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Category Archives: Business License

llc cоmраnу fоrmаtіоn process stаrtіng а llc company іn dubai

LLC Cоmраnу Fоrmаtіоn Process – Stаrtіng а LLC Company іn Dubai

LLC Company Formation in Dubai : The business hub of the Middle East, Dubai is the ideal ground to set up your business. The strategic location of Dubai at the juncture of East and West economies makes it one of the busiest business destinations in the world. Dubai provides state of the art infrastructure, high connectivity, a multinational workforce and a cosmopolitan lifestyle to investors from all over the world. The standard form of business in the Emirates is the LLC or the Limited Lіаbіlіtу Cоmраnу, Dubai. The Lіmіtеd Liability Company саn bе incorporated by a minimum of two and a maximum оf fifty ѕhаrеhоldеrѕ whose lіаbіlіtу іѕ lіmіtеd to thеіr ѕhаrеѕ in thе buѕіnеѕѕеѕ саріtаl. Apart from that, a great number of companies with fоrеіgn membership and assistance hаvе been established as Limited Lіаbіlіtу Cоmраnies, as it is the only course of action that will provide a direct and legal authorization and ownership of 49% tо the еxраtrіаtеѕ fоr a local buѕіnеѕѕ. Furthermore, it іѕ mandatory in UAE tо hаvе a local partner who is a UAE nаtіоnаl іn thе LLC with 51% of ѕhаrеhоldіng prospective. The іnvеѕtоr hаѕ thе sole right to choose his local раrtnеr in thе соmраnу. All these elements add to the fact that a limited liability company іѕ a dynamic and flеxіblе choice for business. Differential рrоfіt sharing аrrаngеmеntѕ can be made possible in an LLC. This allows thе foreign іnvеѕtоr to be a cut above as 51% lеgаl еԛuіtу іѕ with the local раrtnеr.

The Lісеnѕіng Authorities

The Dераrtmеnt оf Economic Dеvеlорmеnt is the chief licensing authority in Dubаi.

Whаt are thе Benefits of UAE Limited Liability Company?

  • Formation of a Limited Liability Company in Dubai has great benefits on offer for any investor which include:
  • Thе іnvеѕtоr can become a раrtnеr іn thе company
  • No ѕресіfіс mіnіmum саріtаl requirements are there
  • LLC is the mоѕt рорulаr choice for founding a соmmеrсіаl company іn Dubai The profit and lоѕѕеѕ of the LLC саn bе ѕhаrеd at a ratio different from thе ѕhаrе capital even though the foreign еԛuіtу in thе соmраnу dоеѕ not еxсееd 49%.
  • For an LLC it is eаѕу to open glоbаl соrроrаtе bank accounts and avail credit fасіlіtіеѕ
  • In an LLC, thе іnvеѕtоr will be able to manage the buѕіnеѕѕ wіthоut the day-to-day іntеrfеrеnсе from thе lосаl раrtnеr
  • By founding a LLC in UAE an investor can get unmatched ассеѕѕ tо thе extensive UAE есоnоmу
  • Only a few activities are restricted for an LLC.
  • All thе assets and саріtаl сrеаtеd by the LLC wіll be in thе nаmе оf the соmраnу аnd nоt in thе nаmе of thе local national раrtnеr
  • The іnvеѕtоr in an LLC also hаѕ thе option tо open separate branches in UAE.

LLC Inсоrроrаtіоn Services

Black Swan BSS works сlоѕеlу in coordination with clients to help in establishing their LLC right frоm the beginning to the end. We support our clients wіth strategic іdеаѕ and wоrk according to your business рlаn. It is to be noted that the time span of forming an LLC wіll bе about one to two wееkѕ frоm thе date оf receipt of all required dосumеntѕ. Black Swan provide assistance in:

Register LLC Company Today

2,394 new Licenses issued by Dubai DED in June 2019

2,394 new Licenses issued by Dubai DED in June 2019

The Dubai labor market  has recently witnessed the creation of 7,598 jobs with the issuance of new licenses. 2,394 new licenses have been issued in June 2019 by the DED (Dept. of Economic Development) to carry out various professional, tourism, industrial and commercial activities. As per DED’s BRL (Business Regn. & Licensing) Divn., professional accounted to 58.5% of new licenses; commercial with 38.9%, tourism with 1.9% and 0.7% with industry. Combined together, they managed to create about 7,598 jobs in Dubai’s labor market. DED’s ‘Business Map’ digital platform whose objective is to reflect Dubai’s economic realities by offering crucial data on every license segment including their monthly distribution and numbers, witnessed completion of licensing transactions and business registration amounting to 22,759. DED’s outsourced service centers accounted for about 191912 transactions, which is 87% of total, thereby demonstrating crucial role played to provide Dubai public with value added services. According to reports, June 2019 saw 10,417 license renewals, including 51.2% (5,335 transactions) associated with text message based Auto Renewal. June 2019 transactions displayed Trade Name Reservation accounting for 3,593 transactions with Initial Approval numbers reaching 2,905. The Total Commercial Permit number in June 2019 had reached about 906. News source dubaided.gov.ae

Apply For License Today !

