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Register your LLC Company in Dubai

Register your LLC Company in Dubai

Register your LLC Company in Dubai: Getting your registered business in Dubai is an important step in establishing your company in Dubai. Registration in the Dubai mainland is a more complicated process than in a free zone but has a lot more benefits depending upon the business. A Limited Liability Company (LLC) licence is given for many industrial and commercial business activities. Company formation as LLC means that the UAE shareholder should own 51% of your company. The number of shareholders can go up to 50 for a Limited Liability Company. There is no minimum cap on capital investment. The process of getting your business registered in Dubai is easy provided you know which departments should issue your documentation. You can also hire up to 5 managers who may not be UAE nationals.

What are the benefits of registering your company in Dubai?

  • A lot of business benefits are offered when you register your company in Dubai.
  • The list of businesses you can choose from the DED list is long, and the opportunities are many.
  • There is less hassle in hiring staff and visa quota.
  • The investor(s) will get a visa and the eligibility to sponsor a visa for the family.
  • Expand and open more branches in the Dubai mainland.
  • Credibility is higher- fewer problems in opening a corporate bank account.
  • Eligibility to apply for government tender and contracts.
  • The company can purchase real-estate in Dubai.
  • Trade freely in the local UAE markets.
  • Imported goods are exempt from customs duty.

Cost of registration for LLC in Dubai

The cost of registration varies for mainland, free zone, and for branches. You will need a trading licence. The most expensive part of setting up an LLC is the office space rent. According to the popularity of the location, it can be on the higher side of your expectation. Try to negotiate a contract for a period like 1-year instead of the monthly rent. You can also choose a less popular location to keep your costs low. The rates vary for general trading companies and industrial trading companies. You have to shell out extra for getting a foreign name, and if you are trading in items that require permissions from other departments. Hire a consultant to get clear information and easy route to get your business registered in Dubai.

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How to set up a Boutique Business or a Shop in Dubai

How to set up a Boutique Business or a Shop in Dubai

Dubai, the fashion hub in the Middle East hosts several shopping festivals around the year. With more & more people getting fashion conscious, setting up a boutique business or a retail shop in Dubai can be a great business idea.
To open a shop in Dubai, the Department of Economic Development DED has a well-defined process.

Requirements Boutique Shop/Business

Getting local support - After you have organised your business plan to set up your boutique in Dubai try to rope in a UAE national to support the business plan. It is mandatory in Dubai as well as other parts of UAE, to start a business with a UAE local partner, who owns not less than 51% share in the company. This is effective unless you sign an investors protected contract or start a business in a freezone. Business License and Registration - Apply to the DED to get permissions to open a shop in Dubai under a mainland jurisdiction. Business Jurisdiction - You may need to follow a proper shareholding structure as all retail or boutique shops are also scrutinized on the terms of jurisdiction. Rent Shop premises - Find the right location to rent for your shop. For this you need permissions from Dubai Municipality and the related bodies. Paper work & PRO - Much paperwork is required for, certification, visas and permissions from various entities considering the shareholding structure and the jurisdiction of your boutique business. Be it for a branded and high-end fashion clothes or regular garments boutique, you need to fulfill the DED criteria.

The process of Starting Boutique in Dubai

  1. Submit copies of your passport and visit visa. Read more 


Steps to Transfer your UAE Residence Visa from an Old Passport to a New One

Steps to Transfer your UAE Residence Visa from an Old Passport to a New One

Steps to Transfer your UAE Residence Visa from an Old Passport to a New One: There are certain process involved to apply for a new passport from your consulate or embassy in case your old passport has expired. You can transfer your UAE resident visa onto the new travel document by following ways.

You need to apply for the service of Foreigners Affairs Amer Centres (GDRFA) and General Directorate of Residency, if you are in Dubai.
You need to apply for the Citizenship and Federal Authority for Identity, if you are on other emirates.
To renew your old passport into a new one, you first need to fill out a form by applying for the service of residence visa transfer.
You can apply through online at https://smart.gdrfad.gov.ae/ or through a typing centre or even at an ICA centre or Amer centre close to you.
There are essential documents required for renewal of new passport such as a color photograph, copy of old and new passport and original emirates ID of sponsor.
The urgent service requires the applicant to visit an immigration office to get the visa stamped immediately while the normal service takes three to four working days.
Though you have a company visa you need to have a copy of the license number or trade license, Immigration Establishment card, immigration user ID and password of the company.
You have to make the payment for the service that depends on the emirate which has issued the visa.
The cost of service at the Amer centres ranges Dh330 for normal service and Dh430 for urgent service appropriately.
According to Moosa Bin Ali Dayani, a public relations manager based in Dubai will send an approval form through an email and a text message from the authorities.
You will receive an airway bill number on the approval. Then you need to call Zajel services to request your passports to be picked up at a designated time and date.
You need to contact Zajel services for visas issued in Dubai. For other emirates you have to contact Empost.
When the passports have been picked up, they are processed by the authorities and both passport are returned to the applicant that holds a new passport stamped with the residence visa.

