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Category Archives: DUBAI MAINLAND

Business Setup Service in Dubai Mainland

Business Setup Service in Dubai Mainland

Dubai has the encouraging environment for business investors and entrepreneurs to thrive. Company formation in Dubai allows organizations to trade inside the local business sectors like the direct businesses. Organizations have to enlist in the Dubai mainland through the Department of Economic Development of Dubai. To save cash and time, you have to complete your business setup process via a professional consultant. Black Swan gives solutions for your business set up in Dubai mainland. We have experienced business consultants at Dubai to give you direction and help you in the company formation process. We offer an UAE local business sponsor to form a company in Dubai's mainland. Dubai's business set up has UAE trade licenses, company enlistment, PRO administrations and government endorsements. Black Swan comprehends to set up a business in Dubai, with zero hassles and at affordable prices making proper connections, professional guidance and expertise. We observe customers' business and necessities and help to give solutions to set up a successful company within the best market cost.

Company Formation Locations of UAE (Dubai)

Dubai is the developed business set up destinations of the world. It has foreign investors and international entrepreneurs to build up their businesses in Dubai. Some popular regions for Dubai's company formation are:
Sheikh Zayed Road
Here the business setup has been a well-esteemed alternative for few businesses. Sheikh Zayed Road flaunts an amazing network and broad horizon that showcase its riches and development of Dubai. Their famous pathway had the portion of world's business pioneers and greatest corporate names of the industry.
Business Bay
This is known to be the focal business area that is ideal for any type of business niche. It has proficient consultancies, monetary areas, hotel industry and retail industry.
Al Qusais
It is located on the edges of Dubai with well developed business set ups. Educational institutes, shopping and clinical centres can be set up in this region. If you register your company in Al Qusais, it can make an economical choice.
Al Quoz
It has enormous garages, warehouses and labour accommodations. This is located on the west side of Dubai between Al Khail Road and Sheikh Zayed Road.
This is the most suited place for brokers, new businesses, little shops and SMEs. It is loaded with Dubai's customary shops known as souk, that offer business openings for dealers.
This has residential plots and fantastic tourism sectors providing extravagant business development modules. It offers freehold properties to make SMEs set up companies.
How to Setup a Business & Register a Company In Dubai Mainland

How to Setup a Business & Register a Company In Dubai Mainland

Setting up a business in Dubai's mainland has been the most profitable opportunity for the foreign investors to turn their entrepreneurial ideas into reality. This can be the preferred destination for investors for registering their business and to sell in the United Arab Emirates market. Various reasons are behind the popularity of companies in Dubai's mainland. It includes the liberation to conduct business operations anywhere in UAE and Dubai. You must follow the standard procedures of mainland business setup in Dubai.

Dubai Mainland License

The mainland business setup of Dubai is called the onshore process of establishing the business. This can give you the chance to run your business at the center of Dubai. You can do business with UAE customers and their world seamlessly. Apply for a license to set up a business in the mainland. Procedures are simple and are quickly done online. Mainland's commercial activities can be governed by the Department of Economic Development (authority responsible to issue the license). The process of Dubai's mainland business setup can be made easy with foreign investors, and the government has a mandatory provision that partners with a local sponsor. The local sponsor has a shareholder that accounts for 51% of company shares and allows you conduct hassle-free business operations with local and government businesses of UAE. But the local sponsor may not be necessarily involved in taking part in decision-making of the company and use the exchange for the fixed annual fee.

Kinds Of License For The Mainland Business Set Up In Dubai

Based on your niche, there are various mainland business licenses available. Main types of permits for the mainland business setup of Dubai are: This license has a plethora of service activities. For instance, you get a professional license to offer medical and counseling services. This license is composed of an extensive range of trading activities. For instance, if you sell the physical products offline or online, you require this license. If you'd set up an industrial or manufacturing business in Dubai mainland, you have to apply for this kind of license.

