Free Zone

Al Mazunah was built in 1999 and is close to the Yemeni border. This makes it the gateway to the Republic of Yemen and East African countries from the Gulf. This area is a centre for business, service, and manufacturing.

2. Salalah Free Zone

This free zone helps businesses that want to grow in the Middle East, Africa, Southern Europe, and Asia. The low cost of labour, utilities, and infrastructure make the place an attractive place to live.

3. Sohar Free Zone

It is a deep-sea port on 4,500 hectares that brings in almost US$26 billion and is one of the ports with the fastest growth in the world. The port will likely be in charge of running Oman's National Food Reserve.

4. Duqm SEZ

Duqm SEZ is home to one of the most important economic zones of the future. With an area of almost 1,745 km2, the zone has been split into 8 sub-zones that offer different ways to invest, such as in industries, a seaport and dry-dock, tourism, fishing, etc. Now, let's take a look at the benefits you can get from setting up a business in Oman.

Benefits of Setting Up a Company in Oman Free Zone

  • Investors own everything.
  • No Minimum Share Capital requirement
  • For ten years, there will be no corporate tax.
  • There are no taxes on importing and exporting.
  • At least 5 years on the lease
  • Without an agent in Oman, trade can start.

How to Set Up a Business in Oman Free Zone?

To start a business in the Oman free zone as an investor, you need to follow the steps below:
  • Send in the Application Form for a Plot
  • Come to a deal on the business terms
  • Send a letter to the Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs that says you have no objections.
  • Clear the process of due diligence
  • Choose a plot and get permission to build on it.
  • Pay the rent, the fee to incorporate, and the licence fee.
  • Get your company's Certificate of Incorporation.
  • Put your name on the lease.

Documents Required to Set Up a Business in Oman Free Zone

  • Names of the investors and the country where they are from
  • How much land do you need to start a business?
  • A business plan and money to start up
  • A symbolic representation of how many jobs are made.
  • The total amount of electricity and water needed
  • Information on how to reach the investor
  • Estimated amount of cargo

Fees Required to Set Up a Free Zone Company in Oman

Activities Fee
Business Registration OMR 1,000-2000
Commercial/ Logistics License OMR 350 - 400 (annual)
Industrial/ Manufacturing License OMR 380- 400 (annual)
2-Year Visa OMR 200
By putting all the information together, we can say that Oman's free zones are making progress and are a great place for business investors to put their money. The location has a lot of potential for both established businesses and new ones. It also gives investors a chance to grow their businesses in the countries next door. To start the process, it's best to talk to a business consultant who knows the Omani legal rules and regulations and the process for setting up a business. This will make it easier and faster for you to incorporate the entity. Not sure who to talk to? Don't be afraid. We're looking out for you. If you are looking for a Business Setup Company in Oman to register a company in Oman Free Zone , Call us on +968-78198097 or fill up the form below Tags: Business Setup Service Oman, Oman Mainland Company Formation, Company Formation in Oman, Company Registration in Oman, Oman Company Incorporation, Opening Branch Office in Oman, Oman Freezone Company Formation, Salalah Freezone Oman, Special Economic Zone at Duqm, Freezone of Sohar, Freezone of Al Mazunah

Why Start your Company in Oman Free Zones ?

Investors who want to start a business in a Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) country have always been interested in free zones. As they have tax-free zones in some parts of their countries, these zones have been very important in getting international businesses to move to those countries. Oman has always been a popular place for international investors who want to start a business. This is because there are free zones there. Free zones are a great choice if you want to grow your business in Oman. This guide will show you how to start a business in Oman's free zones.

Oman’s Industrial Free Zones

The Sultanate has four free zones where different types of businesses and activities can grow. In the zone, it is legal to import raw materials, process, assemble, package, export finished products, and store and warehouse products. Many places in Oman are free. The free zones have been put into groups based on what kinds of businesses they help. Choose a zone based on your business needs and the type of business you run. There are four free zones in Oman:

Al Mazunah Free Zone

Al Mazunah, which opened in 1999 and is close to the border with Yemen, is the gateway from the Gulf to the Republic of Yemen and countries in East Africa. This area is where the business, service, and manufacturing sectors all meet.