Image Credit: Stock image

Visit https://bss.blackswanbss.com/uaevisaservices/ for Visa Service in UAE

Consumers of Middle East Prefer Locally Produced Goods

Consumers of Middle East Prefer Locally Produced Goods

Consumers of Middle East Prefer Locally Produced Goods: There has been an emerging trend amongst consumers across the Middle East to shift from global to locally produced goods and services. A large chunk of the population that supports this are the millennials. It is the millennials now who constitute the working population and make choices about what to spend on, so a natural solution would be to appeal to the decision making crowd. Being local does not mean you can not expand globally, but to understand the mindset and to be able to cater to their exact needs is what is important. Buying the product may be a monetary act, but the inclination of what to buy lies in the conscience and subconscious. This trend is especially applicable to the food and beverage industries, supermarkets selling groceries, and confectionery.


Consumers often find that locally sourced are the solution to an uncompromised source for quality. Having come up after the global brands, keeping in mind what those brands haven’t been able to provide to their consumers worldwide. A local brand makes those rectifications.

Media Visibility

Attention is finally being given to local brands. It is now being inclusive in popular human interest stories really is a nudge for people. When people know the background of the locally born brand, they’re more interested in buying and supporting the venture.

Sense of Belongingness

When you’re doing business, you can’t just think about the logistics side of the work. There’s another angle to it, where interaction with the consumers pays off. In starting a business within the Middle East, you can ensure a customer loyalty base and support because now they feel one amongst the brand and know where their product is coming from.

The Question of Representation

Consumers often feel neglected in a global scenario. In contrast, when a local brand comes up, providing the same, if not better features and facilities, they feel like they’ve been taken into account and actually represented in the form of a packaged product.

The Price to Pay

It is common knowledge that globally sourced products are more expensive than the local because of the taxes and general popularity of the brand. Locally produced products have the same quality but are cheaper and hence preferred by the locals.

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Dubai Business Visa Details

Dubai Business Visa Details

Dubai Business Visa Details: Business people looking for exploring and starting a new business in Dubai or any other city in the UAE can apply for a business visa to visit the country. You can use this time in the country to work upon your business and arrange for setting up your business.

Who are eligible to get a business visa?

Anyone with demonstrated experience of setting up a business can apply and get a business visa. You can have experience as a major shareholder of any start-up or at least be a part of its senior leadership team. You should be willing to relocate to the UAE to conduct your business. You should have a good business idea to implement in Dubai or any of the seven emirates. Apart from this, you should clear health assessment and pass a stringent background check.

How to apply for a business visa for Dubai?

Applying for the visa does not mean that you will automatically get your business visa. A committee analyses all your applications and supporting documents and only after much deliberation will your visa be approved. Once you get the approval you can follow the steps to get the visa. But before that, your name will have to be nominated by your sponsor. The sponsor will be a shareholder in your business. Followed by the invitation, you have to log in to the concerned website of the Federal Authority for identity and citizenship. Upload the required documents to be verified by the authorities and complete your application.

What to do after you get the visa?

When your nomination is approved, you will have to go to the federal authority website and complete the process. You will get a mail with further instructions. You will get a six-month multiple-entry temporary visa at first. You can use this visa to enter the UAE and work on setting up your business operations. You can get your business visa converted into a residency permit before the expiry of the visa when you settle down in the country.

What are the benefits of applying for a business visa?

As a business visa holder, you can easily get a residency permit. You can sponsor your dependents to move to Dubai. Depending upon the visa and dependents, you may also get a visa for domestic help. Additionally, you can nominate a maximum of three senior staff to get residency. Blackswan Business Setup Services can help you in Business Visa services in UAE

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How to Register for VAT in UAE?

