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Category Archives: Business

Benefits of Setting up a Business in Mauritius

Benefits of Setting up a Business in Mauritius

Company Registration in Mauritius : Mauritius is an island country in the Indian Ocean that has become a premier, international business center. This country in the last two decades has enjoyed unprecedented socio-economic development and growth, while emerging as a stable political democracy. It wholeheartedly welcomes foreign businesses and investors to be a part of its rising economy. For offshore business formation, Mauritius has rather become a trustworthy and credible jurisdiction, providing investors with greater security and reliability through flexible regulatory framework. Foreign investment as well as offshore activity is encouraged actively by the Mauritian Government through the Investment Board. Different types of incentives have been introduced by the government for attracting foreign investments. Moreover, consolidation of fiscal and legal framework has only resulted in more user friendly and modern legislation, thereby contributing towards rise of the country as an important offshore financial service center. Development strategies brought out by the government focuses mainly on foreign investment. This in turn has resulted in Mauritius being able to successfully attract offshore entities in thousands. The country’s credibility for offshore investments is further solidified due to adherence to the latest international requirements that involves fighting money laundering and financial terrorism. It has only facilitated Mauritius to enjoy enhanced reputation as a well-regulated and trustworthy offshore center offering guaranteed confidentiality.

Benefits of registering company in Mauritius

Company formation in Mauritius is considered to be a straightforward and simple process, irrespective of you select an Offshore company (GBC2) or a Resident Company (GBC1 Company). The Mauritius Company, if structured correctly is regarded to be a low cost, efficient, legally tax-efficient entity to conduct business. Several benefits can be derived by incorporating GBC2 & GBC1 Company in Mauritius.

Benefits & Features of GBC1 Companies

GCB1 companies have been provided treatment as tax residents. They have the liability to pay taxes upon their earnings. This automatically entitles them to derive benefits offered by the extensive Double Tax Mauritian Treaties. GBC1 can be a foreign company’s branch or a company incorporated locally. Business needs to be conducted using foreign currency, while business cannot be engaged in Mauritius.
  • 2 shareholder minimum required of any nationality, not necessarily be a Mauritian resident. There are permitted Corporate Shareholders.
  • Minimum 1 Director required who needs to be natural person (nominee Directors can be provided by Eltoma)
  • There is required resident Company Secretary (Eltoma can offer this).
  • GBC1 Companies have been considered as resident and hence, provided with the benefit of Double Mauritian Tax Treaties. Tax treat is favorable specifically with India. For holding companies, including those investing or trading in India can find Mauritius to be a popular location.
  • Business could be internationally conducted.
  • GBC1 companies are eligible to use unilateral foreign-tax credit standing currently at 80 percent of Mauritian Tax Rate, thus leaving behind 20% residual liability of Mauritian rate, equal to 3%. Current discussions can be made on future potential reductions on the rate.
  • No limit on carrying forward the tax losses.
  • No withholding of taxes or capital gains levied.
  • No withholding of tax on interests, dividends, and redemption proceeds payment and royalties.
  • Tax exemption on interest received upon Mauritian bank account deposits.
  • Entitled to tax credits upon dividends, in case, Investee Company shareholding is more than 5%.
  • No registrar levies or duties and stamp duties.
  • Estate and gift tax and inheritance tax not applicable
  • The foreign company’s branch may have better access to tax treat network. But to avail this opportunity the local authorities need to be satisfied that the foreign branch’s control and effective management is in Mauritius.