Salalah Free Zone

Companies that want to grow in the Middle East, Africa, Southern Europe, or Asia can get help from this free zone. Because of how cheap the labour, utilities, and infrastructure are, the place is a good place to go.

Sohar Free Zone

It is a deep-sea port that covers 4,500 hectares and brings in nearly US$26 billion in business. It is one of the ports that is growing the fastest in the world. The National Food Reserve of Oman is expected to be run by the port.

Duqm SEZ (Special Economic Zone)

One of the largest economic zones in the world will be in Duqm SEZ. The zone is about 1,745 square kilometres in size and has been split into eight sub-zones that offer different ways to invest, such as in industries, seaports and dry docks, tourism, fishing, and so on. Let's look at why it's a good idea to start a business in Oman.

The Advantages of Starting a Business in the Oman Free Zone

  • 100% ownership for Investors
  • No Minimum Share Capital requirement
  • No Corporate tax for a period of ten years
  • No duties are imposed on import and export procedures
  • Minimum 5 years of lease trade can start within Oman without a local agent

Required Documents for Starting a Business in the Oman Free Zone

  • Name of the investors along with their country
  • Plot size required to set up a business
  • Business Plan along with Capital Investment
  • A outline of total employment generation total electricity and water requirement
  • Contact details of the investor
  • Projected cargo volume

How do I start a business in the Sultanate of Oman’s Free Zone?

To incorporate a business in the Oman free zone, an investor must follow the steps outlined below:
  • Submit Plot Application Form
  • Reach an agreement on the Commercial Terms
  • Submit a No Objection Letter to the Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs
  • Clear the due diligence process
  • Select a plot and get approval for its application
  • Pay the lease, incorporation, and license fee
  • Collect the Certificate of Incorporation
  • Sign the lease agreement
Tags: Oman Mainland Company Formation, Company Formation in Oman, Company Registration in Oman, Oman Company Incorporation, Opening Branch Office in Oman, Oman Freezone Company Formation, Salalah Freezone Oman, Special Economic Zone at Duqm, Freezone of Sohar, Freezone of Al Mazunah
Investment Opportunities in Oman

Investment Opportunities in Oman

Here is the path to economy variation and advantage of strategic position of Sultanate, considering its benefits of foreign investment, the Government adopted the idea to establish Free zones in many regions of Sultanate such as:

These zones are attractive zones, because of the completed infrastructure.

There are several opportunities in educational projects, services projects, gas, oil, tourism, health, and information technology shown as:

Essential Setup Services

  • Available opportunities for Architecture and Quantity Survey and Contractors.
  • The bridges, high southern way, and way networking.
  • Drainage and Dams network.
  • Water resources improvement.
  • Water sweetening stations.
  • Commercial buildings, houses, and shopping centers.
  • New extensions, ports, and airports.

Health And Education Services

Oil and Gas services
  • Available opportunities for purchases, Engineering contracting, logistics support and training.
  • Production.
  • Transport.
  • Investigation.
  • Maintenance and services.
  • Invention technology.
  • Projects of lower cleft.
Tourism Services
  • Public relations.
  • Advertisements.
  • Managing activities.
  • MICE.
  • Operating trips.
  • Operating hotels.
  • Al Mawj Recreation Place.
  • Operating recreational restaurants.
  • Blue City.
  • Muscat Golf Club.
  • Rass Al Had.
  • Al Seefa Recreation.
  • Conference center.
  • Al Salam Recreation.
  • Shinas Recreation.
  • Ras Al Hamra Recreation.
Information Technology Services
  • Call center of comprehensive training.
  • Information Technology consultancy.
  • Management system of data center.
  • Program improvement.
  • Business procedures resources.
  • Higher education.
  • Electronic legislation.
  • National services via the internet.
  • The one station service.
  • Electronic tenders.
  • Electronically pushed gate.
Other services
  • Specialized industrial training.
  • Professional management.
  • World trade.
  • Capital Investments.
  • Insurance services.
  • Logistic support.

Procedure For Business Setup in Dubai Gold And Diamond Park Free Zone

Procedure For Business Setup in Dubai Gold and Diamond Park Free Zone

The protocol to start a gold and diamond business in Dubai Gold And Diamond Park Free Zone is similar to other Free Zone domains in Dubai. The documents and formalities needed for business setup in Dubai Gold & Diamond Park Free Zone depends on the business licenses you opt in Dubai. Business that come in jurisdiction is Free Zone Establishment (FZC), Free Zone Company (FZC), or branch office of an international or domestic firm. The basic structure and shareholders number required are unique to the company you form.