Legal Structures For Dubai’s Mainland Business Set Up

Different legal structures are permitted to set up a mainland business in Dubai. Your choice of legal framework can depend as per your needs besides your budget or industry.
  • Branch
  • Sole Establishment
  • Limited Liability Company
  • Civil Company
  • Representative Office
  • Subsidiary

Advantages Of Mainland Business Setup in Dubai

If you're having thoughts of setting up a business in the mainland, you get a lot of opportunities. Five core benefits for setting up a mainland business in Dubai are:
  • Exemption Of Taxes
Dubai's mainland business set up allows you to benefit from a complete corporate tax exemption. Plus, the 100% repatriation of profits and capitals if you register the trade name in the mainland.
  • Operation Flexibility
Conducts business activities across UAE with the mainland business set up in Dubai. The business incorporation process is simple and needs only a week for completion.
  • Vast Business Activities
It has multiple legal frameworks and license flexibility across the niches of businesses that are easy to set up a business in Dubai. It can be a salon, tourism, eCommerce or real estate, Dubai has a welcoming approach for everyone. But you need to get permission from the UAE government.
  • Bidding On Government Projects
The advantages of mainland business set up in the UAE grants the permission to bid government projects. So, it's advised to partner along with a local sponsor who is the government official to leverage contacts and upgrade your business to greater heights.
  • Legal Procedures
No need to wait or check with the concerned department to get your business license. The mainland business set up gives hassle-free and fast licensing procedures.

Process Of The Mainland Business Set Up In Dubai

Here are the step by step procedure to set up the Dubai's mainland business:
  • Business Activity
A business activity must be decided to pursue in Dubai’s mainland.
  • Company Structure
As per the business activities needs, you have to select the company structure for the Dubai's mainland business set up.
  • Approval Of Trading Names
A trading name must resonate with your business and target customers. Ignore the use of offensive terms. You can submit the company's document for registration.
  • Business License
The license must be applied for an initial approval for the Dubai's mainland set up at DED.
  • Get Approvals
Apply for the special approvals of business activities. If your Local Service Agent and other documents get finalized, your business license is approved.
  • Visa Application
Apply for the business visa to stay in Dubai. You have to present your documents based on the UAEs mainland business.
How to setup factory or manufacturing Unit in Dubai

How to setup factory or manufacturing Unit in Dubai ?

Some remarkable part of UAE’s Gross Domestic Product falls from oil based sectors. The dependency of oil industries are slowly decreasing as the other manufacturing industries are growing rapidly and extending their great part in UAE’s GDP. The contribution by manufacturing units is expected to attain up to 25% by the next 15 years while its current contribution is 14%. Notably in the non oil based sectors, it is expected that higher investments will be done. The government of UAE has also taken many appreciable initiatives to boost up the manufacturing units growth.

Setting a factory / manufacturing unit – Dubai, a perfect destination.

Considering the 2030 Dubai’s Industrial Strategy, its industry based growth is contemplated that, by the year 2030 it crosses about $16.1 billion. There are 75 identified strategies by the government to initiate the transformation of the current Emirate into an international hub for everything, right from innovation, knowledge and other industrial activities. Adding up! Your answer to the question What makes Dubai a perfect destination for manufacturing units? is here. Factors such as wide geography, diverse consumers, infrastructure, knowledge hub, quick and easy business process, stable economy do make Dubai one awesome attractive destination.