Features & Benefits of GBC2 Companies

GBC 2 Companies are considered to be private entities which conduct business outside the country. However, GBC2 Company cannot conduct business within Mauritius. It can be registered as foreign company branch or locally incorporated. One major benefit derived by GBC2 is confidentiality, while the beneficial owner’s identity is kept largely confidential. The GBC2 is also stated to be a good structure to manage and hold private assets.
  • No stamp duty levied upon share transfer.
  • No withholding tax upon dividends.
  • Limited liability enjoyed by GBC2 company without requiring any paid-up capital (as there is not required any minimum capital)
  • GBC2 companies offered legal tax exemption. However, no access is provided to Mauritian Double-Taxation Treaty.
  •  There is required just one Shareholder and One Director.
  • Formation of Mauritius company allows 100% foreign ownership. This means, there is not required any local nominee.
  • Privacy protection offered to a greater extent (through use of shareholders and nominee Directors)
  • No reporting or accounting requirements, thus reducing maintenance expenses.
  • No taxation on Capital Gains
  • There is permitted conversion to GBC1
  • There will be required agent and registered office in Mauritius.
  • Directors and shareholders can meet anywhere.
  • There is permitted migration to/from Mauritius from any foreign company.
  • Free earnings repatriation.

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Residential Visas for UAE

Residential Visas for UAE

The UAE implemented a new system for the long-term residential visas in 2019. This system enables foreigners to work, live and study in UAE without the national sponsorship along with 100% ownership of their business on the United Arab Emirates. This kind of visas are issued for 5 to 10 years and thereby renewed automatically.

Ten-year visa eligibility criteria

Some categories are involved to apply for a ten-year residential visa in UAE.
Public Investments of at least AED 10 million by the investors
There are certain forms of investments such as:
  • The least deposit of AED 10 million of an investment fund within the country.
  • Company establishment in the UAE with at least AED of 10 million.
  • Becoming a partner in an existing or a new company with the least share value of AED 10 million.
  • The total investment of least AED 10 million in the mentioned areas implying that the investment in sectors not less than 60% of the total investment.
There are certain conditions implemented for granting a visa such as follows:
  • The invested amount should not be loaned.
  • Investment must be retained for least 3 years.
  • Financial solvency of AED 10 million must be maintained.
Visas are extended for business partners inclusions, pertaining that each partner must contribute at least AED 10 million. Long- term visas include the children, spouse, an executive director and also one advisor. The investors from abroad can opt for a multiple- entry permit of a six- month duration.
People with special talents
This category includes people with special talents and the researchers in the fields of science and knowledge that may include scientists, doctors, inventors and creative individuals representing the field of arts and culture. The advantages of the visa extends to the children and the spouse. This kind of category requires a valid employment contract on the specialized field topping the priority in the UAE. The following conditions imply for granting a visa mentioned below :
  • Scientists are accredited with Emirates Scientist Council or towards the holders of Mohammed Bin Rashid Medal for the Scientific Excellence.
  • The creative individuals in the fields of arts and culture have to be accredited by the Ministry of Culture and Knowledge Development.
  • The inventors should obtain a valuable patent that profits the UAE’s economy. The patents should be approved by the Ministry of Economy.
  • The scientific research or patents of exceptional talents must be documented on a world-class journal.
  • The executives should be the owners of an Internationally recognized company or serve as the holders of high position and academic achievement.
The specialists and Doctors should meet at least two of the below-mentioned conditions :
  • The PhD degree from worlds top 500 universities based on ICA information.
  • The certificates of appreciation or an award in the field of the applicant’s work. Contribute to major scientific research in the preferred field of the work.
  • The scientific books or published articles in highly categorized publications of the suitable field of work.
  • Must hold the membership in an organization related to the suitable field.
  • They must be specialized in the areas of priority to the UAE.
  • A PhD degree along with the ten-year professional experience in the specific field.