DMCC company formation process

Company Formation Process in Dubai Multi Commodities Center DMCC Free Zone

DMCC Free Zone Company Formation Process : Dubai, the business hub of the Middle East is on a growth trail! Many business zones have come up in Dubai to support its growth like the Multi-Commodities Center Free Zone, which is the fastest growing free zone in the UAE. The Dubai Multi-Commodities Center Free Zone, DMCC, is designed for trade, and has all facilities & amenities for business growth. The DMCC houses a vibrant community, world-class services, innovative infrastructure, and stunning properties, a stone’s throw away from Dubai city, the most strategic business hub of the world. This makes it a golden opportunity for the growth of commerce and retail sector. Apart from that, the Financial Times FDI magazine has crowned DMCC as the ‘Global Free Zone of the Year’ for 3 consecutive years. At the time of formation DMCC was set up as a leading trade hub and international commodities center. Today, the DMCC has developed as one of the finest choices for any business organization to start up its operations.

Company formation in Dubai Multi Commodities Center Free Zone

The Dubai Multi Commodities Center (DMCC) was incorporated in 2002, as a strategic drive of the UAE Government to allocate a competitive marketplace for a flourishing commodities center. Today, the DMCC has more than 15,000 registered companies under it which are actively operating in the Free Zone & every month more than 170 new companies join it as their business start-ups. Here’s a chance to set up a company in DMCC which will not just bring your company a brand presence but also facilities which are the prime

Features of DMCC Free Zone

  • Complete Ownership
  • Plug-and-play office
  • No currency restriction
  • Zero Tax
  • Full Access to premium trading commodities
  • Easy office lease services
  • Repatriation of business profits
  • import and export tax exemption
  • Connect with Business Community during exhibitions, event, and workshops

Types of Business License in Dubai Multi Commodities Center Free Zone

Business Sectors available in Dubai Multi Commodities Center Free Zone

  • Minerals and Metals
  • Automotive and Transportation
  • Telecom and Technology
  • General Trading
  • Engineering, and Machinery
  • Community and Personal Services
  • Healthcare and Hospital
  • Household and Personal Goods
  • Media and Marketing
  • Facility Services and Real Estate
  • Education and Financial
  • Logistics and Shipping
  • Food and Argo
  • Precious Stones and Metals
  • Energy
  • Professional Services

Company Formation Steps in DMCC Free Zone

STEP 1 : company type and Activity
  • Free Zone Establishment (FZE)
  • Free Zone Limited Liability Company (FZ-LLC)
  • Branch of Foreign or UAE based Company
STEP 2 : company type and Activity
  • Application form
  • A Business Plan
  • Copy of Passport
  • Copy of Visa
  • Residential address Proof
  • UAE No-Objection Certificate
  • Parent Company Documents (In case of a branch)
STEP 3 : Pay, Sign and Collect
STEP 4 : Choose a Office in DMCC
Black Swan business setup can help you in all the above business setup process in DMCC, Register your company in DMCC Today !.

Register Company Today

RAKEZ Businesswoman License Package

Being a working woman in the UAE has never been a better time. With great success, the government has poured resources into female-led businesses. Overall gender gap in the workforce was reported to be 64% in 2018 but the country is aiming towards one of the top 25 in the world for gender equality. Last year it was reported that 33% of female-owned firms in the UAE generated revenues over USD 100,000. To attract women into entrepreneurship in the home to many initiatives and programmes, the UAE, RAKEZ Businesswoman License Package has been initiated. This was launched by Ras Al Khaimah Economic Zone which offers fast and affordable company setup with a range of benefits aimed at empowering businesswomen in the region.

What Is The RAKEZ Businesswoman License?

A UAE trade license package tailored to the female entrepreneur is the RAKEZ Businesswoman License. To empower women’s entrepreneurial dreams, this license was designed. It offers fast and professional company setup at an affordable price. It includes everything you need – from office space to business support services.