Steps to set up a factory / manufacturing company – Dubai Mainland

Decide on one particular pursuit on the diverse manufacturing products. Next to your selection on a particular activity, search and find your sponsor After collecting the required documents, let’s submit those documents to the economic development department for further process of approvals. Together with the local sponsor, make signing the Memorandum of Association with notary public You need a land or a warehouse to set up your manufacturing unit in UAE Do tenant contract with the landlord of your particular warehouse or land Get your approval to possess an industry license from Dubai Municipality. Read more on https://bss.blackswanbss.com/industrial-license-in-dubai/ Submit your documents to the department of Environment affairs once you are done with first level approvals No Objection Certificate from Civil defense is must Seek your approvals from external departments. Only manufacturing units which need their approvals from food based departments for food product manufacture, approval of department of narcotics to chemical manufacturing and to manufacture jewel police approval is needed. Submit all the documents to the department of economy to own your industry license, once all the approvals are done Do your requested payments to have your industry permit issued to you. # Read more on Dubai Mainland Company Formation

100% ownership in the UAE mainland under the FDI Law for given below manufacturing activities

ISIC4 Business activity Minimum Capital Conditions and controls for foreign direct investment
1 10 Manufacture of food products (except):1071- Manufacture of bakery products105 – Manufacture of diary products108 – Manufacture of prepared animal feeds 15 – use of modern technology- achievement of high added value- contribution in the research and development field- satisfaction of the requirements of the licensing entities in the state
2 10 Manufacture of beverages (except):1101 -Distilling, rectifying and blending of spirits1102 -Manufacture of wines1103- Manufacture of malt liquors and malt 15
3 14 Manufacture of wearing apparel (except):14109 – Tailoring and Sewing of Wearing Apparel1410122 – Military Garments Manufacturing 15
4 15 Manufacture of leather and related products 15
5 16 Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, except furniture; manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials 15
6 2012002 Straight or Complex Fertilizers Manufacturing 15
7 2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary forms 15
8 2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical products 15
9 2022 Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, printing ink and mastics 15
10 2023 Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparations 15
11 2029006 Glues and Prepared Adhesives Manufacturing 15
12 2029008 Manufacture of dyestuffs and pigments 15
13 2029009 Textiles and Leather Finishing Used Chemical Materials Manufacturing 15
14 2029013 Manufacture of photographic plates, films 15
15 2029019 Gelatine and Its Derivatives Manufacturing 15 – use of modern technology- achievement of high added value- contribution in the research and development field- satisfaction of the requirements of the licensing entities in the state
16 2029021 Essential Oils Manufacturing (Essence) 15
17 2029022 Extracted Natural Aromatic Products Manufacturing 15
18 2029023 Aromatic Distilled Waters Manufacturing 15
19 2029024 Matches Manufacturing 15
20 2029025 Welding Powders and Pastes Manufacturing 15
21 2030 Manufacture of man-made fibres 15
22 2100 Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products 15
23 22 Manufacture of rubber and plastics products 15
24 23 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products 15
25 24 Manufacture of basic metals (except):242 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metals2432 Casting of non-ferrous metals 20
26 25 Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment (except)2529 Manufacture of weapons and ammunition 15
27 26 Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products 15
28 27 Manufacture of electrical equipment 20
29 28 Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. (except)28259 Tobacco Processing Machinery Manufacturing 100
30 29 Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers 100
31 3011101 Building of Commercial Vessels 100
32 3011103 Ships and Floating Structures Sections Manufacturing 100
33 3011905 Construction of Drilling Platforms, Floating or Submersible 100
34 3011906 Construction of Floating Structures 100
35 3011907 Building of Hovercraft 100
36 3012 Building of pleasure and sporting boats 15
37 3020 Manufacture of railway locomotives and rolling stock 20
38 3030 Manufacture of air and spacecraft and related machinery (except):3030006 Military Ballistic and Guided Missiles Manufacturing 100
39 3090 Manufacture of transport equipment n.e.c. 20
40 31 Manufacture of furniture 15
41 3220 Manufacture of musical instruments 2
42 3230 Manufacture of sports goods 3
43 3240 Manufacture of games and toys 3
44 3250 Manufacture of medical and dental instruments and supplies 20
45 3290 Other manufacturing n.e.c. 3
46 3312001 Repair and maintenance of train engines 15
47 3312002 Repair and maintenance of engines ship 15
48 3315001 Repair and maintenance of ships 15
49 3315004 Repair and maintenance of trains and railway equipment 15
50 3315005 Maintenance and Repair of Aircrafts Engines 15
51 3315006 Repair and maintenance of aircraft 15

