The trademark is known as a brand name. The service mark or trademark has any name, symbol, word, device or combination to identify and distinguish services or goods of one seller to indicate the source of services or goods.
Though federal registration of the mark is not essential, it has advantages like the legal presumption of ownership nationwide, notice to the public of registrant's claim of ownership of the mark along with the legal presumption of ownership and the right to use mark or connection with services or goods listed in the registration.
In today's era, people are more cautious than ever. More than 100 trademarks are daily applied in the United Arab Emirates.
Ways to register the Trademark in the United Arab Emirates
With our expert consultants, you could search if your Trademark can be registered. There are various grounds of refusal in the UAE that could hinder your Trademark Registration process in the United Arab Emirates.The Advantages of Trademark Search
The Trademark search at the Trademark Registry would find if anyone has prior rights to your proposed trademark. This determines if your application has chances for success. This step is mandatory before any trademark application is filed in the United Arab Emirates.Formalities allowed for registration of Trademark
- The Logo Registration
- Registration of the Trade name
- Protection of Domain Name
- Registration of Brand Name
- The name of Real Estate Name
Procedures not allowed for Trademark registration
- The Descriptive marks violating public or moral order
- Mark that is similar to a nation’s flag
- Sign that is similar to a religious symbol
- The National Medals
- The Trademark Registration Process
- The Trademark Search