Types of RAKEZ Businesswoman License Packages

Covering a range of industries there are eight license packages to choose from. They are: RAKEZ offers a one-stop-shop solution that includes the use of shared office space, business cards, support with government services, and assistance with legal translations, logistics, recruitment and more. RAKEZ has created RAKSTARTER to offer entrepreneurs a zero balance bank account in partnership with RAKBANK. You can open a UAE corporate bank account in a range of currencies, including AED, USD, GBP, and EUR with no minimum average balance if you have started your UAE business

How To Apply For The RAKEZ Businesswoman License

Firstly secure the services of a company formation expert such as Blackswan before making any license application. Blackswan can manage the entire process for you, like handling every step of your license and visa applications, and liaising with all relevant authorities on your behalf. Your business activity has to be decided and clearly listed on your business license. With the freedom to list multiple activities, you can list every activity that applies to your business while the application process is on. Choosing a company name is the next step in accordance with naming conventions like, no blasphemous or offensive language, no references to well-known institutions or any abbreviations of your name. A legal entity like FZE or LLC has to be attached with no resemblance to any other company. Black Swan will help you with these initial decisions. Black Swan can manage the entire process for you to ensure smooth running. Black Swan can manage the entire process for you to ensure smooth running. We’ll require the following documents to make your trade and NMC license applications on your behalf. This includes:
  • Your signed application form
  • A business plan
  • Passport copies of each individual (Shareholder/s and General Manager)
  • Original No Objection Certificate (if required)
They can also help you apply for your UAE visa and Emirates ID which involves four stages including a medical fitness test and biometric capturing that usually takes less than a week. You can also sponsor others such as children, a spouse or domestic staff for their visas being holders of a UAE business license.

Main Benefits

  • Easy on the pocket
  • Two free additional activities
  • 1 and 3-year packages Instalment Plan Options
  • Option for a zero balance bank account
  • 25% reduction on employee & dependent visas
  • Eligibility for UAE Residence Visa

Start Your Business Today

By following the above steps, it is possible to obtain your RAKEZ Businesswoman License and launch your startup with minimal fuss. Blackswan can help you get your business up and running within a week or two by managing your license and visa application. You just have to relax for the green light to start trading, You will also be interested on:
Business Setup in Dubai Mainland A guide

Business Setup in Dubai Mainland – A guide

Dubai Mainland Company Formation Business Setup in Dubai Mainland: Dubai - the business paradise offers a best environment for starting a business! The facilities like a world-class infrastructure, multi-lingual talented workforce & reliable connectivity are stimulants to start a business here. Apart from that, Dubai also offers a cosmopolitan culture, innovative workspaces and many Government incentives for investors.

Why should you start a Company in Dubai Mainland?

The Dubai Economic Department DED has permitted Dubai Mainland as the total geographical area to operate commercial business functions to all the private business entities and their representatives. It covers prime locations where a foreign business owner can operate like international chains of food, luxury goods, car makers, etc. The UAE Business Incorporation laws state that if the business setup is in Mainland a foreign investor can hold only up to 49% of the business, and a UAE national mandatorily holds 51% of total equity except in the following cases:
  1. Businesses located in Free Zones
  2. Activities with 100% GCC ownership
  3. Instances where GCC companies enter into a partnership with UAE National
  4. Where the law requires 100% local ownership

The mainland business opportunities jurisdictions are in:

Sheikh Zayed Road

The development corridor of the city of Dubai with a very prominent skyline. It is home to some of the world’s largest ventures, international companies, and businesses.
Al Karama, Bur Dubai, and Deira
Acclaimed for tourist destinations, residential complexes, historic venues, Gold souk, real estate, and wholesale businesses, these three areas are located in the older parts of Dubai.
Business Bay
If you are starting up a business venture in Dubai in the financial sector, professional consultancy, retail industry, hospitality and more, you will need infrastructural assistance. Business Bay situated in the central business district, is the perfect choice as it is responsible for creating multiple business setup centers.
Al Quoz
One amongst the futuristic commercial hubs of Dubai, Al Quoz has the advantage of providing warehouse and industrial options closer to the city. This Al Quoz area has four divisions like factories, industrial setups, warehouses and other locations. Al Quoz also has shopping centers, malls, and labor accommodation zones.
Al Qusais
This area is known for residential areas and industrial zones. Also considered as the best area to house large scale medical centers and educational institutes.
The coastal part of the Dubai city, Jumeirah is one of the most developed hubs of residential areas and lavish business development units. You can find luxurious accommodation, real estate, and hospitality projects here.