Get quote to Setup your Factory in Dubai !

llc cоmраnу fоrmаtіоn process stаrtіng а llc company іn dubai

LLC Cоmраnу Fоrmаtіоn Process – Stаrtіng а LLC Company іn Dubai

LLC Company Formation in Dubai : The business hub of the Middle East, Dubai is the ideal ground to set up your business. The strategic location of Dubai at the juncture of East and West economies makes it one of the busiest business destinations in the world. Dubai provides state of the art infrastructure, high connectivity, a multinational workforce and a cosmopolitan lifestyle to investors from all over the world. The standard form of business in the Emirates is the LLC or the Limited Lіаbіlіtу Cоmраnу, Dubai. The Lіmіtеd Liability Company саn bе incorporated by a minimum of two and a maximum оf fifty ѕhаrеhоldеrѕ whose lіаbіlіtу іѕ lіmіtеd to thеіr ѕhаrеѕ in thе buѕіnеѕѕеѕ саріtаl. Apart from that, a great number of companies with fоrеіgn membership and assistance hаvе been established as Limited Lіаbіlіtу Cоmраnies, as it is the only course of action that will provide a direct and legal authorization and ownership of 49% tо the еxраtrіаtеѕ fоr a local buѕіnеѕѕ. Furthermore, it іѕ mandatory in UAE tо hаvе a local partner who is a UAE nаtіоnаl іn thе LLC with 51% of ѕhаrеhоldіng prospective. The іnvеѕtоr hаѕ thе sole right to choose his local раrtnеr in thе соmраnу. All these elements add to the fact that a limited liability company іѕ a dynamic and flеxіblе choice for business. Differential рrоfіt sharing аrrаngеmеntѕ can be made possible in an LLC. This allows thе foreign іnvеѕtоr to be a cut above as 51% lеgаl еԛuіtу іѕ with the local раrtnеr.

The Lісеnѕіng Authorities

The Dераrtmеnt оf Economic Dеvеlорmеnt is the chief licensing authority in Dubаi.

Whаt are thе Benefits of UAE Limited Liability Company?

  • Formation of a Limited Liability Company in Dubai has great benefits on offer for any investor which include:
  • Thе іnvеѕtоr can become a раrtnеr іn thе company
  • No ѕресіfіс mіnіmum саріtаl requirements are there
  • LLC is the mоѕt рорulаr choice for founding a соmmеrсіаl company іn Dubai The profit and lоѕѕеѕ of the LLC саn bе ѕhаrеd at a ratio different from thе ѕhаrе capital even though the foreign еԛuіtу in thе соmраnу dоеѕ not еxсееd 49%.
  • For an LLC it is eаѕу to open glоbаl соrроrаtе bank accounts and avail credit fасіlіtіеѕ
  • In an LLC, thе іnvеѕtоr will be able to manage the buѕіnеѕѕ wіthоut the day-to-day іntеrfеrеnсе from thе lосаl раrtnеr
  • By founding a LLC in UAE an investor can get unmatched ассеѕѕ tо thе extensive UAE есоnоmу
  • Only a few activities are restricted for an LLC.
  • All thе assets and саріtаl сrеаtеd by the LLC wіll be in thе nаmе оf the соmраnу аnd nоt in thе nаmе of thе local national раrtnеr
  • The іnvеѕtоr in an LLC also hаѕ thе option tо open separate branches in UAE.