Dubai Gold And Diamond Park Free Zone Business Setup has several steps

  • Identify the company type you like to set up in the free zone.
  • Register the trade name of the entity. The business name must be as per the naming guidelines offered by the authority.
  • Getting initial approval for business activities.
  • Extra permissions and approvals.
  • Application submission with required documents for the company's incorporation.
  • Full-fledged business activities commenced after the incorporation of the business setup in DGDP.

Documents Needed For A Business Setup In DGDP

  • Shareholders passport copies.
  • Board resolution to establish business in Dubai Gold and Diamond Park. Business Setup Free Zone.
  • Resume and passport of designated manager.
  • Article of Association.
  • Memorandum of Association.
  • Lease/ rent agreement of the commercial space or office.
  • Power of attorney if a business setup services like Black Swan aids you in the company formation in DGDP.
  • Documents of business registration and company license of the parent company like the representative office or a branch office.

Permitted Activities In DGDP

Legal activities that relate to diamond, gold and precious metals are pursued in DGDP. Many elite business entities of diamond and gold business have their branch in DGDP.
  • Trading Diamond & Gold
All types of trading like diamond, gold, and jewelry that are made with stones and precious metals.
  • Ornaments Manufacturing
You can open a manufacturing business setup in DGDP for diamond and gold ornaments.
  • Retail Business
Firms will conduct retail sales and purchase materials and products.
  • Professional Services
Individuals who are experienced in this sector extend their professional services after getting their professional license.
SAIF Company Formation Cost & Package

Sharjah Airport Free Zone (SAIF) Company Formation Cost & Package

SAIF (Sharjah Airport Free Zone) is located next to Sharjah International Airport. It has the oldest UAE zones with developed infrastructure like warehouses, offices, and land leased for businesses. It formed in 1995 and hosts 7000 companies as of now. SAIF's location suits manufacturing, trading, and logistics companies who plan a business setup in the United Arab Emirates for a reasonable budget. If you wish for a business setup services in Dubai, consider SAIF as your possible option.

Vast Range Of Warehouses, Offices, And Land

Sharjah Airport International Free Zone has ready-to-move facilities. Their warehouses are equipped with pantry, fitted office, kitchen and air conditioning. The size of a warehouse is 125 sq meters, where 22 sq meters are occupied by the office space. Two types of offices in SAIF are present:
  • Air conditioned, fitted out and furnished.
  • Unfurnished offices with utility costs.
Besides that, temporary warehouses and labour accommodation are available. SAIF facilities can suit any company for a business setup in Sharjah.


The major categories of licenses are:
  • Trading
  • Industrial
  • Service
Your license belongs to any one of these categories. If you like to mix them, additional licenses must be purchased. Sharjah airport SAIF zone offers a broad business activity list. It is hard to get service activities like "investment of own funds." Activities can permit storage and consolidation of products which is specified in your license as assembling and manufacturing of products. SAIF will not share the activity list. Hence all the business activity must be checked. This free zone has multiple activities in license for the company formation in Sharjah, if it is not related, extra charges apply.

Costs Of Sharjah's Free Zone Company

SAIF offers
Service or trading license for AED 13,500. E-commerce or general trading or multiple activities or aviation license charge AED 21,000. It is eligible for a small office and 4 resident visas as part of the package. When you plan to rent the bigger facility, you must pay the office rent, license fees and warehouse rent. These prices are competitive to the Sharjah's LLC company formation charges. But the facilities are cheaper than the free zones. Immigration fees and visa fees should be paid separately.
Company Setup
Sharjah's free zone company formation in SAIF is done by the Power of Attorney holders or company owners. Licenses can be instantly issued on the day of application. Needed Information And Documents
  • Residential address
  • Passport
  • Phone number
  • Passport size photo
  • Owners' email
Documents which are issued by SAIF after the company registration are
  • License
  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Memorandum & Article of Association
  • Share Certificate
  • Investment Service Agreement
  • Lease Agreement
Company registration in this free zone is done by the business consultants in Dubai or Sharjah.