Setting up a business in Dubai Mainland - Advantages

  1. Zero Taxation- No corporate or personal tax
  2. Recruitment no restrictions
  3. Easy recruitment process
  4. Getting employment Visas, no limitation
  5. Minimum capital requirement limited restrictions.
  6. No yearly auditing
  7. Processing legal documents, no restrictions
  8. Import duty very low
  9. Getting affordable office space anywhere with flexible rent or lease easy
Get in touch with us at Blackswan Business Setup Services for professional guidance to start your business. As registered agents, we provide complete package solutions on company formation, Free Zone, PRO, VAT registration, setup, visa, bookkeeping, Bank Account, Attestation , Legal Translation , Trademark , secretarial service etc. in Dubai Mainland area. Contact us today.

Get Dubai Mainland Setup Package

Dubai Company Register: How to get Business License in Dubai

Dubai Company Register: How to get Business License in Dubai

If the plan is to set up a company in Dubai, then it is necessary to register it which involves specific basic steps that is to be taken. Trade license is an absolute must for business of all categories to set up business in Dubai. The requirements for required permissions and trade license from different government ministries and agencies however, will vary depending upon the business category. More clearances will be required by some businesses like the health services, financial services, food trading, publishing, etc. when compared to the general trading business.

Licenses that are issued in Dubai for company registration purposes basically are divided into three categories.

Depending upon what kind of activity the business entity would like to involve in, states in which category the license will be issued, like: Dubai’s Economic Development Department is considered to be the government agency that is responsible to issue local company licenses. It delivers licensing services from several locations.

Business Licensing Requirements

Business registration approval process in Dubai:

  • License to be issued for financial institutions and banks are to obtain UAE Central Bank approval.
  • License to be issued for manufacturing companies are to obtain Finance & Industry Ministry approval.
  • License to be issued for companies that are engaged in insurance including other relevant firms are to obtain Economy & Commerce Ministry approval.
  • License to be obtained for medical & pharmaceutical products are to obtain Health Ministry approval.
  • Additional approvals and endorsements will be required from various other government agencies for companies that are engaged in oil or gas production.
  • Business registration is to have involvement of Dubai Chamber of Commerce & Industry.

Business Ownership requirements

Each and every company, besides those having professional license, established in Dubai or anywhere within the UAE will require UAE nationals to have not less than 51% (fifty one percent) shareholding.

The given below six conditions are cited to be few exceptions to such requirements:

  • Company set up at any Dubai Free Zone.
  • Where 100% local ownership is required by law.
  • Where GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) wholly owned company has partnership with another wholly UAE national owned company.
  •  Where 100% ownership in certain activities is permitted for GCC entities or nationals.
  • Professional companies or artisan where there is allowed total foreign ownership.
  • For foreign entity that registers branch office or a representative within the UAE.
  • Where there is being applied professional license for professions like artist, doctor, architect, etc. There can be 100% foreign ownership. But a local national is to be hired as ‘service agent’.

Registration Procedure

Step 1: Determine who the local partner, i.e. sponsor will be. Careful consideration will be mandatory in this step with regards to the type of services expected from the sponsor.
  • Is the sponsor expected to provide solutions to problems faced with government procedures or,
  • Is his name simply required on the license for formality purpose and for nothing else?
  • What kind of annual fees is being planned to be paid.
Many potential problems may be prevented if there is good rapport with the sponsor. Step 2: Approval from DED (Dept. of Economic Development) is necessary to obtain name and activity. Application can be made on standard application form after which it is to be submitted at the DED. Step 3: Identify business premises and get hold of tenancy contract. Businesses planned to be setup in Dubai are to have proper and valid premises supported with tenancy contract, for the business to get fully registered. Step 4: Take help of sponsor to prepare MOA (Memorandum of Association) and then submit the same to DED. The memorandum can be typed by any legal firm and is to clearly specify ownership percentage and special arrangements made among all the partners. Step 5: License and MOA application is to be made at DED besides the tenancy contract and necessary legal documents. It is during this stage that all fees and charges are to be cleared. On completion of step 5, license is generally obtained after a week or so.