LLC Inсоrроrаtіоn Services

Black Swan BSS works сlоѕеlу in coordination with clients to help in establishing their LLC right frоm the beginning to the end. We support our clients wіth strategic іdеаѕ and wоrk according to your business рlаn. It is to be noted that the time span of forming an LLC wіll bе about one to two wееkѕ frоm thе date оf receipt of all required dосumеntѕ. Black Swan provide assistance in:

Register LLC Company Today

how to start a construction-company in dubai

How to Start a Construction Company in Dubai

Setting up of Construction Company in Dubai is a Great Idea. Dubai is a land of opportunities! It has witnessed an immense growth and its skyline is dotted with eye-catching buildings including the tallest building in the world - the Burj Khalifa! As Dubai is racing ahead with a rising GDP, tax-free environment and a high standard of living, there is ample scope for many flexible business opportunities. Many new mega building projects are coming up in Dubai along with the economic boom and there is no better time than now to start a construction business in Dubai!

Steps for Construction Business Setup in Dubai

  1. Step 1: Determine whether you want to go for a company formation in Mainland or in the Free Zone.
  2. Step 2: Apply for registration at the Department of Economic Development (DED). A commercial license is required as construction business comes in the commercial sector category,  Read More
View all steps : https://bss.blackswanbss.com/construction-company-setup-in-dubai/
setup your spa business in dubai

How to start a SPA Business in Dubai – UAE

Blackswan BSS brings to you SPA Business Setup Service in Dubai,  The high standard of living in Dubai sets it apart from other cities in the world. Dubai is also the fashion capital of the Middle East & people in Dubai are nowadays becoming more and more beauty and fashion conscious. This has led to the growth of Spa business here. Majority of Spas in Dubai are only for women, but nowadays many Spas function for men as well. As Dubai is a melting pot of different cultures there is ample scope for beauty experts of international fashion and style to set up shop here. The Spa can be opened either in Dubai mainland; or in any of the dubai free zones. But Dubai mainland is the ideal choice as you can easily attract more clients. A local partner is mandatory if you set up the Spa business in the Dubai Mainland. You can also choose the size and type of spa according to the area.


  • Submit copies of passport and visit visa of business partners
  • Select a name for the Spa business and take its approval from Department for Economic Development (DED)
  • Appoint LSA (local service agent) and draft and sign the MOA (memorandum of association) Read More 

Start a SPA Business Today !

Benefits of Setting up of Business in Dubai Mainland

Benefits of Setting up of Business in Dubai Mainland

Benefits of Setting up of Business in Dubai Mainland: The city of Dubai is growing faster and starting your own company in Dubai is much easier than you think. Thanks to the Department of Economic development as it ensures effective and smooth set up of businesses. In Dubai, you can find two kinds of jurisdictions, the Mainland and the Free Zone. Both these have their own set of pros and cons. From an outsider's point of view, free zones look more accessible with all their promises and cost effective propositions, but an in-depth analysis would point out that free zones are not the only option available for offshore entrepreneurs looking to start a business in the UAE. It is also to be noted that free zones are not the most beneficial business structures to start with. Free zone companies are allowed to trade only within and not in the mainland, and hence if you want to trade in the mainland or acquire business contracts in the long run, it is always better to start trade in the mainland. Various factors determine the type of business set up including different business activities and target customers. You can set up a company in the mainland under the following circumstances

Intend to Trade with other Mainland companies

UAE mainland companies have the freedom to trade within the mainland, whereas free zone companies are allowed to trade only in free zone areas. Free zone companies intending to trade with mainland companies need to undergo processes like paying customs and distributing through a local distributor. Meanwhile, mainland companies can trade freely within the mainland and beyond without any restrictions.

Comprehensive Business Scope

Free zones have a restriction with the scope of the business depending on the place. For example companies in Dubai Healthcare City are allowed healthcare related businesses alone. Similarly in Dubai knowledge village only education and similar businesses are allowed. Likewise for Maritime businesses RAK maritime businesses is the better option. It should be kept in mind that these companies' activities should not expand beyond the free zone

Working along with Government Bodies

UAE government projects are huge with high investments and returns. These projects are mostly for specialized companies to be their contractors, and taking up these projects is an extremely profitable one. These projects are offered only to mainland businesses, and free zone companies are not considered here. Hence, to get a UAE government project, the company should be based on the mainland.