The Five-year visa eligibility criteria

Certain criteria are applied for a five- year residential visa in the UAE such as:
Must be Investors in a property of UAE
Obtaining a visa must be subjected to meet the following terms:
  • The property of least AED 5 million must be invested by the investor.
  • The invested amount in the real estate should not be on a loan basis.
  • The invested property should be least retained for a period of three years.
For Entrepreneurs
This kind of category must include an existing project with the minimum capital of AED 500,000 or must have the approval for the accredited business in the country. Multi-entry visa is provided for the entrepreneur for the time period of six months and then renewed for another six months. The long term visas serve for the children, spouse, three executives and a partner.
The Outstanding students
  • The outstanding students must have a minimum grade of 95% in private secondary schools and in public.
  • The university students living in the country or outside must have a distinction GPA of least 3.75 on graduation.
The long- term visas include families of the outstanding students.
Sources are as follows :
  • Federal Authority for Identity and citizenship
  • Emirates News Agency-WAM
Preferable links :
  • Where to apply for entry permits or UAE visas?
  • Do you need an entry permit or a visa to enter the UAE?
  • Residence visa

Important note

For visa enquiry, you can communicate with Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) available at the toll-free number 600522222 or through ICA’s feedback platform. If you live abroad, kindly check with the UAE’s embassies and consulates You can contact Amer service for applying Dubai Visas on the toll-free number at 800 5111, if you live in the UAE. If you live outside the UAE, then kindly call Amer at the toll-free number +9714-313-9999.

The Business golden visa platform

The Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship launched an electronic platform (https://business.goldenvisa.ae) for business visa application that is a part of the Golden Visa system. Professionals who have the entrepreneurial experience across the globe are suitable for the business application visa on the grounds of setting up their own businesses in the UAE. The applicants must submit the official documents of projects through the website for getting their golden visa. The Government reviews the attachments along with the applications for fulfilling the required conditions. The Service steps are as follows :
Apply for the nomination
Apply for the nomination where it gets reviewed by an authorized government incubator within 30 days. You will receive an email notifying the outcome of your application.
Upload the documents
After the approval of the nomination process. You will receive a link to your email for uploading the required documents for your visa.
Get your visa
Your application will then be verified by the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship. You will then obtain your visa.

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JAFZA offshore Regulations & Features

JAFZA offshore Regulations & Features

JAFZA offshore Jebel Ali Free-Zone authority Regulations & Features Jebel Ali Free-Zone Authority has framed several regulations to deliver efficiency and convenience of worldwide offshore locations exclusively to entrepreneurs planning to undertake Dubai offshore investments. Simultaneously, they tend to maintain very high standards and reputation with the international financial authorities, who are stated to have acted as critical determinant to take Dubai offshore to achieve sure success
  • The offshore company provides the privilege and capacity of a natural individual.
  • There is not required any minimum capital amount.
  • Upon allocation, all shares to be paid fully and there are not allowed any differential or bearer classes of shares.
  • Capital deposit in bank not necessary.
  • Director number should minimum be two. Secretary (preferably a UAE resident) probably also the Director of the organization is to be appointed by every offshore company.
  • There is permitted 100 percent foreign ownership
  • Greater flexibility offered to open up corporate bank account at Dubai.
  • Efficient regulatory regime offering complete exemption on duty and taxes.
  • There needs to be appointed registered agent like consultants, auditors, legal firms from approved registered agent list by the company that is maintained by Dubai / JAFZA. To set up Dubai offshore company, a registered and approved agent is Black Swan Business Setup Service.

Why Jebeli Ali Offshore is unique?

In JAFZ (Jebel Ali Free-Zone) is located Offshore domicile
  • DTAA (Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements) are being maintained with 40 countries by Dubai and the UAE.
  • UAE is not dependent upon any other country and also not any overseas territory.
  • Offshore company owners are permitted by the law to hold or own interest in Dubai based properties.

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Do you really Need a Sponsor Setup Business in Oman?

Do you really Need a Sponsor Setup Business in Oman?

Oman is a country on the Arabian Peninsula coastline and occupies a strategically important position at the start of the Persian Gulf. Oman is a diverse economy, but relies heavily on oil exploration.