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logistic business setup in dubai uae

Logistics Business Setup Service in UAE Oman Mauritius & UK


You will be wondering on how you can setup your Logistic Company or Logistics Business in UAE Oman Mauritius & UK

We can help you in Logistics Business Setup Service in UAE Oman Mauritius & UK

Get Free Consultation from Experts at Black Swan Business Setup Services

Call/WhatsApp : +971-522447757 & +971-563848204

Website : https://bss.blackswanbss.com/

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How to Start a Restaurant or Cafeteria Business in Dubai and the UAE

How to Start a Restaurant or Cafeteria Business in Dubai and the UAE

The restaurant sector is expanding all around the world. Despite global economic swings, nothing appears to diminish our desire to eat out. According to recent estimates, the global food service sector is worth approximately USD 3 trillion. And there are no signs of it stopping down. The tendency is similar in the United Arab Emirates. The restaurant market in the United Arab Emirates is expected to be worth USD 3.3 billion. Fast food restaurants account for over USD 1.5 billion, followed by casual dining at USD 880 million and fine dining at USD 840 million. However, a big market isn't the only reason why the UAE's restaurant sector is so appealing. We dine out 6.75 times a week on average in the UAE, which is more than the US average of 4.2 times. If you want to build a restaurant or a cafeteria in Dubai, now is an excellent moment to do so.

Restaurant Formation in Dubai

The creation procedure is basically the same whether you want to create a restaurant or a cafeteria in Dubai. You'll need two different licences. The first is a business permit. The Dubai Department of Economic Development (DED) or a free zone can be used to apply for this. Then you must have the food control department approve your restaurant plans. After you've finished this step, you'll be able to apply for your food license. The Dubai Municipality Food Safety Department has released this statement. You must include a copy of your trade license as well as a restaurant floor plan that includes all entrances and exits, food processing spaces, food storage areas, all windows and ventilation, all food processing equipment, and all washing equipment as part of your application. The ‘Food Code' must be followed in order for your license to stay valid. This is similar to food safety regulations in many other large nations, and it entails fulfilling specific standards for food preparation, production, and cleanliness. The regulation includes everything from food preparation and storage to ventilation and cleaning facilities, among other things. Any institution that prepares or serves food, such as restaurants, cafeterias, motels, and supermarkets, is subject to the regulation.

The Application Process

While there are some extra steps to applying for a food license, the procedure for applying for a commerce license is quite straightforward. You must first define your company operations before submitting your initial application. Will you be running a café, a restaurant, a culinary kitchen, or anything similar? You should also specify the sort of cuisine you want to sell, as well as how you want to sell it: eat-in, take-out, or delivery. To minimize delays in your license application, it's critical that you include these data. You must also avoid engaging in any trading activity that is not specified on your license. Working with a company setup specialist at this point is a fantastic option because this is such a precise element of the application procedure. Now that you've settled on your trade activity, it's time to pick a firm name. There are a few additional criteria to consider in the UAE that may not apply in other parts of the world. For starters, your company name can only contain your whole name if it is utilised in its entirety. Instead of J Smith Foods or Smith Foods, John Smith Foods is used. The rest is pretty self-evident. You cannot, for example, use the name of an actual organisation like NASA or MI5, and your firm name should not contain any derogatory or blasphemous words. Finally, make sure that the name you want to use is accessible for registration. This is another phase where a business creation professional may assist you. It's now time to submit your application for a trade licence. If you want to open a business on the Dubai mainland, you must first apply to the Dubai Economic Department (DED). You can apply directly to the relevant management authority for free zone installations. In both situations, you should include the following documentation as a bare minimum:
  • Finished application form
  • A passport copy of the potential owner or owners
  • Two passport size photos in colour.
Guidelines once you get Industrial License in Dubai - UAE

Guidelines once you get Industrial License in Dubai – UAE

Guidelines once you get Industrial License in Dubai - UAE Once industrial license is obtained, you need to:
  • Initiate construction works in 6 months time period on receipt of approval, in case, applicable.
  • Provide all requested data within 10 days of making the request to the Abu Dhabi DED (Dept. for Economic Development).
  • Make application for factory enlistment within industrial register (checkout glossary).
  • If any changes are made to factory data that was recorded initially in the register, then it is essential to notify the DED. It is also applicable if any change causes significant impact upon production.
  • When factory is ready to initiate operation, then notify this to the DED, so that they can provide certification for the same.
  • Imported duty-free materials should not be used for any purpose unless it is imported for the specific purpose.
  • Avoid leasing or selling buildings or lands that are allocated to factory by the government.
  • DED is to be submitted with regular reports showing the details of how the business will benefit immensely by deriving government support for factory – for details, checkout the next section. Information may also be provided about factory development, financing aspects, financial and production status.
  • Record comprising of data of all employees staffed in the factory needs to be produced.
  • Minimum 25% of all factory employees need to be of Emirati nationality.
  • Ensure that all existing laws applicable in the UAE are abided by and laws on environmental conservation, public health and industrial security is implemented properly.
  • If a director has been appointed for the factory, then the DED is to be notified about the same. Law enforcement needs to be taken care by you as well as the director.

Apply for Industrial License Today