Market Presence

The major advantage that mainland companies have is opening offices anywhere in the UAE. This allows establishing trade in the local market. With offices open anywhere in UAE, chances of enhanced presence all over the country are high. Meanwhile, free zone companies are not permitted to operate outside of the free zones that they are registered with. In order to trade in the mainland, they need a distributor and this burns a hole in their profits. This shows the mainland to set up is much advantageous over the free zone.

Financially feasible

The positives of free zone companies like low tax and duty tax is always highlighted but mainland companies do have impressive incentives. Mainland companies do not need a minimum capital requirement, making them an affordable business option.

Setup your Business Today!

Business Setup in Dubai Mainland A guide

Business Setup in Dubai Mainland – A guide

Dubai Mainland Company Formation Business Setup in Dubai Mainland: Dubai - the business paradise offers a best environment for starting a business! The facilities like a world-class infrastructure, multi-lingual talented workforce & reliable connectivity are stimulants to start a business here. Apart from that, Dubai also offers a cosmopolitan culture, innovative workspaces and many Government incentives for investors.

Why should you start a Company in Dubai Mainland?

The Dubai Economic Department DED has permitted Dubai Mainland as the total geographical area to operate commercial business functions to all the private business entities and their representatives. It covers prime locations where a foreign business owner can operate like international chains of food, luxury goods, car makers, etc. The UAE Business Incorporation laws state that if the business setup is in Mainland a foreign investor can hold only up to 49% of the business, and a UAE national mandatorily holds 51% of total equity except in the following cases:
  1. Businesses located in Free Zones
  2. Activities with 100% GCC ownership
  3. Instances where GCC companies enter into a partnership with UAE National
  4. Where the law requires 100% local ownership

The mainland business opportunities jurisdictions are in:

Sheikh Zayed Road

The development corridor of the city of Dubai with a very prominent skyline. It is home to some of the world’s largest ventures, international companies, and businesses.
Al Karama, Bur Dubai, and Deira
Acclaimed for tourist destinations, residential complexes, historic venues, Gold souk, real estate, and wholesale businesses, these three areas are located in the older parts of Dubai.
Business Bay
If you are starting up a business venture in Dubai in the financial sector, professional consultancy, retail industry, hospitality and more, you will need infrastructural assistance. Business Bay situated in the central business district, is the perfect choice as it is responsible for creating multiple business setup centers.
Al Quoz
One amongst the futuristic commercial hubs of Dubai, Al Quoz has the advantage of providing warehouse and industrial options closer to the city. This Al Quoz area has four divisions like factories, industrial setups, warehouses and other locations. Al Quoz also has shopping centers, malls, and labor accommodation zones.
Al Qusais
This area is known for residential areas and industrial zones. Also considered as the best area to house large scale medical centers and educational institutes.
The coastal part of the Dubai city, Jumeirah is one of the most developed hubs of residential areas and lavish business development units. You can find luxurious accommodation, real estate, and hospitality projects here.

Setting up a business in Dubai Mainland - Advantages

  1. Zero Taxation- No corporate or personal tax
  2. Recruitment no restrictions
  3. Easy recruitment process
  4. Getting employment Visas, no limitation
  5. Minimum capital requirement limited restrictions.
  6. No yearly auditing
  7. Processing legal documents, no restrictions
  8. Import duty very low
  9. Getting affordable office space anywhere with flexible rent or lease easy
Get in touch with us at Blackswan Business Setup Services for professional guidance to start your business. As registered agents, we provide complete package solutions on company formation, Free Zone, PRO, VAT registration, setup, visa, bookkeeping, Bank Account, Attestation , Legal Translation , Trademark , secretarial service etc. in Dubai Mainland area. Contact us today.

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