Basic Requirement For Starting a Business in Oman

Starting a business in Oman is a complex and financially dangerous, so local knowledge is important. You should also consult a good lawyer from the beginning. An experienced attorney will guide you through the registration complexity and his help is essential to protecting your interests. This applies whether you open a modest shop or a major business. As is the case with the entire world, there are informal businesses in the area, but if there is a problem or torn, there is no legal means. Those who want to start a business in Oman should consider three main considerations.
  • You should be familiar with the area. Be prepared to conduct extensive research in the field of business in which you wish to conduct business. There must be a viable business plan that includes research on market conditions, competition and forecast results. You should be prepared to find the investments you need through your own resources or bank, and in other ways than applying locally, especially if you are new to the region and not performing. A reliable plan can attract local support, perhaps government support.
  • By law, you have a local partner with a lot of interest, so you should be able to control your business. Local partners, whether companies or individuals, do not need to contribute or financially participate in venture investments. Just like self-employment, there are many ways to reward your partner. However, in order to encourage foreign investment, some states are currently reviewing local partner requirements.
  • When a business is registered, it must show that the amount of investment in the Department of Commerce is significant. The amount required varies from state to state and is considered a guarantee of debt, but you can withdraw money soon!

Importance of Sponsor to Start a Business in Oman

Strong sponsors or employers are official great weapons, and observing his skillful negotiations can be an enlightening experience. But authorities are usually helpful and are not difficult unless there is a good reason. Having a polite attitude and patience will make working in this area easier. Ask for advice, you will respect the person you asked for, and you will find that Arabs are kind and helpful. Hiring foreign employees is an expensive exercise for employers, including hiring consultant fees, legal costs, and travel costs. As a result, few employers are serious about treating their employees and putting their investment at risk, and the vast majority of foreigners have flourished in Oman for many years. Black Swan BSS can help you in Oman Company Formation Process Now its time to register a company in Oman, Get a Free consultation today !

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Blast Off to startups in UAE and Israel

Blast Off to startups in UAE and Israel: Concord for both the countries will be prodigious for the Startups Problems are everywhere but nagging the venture capitalist will never create an own strategy for the development of the business environment in the UAE & Israel. But recently, leveraging relationships beyond the two countries’ borders results in economic vitality, especially in the business sector, with startups’ efficient involvement. New framework conditions urged by Dubai and Abu Dhabi created UAE with a better business economy for startups. Due to the changes in the diplomacy policies, there was chipping away from the UAE’s business environment, establishing more than one-third of startups from the Middle East and North Africa with potent growth in the technology sector. According to Israel’s economy ministry, it reveals that more than 40 percent of the country’s export comes from the high-tech sector stating with an example of an industry that has the nickname startup nation. Yesterday on Saudi-based Arab News, an entrepreneur stated that “The new partnership makes a compelling and cogent case. UAE has the financial capital above what can be put to effective use within the country, so we have sovereign wealth funds. Israel is advantageous in terms of human capital and ingenuity from all around the world. It’s a perfect fit” he added. A deal normalizing ties in a jiff between UAE and Israel divulged a Tel Aviv technology, head of an organization received dozens of LinkedIn invitations from several nationals of the UAE. In August, after one month of a diplomatic step forward, a startup CEO of National Central, Mr. Eugene Kandel, reveals Israeli technology sales in Dubai. The startup also tries to bridge the gap between the Israeli government, businesses, and organizations for more usage of Israeli technology companies. Mr. Kandel added that “The launching of public business ties can provide a lot of opportunities for many Israelis”. The organization also reveals that immediately after the August 13 announcement of diplomatic concord, the number of Emirati users in the Startup National Central platform raised to 122 percent. Over time, visiting the web page escalated to 600 percent. According to the internal study, the investment in Israel’s startup sector upturned to 33 percent worth $4.6 Billion (Dh16.8 billion) in the first two quarters. Mr. Kandel added that “Israel must now tap into the unrealized potential with doors opening to the Gulf”. In the coming weeks, an Israeli investment tycoon Mr. Erel Margali of JVP Margalit, which handles cyber security, artificial intelligence, and financial technology, plans to forward a team of representatives to UAE. Here, Mr. Margalit said that he wants to invest in young, dynamic, smart Arab entrepreneurs. He also added that he is closely watching the Emirates as a country of tech innovators, rather than just customers. And his goal is to open a startup incubator in Dubai. It’s our goal, it’s our dream, says Mr. Margalit. But “This would serve as a gateway to the whole region” he added.