Costs of SAIF Free Zone

The company formation in Sharjah SAIF entails resident visa opening. The employee's visa is valid for 2 years, while the visa of the company’s owner is valid for 3 years.
SAIF fees (AED)
SAIF fees. AED Medical checkup, AED Emirates ID,AED
Owner/ Investor  Normal (8-10 days) 3,840  690 370
Urgent (3-4 days) 4,040  690 370
Employee Normal (8-10 days) 3,240  690 270
Urgent (3-4 days) 3,440 690 270
If you've applied for a resident visa, when on a tourist visa, the procedure of status change is applicable. This costs around 860 or 1010 AED on an urgent basis.
Trade License Renewal
This just takes one day to renew the Sharjah Airport Free Zone company, without the company owners' personal visit. It must be paid and signed on the lease agreement to process the renewal.
The amendments of company in SAIF is only done by Power of Attorney holders or shareholders.
Costs Of Standard Amendments
  • Adding or removing Director- 2,000 AED
  • Shares transfer- 10,000 AED
  • Change of Manager- 2,000 AED
  • Change of financial year- 500 AED
Shams Free Zone License & Company Formation

Shams Free Zone License & Company Formation

One of the best Free zones of Sharjah is Shams Free zone. This agency offers media, tech, or creatively based business licenses to freelance entrepreneurs and to new booming companies. We offer methodical, systematic, and economical free zone company establishments. Shams Free Zone orders registration of businesses in Sharjah. Our business advisors and consultants in Shams give assistance to your company start up process with a hassle free process. Free Zone can cheer up business magnets, persons, and new ventures for initiating business in Sharjah with a complete foreign ownership. It gives affordable costs across world class services.

Company Establishment With Free Zone Trading License In Sharjah

Shams business startup consultants can make a creative business capitalism available for new venture firms, budding entrepreneurs, existing companies, and small-midsize enterprises. This is available to anyone who can expand companies from local to international. Shams can create and cherish their bonds with skillful persons as these skillful minds can give a powerful base for them.

Free Zone Company Formation In Sharjah

The free zones of Shams is located in Sharjah which gives a high level framework, resources, architectural setup and services to entrepreneurs and businesses that builds a better culture, economic diversification and improved education, giving a complete aggregate civic centered techniques.

Benefits Of Free Zone Company

  • Complete ownership in the free zones of Sharjah.
  • Exception of export and import taxes for products.
  • Capital and profit repatriation of the complete amount.
  • Exceptions from the state government ruled commerce duties.
Free Zone Company Setup & License in Ajman

Free Zone Company Setup & License in Ajman

Ajman is the developing city of the United Arab Emirates that has a promising economy and its government to expand and diversify its local market. Investors realize the potential of the emirate on becoming an economic hub. The emirate experiences infrastructural and economic growth. They are located at the Arabian Gulf, next to Sharjah and Dubai. It gives easy access to two international airports and four maritime ports for 24 hours in a day and 7 days in a week. Local ports experience increased activity that serves as a transport hub for international and local shipments. The business setup in Ajman becomes an increasing proposition to investors to involve in trade with small regional markets. You can look upon us to get experts help in company setup and license acquisition.

Comprehensive Business Solutions - Ajman Free Zone License

We combine industry experience with technical expertise. We've navigated to set up a company to expedite the process. Our in-house team can offer comprehensive end-to-end support to make your ground running. Here are the range of our services:
  • Company incorporation
  • Company registration
  • Marketing and advertising services
  • Professional document clearing services
  • Process and applying for a bank account
  • Application or visa renewal
  • Free zone license application

Benefits Of Business Setup In Ajman

To set up a company in the free zones of Ajman has lots of advantages. This type of establishment has reasonable cost of operations. Raw materials are available from local markets which stock up on resources and supplies to be affordable. The developed technological infrastructure availability has affordable office rental facilities. It's economical to avail business offices, corporate facilities, and warehouses equipped with cutting-edge technology for business in the city of Ajman. Local ports can be accessible with transportation of goods, either international or local, making it faster, easier and economical. This reduces operational costs and efforts while maximising your company’s return. These operational conditions can establish a company in Ajman. Build your empire to acquire the free zone license in Ajman. If you need to maximize your investment, start a company in the emirate of Ajman. Get in touch with us to establish a company in the emirate of Ajman. Related Links
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