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Category Archives: company formation

Procedure to Setup a Business in Dubai Free Zone

Procedure to Setup a Business in Dubai Free Zone

Select business activity
Determine the type of business that you wish to start in Dubai Freezone. The license type that you wish to apply is likely to depend upon the type of business activity that you wish to initiate. Multiple business activities are supported by several Dubai zones. So, there are numerous options to choose from.
Identify a Freezone
On choosing your preferred business activity, the next step will be to determine the most appropriate freezone. Dubai has created sector specific zones such as healthcare, IT, trading & commerce, etc. Hence, it will be necessary to undertake through research to choose the right one.
Select a company name
Prior to finalizing the establishment’s name, do ensure that it is available for registration with the freezone authority portal. The name needs to adhere to certain prescribed standards. It includes references made towards political or religious organizations or blasphemous languages.
Collect all essential documents to apply for business license
Once business activity is determined and trade name registered at the portal, applying for the license is the next step to undertake. The license type will again depend upon the type of business activity to initiate. There is an application form taht needs to be filled up and documents mentioned in within the form to be collected. Visa application can also be made during this procedure.
Open up Corporate bank account
It is easy to open up a corporate bank account. You will have to submit your business license and other essential documents with your preferred financial institution. After 4th step, valid license can be obtained within 2 to 4 weeks. Then you are ready!!

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How to Setup an LLC Company in Dubai

How to Setup an LLC Company in Dubai

Dubai, one of the most attractive business destinations globally, is characterized by the mix of both the East and the West.

Setting an LLC company in Dubai - How to?

In order to set up an LLC company in Dubai, the following steps are to be followed
  • Register your company with the DED
  • Draft & notarize the company's Memorandum & Articles of Association
  • Submit all required documents and business license application with the Department of Economic Development
  • Register with the Dubai Commercial Register
  • once incorporated, register one's employees with the Ministry of Labour and General Authority for Pension and Social Security

LLC registration Dubai

Application forms for the trade name and for the warrant are filled in accordance with the DED. In the case of one or both members being corporations, the LLC Subscription is approved by a copy of Certificate of Incorporation, along with an Association Memorandum and a Board of Directors resolution. It is advisable to have an authorizing person, a Power of Attorney, to act on behalf of the shareholders of the LLC. You will be interested on: LLC Company Formation in Dubai Initial approval in this regard will be made by the DED. There may be a need for Supplementary approvals, which are made depending on the activities proposed by the LLC. The process is much simplified now, where the DED obtains the approvals from departments and ministries. This was enacted through the 2011 Licensing Law officially referred to as the "Law of the Organization of Economic Activities Practice in the Dubai Emirate." After obtaining the initial approvals, and the required approvals from the ministries and agencies, an LLC formation contract is signed by the Power of Attorney Holder before a notary. After completing the contract, the above mentioned documents are procured for LLC company registration in Dubai.

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