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How to Start a Manufacturing Business in Dubai?

How to Start a Manufacturing Business in Dubai?: The UAE is one of the places with better opportunities to open up your manufacturing plant. There are varied benefit s in opening a manufacturing plant in the UAE. The country's manufacturing sector is very vast and diverse, with products to and from the international markets.

Registration Process for manufacturing Business

In order to a new manufacturing company in Dubai which produces new products or transforms raw materials, the following steps are pursued:
  • While setting up a Business in Dubai Mainland, you need a local sponsor who will own 51% of the company's share
  • Selection of your business activity, a crucial step as it affects the type of business license to be procured
  • Getting a trade name with which the company will operate and get it approved by the authorities
  • To obtain authorization from the Ministry of Economy for the project, get a NOC (No Objection Certificate) by drafting an MOA (Memorandum of Association)
  • Locate a well-equipped warehouse for your manufacturing plant and get a tenancy contact and Ejari from the landlord.
  • Approval from Dubai Municipality's Planning division to procure an Industrial license
  • A NOC from Civil Defense
  • Procure any additional approvals E.g. for a food manufacturing company, a NOC from Food Control Authority is mandatory, for chemical products, you need a clearance from the narcotics department, and for jewelry clearance from Dubai Police is a must.
  • Submit all the documents to the Environment Department for Industrial Clearance.
  • After approval, submit the same to the Dubai Department of Economic Development (DED) for registration.
  • You will receive your Industrial License and Certificate of Incorporation.

The Pros of Starting a Manufacturing Business in the UAE

The benefits of starting a manufacturing business in UAE are listed below
  • Infrastructure is far better with fits-all industrial facilities and office rental spaces
  • Factories in free zones are set up with no or minimal taxes
  • Ease of access to markets of Africa and Asia due to the geographical location.

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To enhance commercial cooperation and business

To Enhance Commercial Cooperation and Business Communication- Pact Signed by Oman and Sri Lanka

Muscat: The Chairman of Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry (OCCI), and President of the National Chamber of Commerce have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between in Sri Lanka. The OCCI said in a statement that the Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry, on the sidelines of the Oman-Sri Lanka Business Forum signed a MoU with the National Chamber of Commerce in the Republic of Sri Lanka aiming to contribute for enhancement of volume of commercial cooperation and development of network of communication between business owners in the two countries. In addition OCCI stated that His Excellency Ridha Al Saleh, Chairman of the Chamber’s Board of Directors, representing the Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and His Excellency Nandika Buddhipala, President of the National Chamber of Commerce in Sri Lanka, representing the Sri Lankan Chamber, and in the presence of His Excellency Omar Libby, Amir Ajwad, the Ambassador of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka accredited to the Sultanate signed the MoU. You will also be interested on:
Is Oman a good place to start a business

Is Oman a good place to start a business?

If you are looking to start a business in Oman, then you have arrived at correct place. Here you will get detailed information regarding how to start a business in Oman. The only thing you have to do is read the full content thoroughly. Oman is an Arab country located in the southwestern part of the Asian continent. Muscat is the largest city of Oman. Oman shares borders with five countries, which are Saudi Arabia, UAE, Yemen, Iran and Pakistan. Oman Arabic is the official language of Oman. Oman is classified as a high-income economy despite the fact that it is not an oil producing country like its oil-rich neighbors. Living standards in Oman are higher than in other countries in the region. Oil and natural gas reserves are limited, but the oil and natural gas sector still makes the largest contribution to gross domestic product. Agric sector that produces grain, lime vegetables, and dates, is another major source of income in Oman. Recently, the government of Oman is improving how to open the tourism sector to investors. Oman is a relatively easy place, as shown by Korea's favorable ranking in international business research. In particular, Oman ranked 71st out of 190 countries in the World Bank's business convenience rankings in 2018. Good support for factors like tax payment and business start-up. The former pattern of doing business in Oman mainly deals with other exclusive patterns in familiar and westernized business situations, but is likely to have a clear Arabic business flavor.

A Brief of Oman business culture

It is important to understand that arrogance is more free than neighboring countries, but remains an Islamic state. Foreigners should always be sensitive and respectful of the great influence these religious beliefs have on ordinary social life. Expatriates must never deny the belief of Islam or its chief Mohamed. Oman's business culture is generally Arabic in that it focuses on personal relationships among business associates. Omani businessmen always choose to work with someone they know and trust. Expatriates need to be patient in their initial meetings with new Omani business partners. It takes a lot of time to get to know each other before the actual business is discussed. Falling in arrogance is undesirable. Long-term and personal business relationships in Oman are worth your time and energy.

Tips for Starting a Business in Oman

  • Try to build a personal and serious relationship with Omani business associates
  • You will go a long way in dealing with business stakeholders, so learn some basic Arabic words even with a few words and phrases.
  • Do not shy, weaken or insult anyone during a business meeting. In the western world, this will gain more fame, while in the Arab world it will spoil the possibility of forming good business relationships.
  • Respect and observe the Islamic culture and traditions.
  • Do not forget that in Oman, the line between professional and private life is often blurred. Family disturbances are expected during business meetings.
Oman has caught the attention of international investors. Investors take into account a wide range of parameters and finally make their first step towards registering a company in Oman. You will also be interested on:

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eCommerce-Business Scope in Dubai UAE

eCommerce Business Scope in Dubai UAE

Considering the shift of most activities online, it would make sense that revenue-generating ventures also happen on the internet. That is where E-commerce comes in. E-commerce is practically your trading, but all markets are in your hand, locked in a bright, white screen.

Use of Technology

Dubai, in general, is a great place to conduct business because of its flexible investment capacities, infrastructure, and the holistic business environment. The scope of E-commerce is quite happening in Dubai. It is a fast way to grow your existing business by giving it a digital presence. One of the main reasons business aspirants should consider divulging into e-commerce is how dependent today’s generation is on the mobile phone. In this day and age, not having a mobile phone means being stuck. People in Dubai spend time on social media not only to socialize, but there has been a significant increase in the use of those platforms to do retail shopping.


The convenience and reach of the internet in hand-held devices at any time and anywhere is the maximum selling point. Acknowledging the fact that about one-third of Dubai’s population is comprised of millennials and GenZ, the generations that need everything done immediately and at their own whims and convenience, online shopping will only grow. With that in mind, all these e-commerce websites are even associated with cashless, online wallets that make the entire experience for people efficient and convenient.

Purchasing Power

Another important factor that contributes to the developing scope of e-commerce in Dubai is the purchasing power of the citizens. It being a developed city ensures people living there have the capacity to spend money and avail the benefits provided by an e-commerce business.

Government Intervention

Besides, the government has shown keen interest in developing an online culture and has been developing effective and efficient policies to help the proliferation of -commerce. In the UAE Vision 2021, developing e-commerce is of top priority. By approval of the Dubai E-commerce Strategy, the city has come to be the centre for the world’s conducive e-commerce. This lead to the government increasing the market share of Dubai-based e-commerce businesses, meaning reaping benefits becomes multifold.

How can Black Swan Help You !

As a business consulting firm Black Swan Business setup service can help you in setting up of eCommerce business in Dubai mainland or Free Zone with eCommerce licence and end to end support in PRO Service, Bank Account, Logistics, VAT Service, VISA Services, Office & Business Center, Secretarial Service, Warehouse, Accounting,  eCommerce Website Development, Digital Marketing, Book Keeping, Trademark Registration and more

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