We are a corporate service provider. We can help you register your VAT @ AED 500. You also outsource book keeping service for monthly, quarterly or yearly basis. For more details please watch full video https://youtu.be/3ouEW-Oriu4 Get free consultation Call or WhatsApp +971-52 244 7476 / +971-42406939 Website : https://bss.blackswanbss.com/ Official Blog : https://bss.blackswanbss.com/updates/ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/blackswan201/ Twitter : https://twitter.com/BlackSwanBSS Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/blackswan_businesssetup/ LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/company/black-swan-business-set-up-services

Setup your Company and Bank Account in Dubai | UAE

Are you planning to set up a company and bank account (corporate or personal) in Dubai? From starting your company and getting amazing office location to getting you a local service agent (if sponsor required). Get amazing packages from start to finish. Contact Mr. Anish at +971 52 207 9968 , Email : anish@blackswanbss.com Check the full video: https://youtu.be/hlDHyjONQSY Get free consultation today!! Website : https://bss.blackswanbss.com/ Official Blog : https://bss.blackswanbss.com/updates/ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/blackswan201/ Twitter : https://twitter.com/BlackSwanBSS Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/blackswan_businesssetup/ LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/company/black-swan-business-set-up-services

How to Setup your Business in Dubai?

Setup you business in Dubai Today ! Black Swan is a one stop shop for all your business needs. Get free consultation Call or WhatsApp +971-52 244 7732 / +971-42406939 Website : https://bss.blackswanbss.com/ Official Blog : https://bss.blackswanbss.com/updates/ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/blackswan201/ Twitter : https://twitter.com/BlackSwanBSS Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/blackswan_businesssetup/ LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/company/black-swan-business-set-up-services
How to Register a Company in RAK

How to Register a Company in RAK

Ras Al Khaimah: Middle east’s the most happening, confidential and secure offshore destination. Ras Al Khaimah, shortly as RAK is located at UAE’s northern part which shares its mountain borders with Omani Sultanate. A preferred business destination for its fast emerging nature and is hardly 45 minutes apart from Dubai.

Is setting up a business right away in this destination your dream?

Of course, RAK owns hassle free administrative setups. The configuration of Ras Al Khaimah is relaxed and made as easy going, all we have to take it properly is some legal and report checklist procedures. So, here is your answer for

How to form a company in Ras Al Khaimah

Decide your Business Kind

Choose the type of business activity of your plan. Keep your operation under business or technical or industry. Public related, manufacture, retail outlets, production comes under business kinds. Administration, accounts, consultations and rest business services fall in the roof of technical. Industrial types include produce – store – package of products.

Clear picture of your business legal shape

The succeeding pass of your business setup is to decide on a corporate agency and pick up a kind of business based on the actual operation. The need balancing the legal actions is controlling the company’s existence.

Clinch the location

The RAK free zone, RAK offshore and RAK mainland are the main jurisdictions. These free zones are hassle free, business friendly operation, cost effective ambience which draw foreign nationalities to set up their company here. The RAK offshore is entrenched to regulate the thriving demand of the offshore market. Thus helping the admin operations in scaling up income sources for the high growth in their economy. The RAK mainland must possess a local sponsorship. Major shares will be held by that local sponsor and it reaches in enormous places.

Company Name Registration

Following the confirmation of trade location, the very next level process is choosing the business with the most appropriate name. Present your chosen venture name to the department of Economic Development.

Get the initial approval

Prior to getting a certificate on a company name, the venture capitalist must receive one initial approval. This initial start props up the capitalist to open the procedures on business license issues and contacting concerned authority. Carry out your entire process after getting a license in hand for a safer go.

Click and Present

Following the first level approval, check whether the legal matters and proposed criteria are met or not. If met, you can take this to the right authorities. Separate activities need different ministries. For example, few actions require permission from the Economic development department. The list of documents needed is,
  • Tenancy contract Certificate copy
  • Copies of Visa, Passport and no protest letter
  • Map of location and ownership certificate
  • Legal agreements
  • Signboard and kind of license agreement
  • Economic development ministry’s permission certificate
  • All government approval check through
  • Notary public’s relationship contract
  • Professional assessment done
  • Trade name confirmation certificate

Register your Company Today!

Where can i Setup Company in Dubai?

Where can i Setup Company in Dubai?

Dubai, the Middle East's business hub, comprises major industries like tourism, real estate, aviation, and financial services. The presence of free zones in the emirate is one major aspect of the transformation which Dubai has seen in the last decades. To set up a company in Dubai, you can either opt for a mainland company or a free zone company. Companies set up in the Free zone have the benefits of zero tax, 100% foreign ownership, and full repatriation of capital and profits. Free zone companies are confined to specific geographical areas, while mainland companies can be set up anywhere outside the free zones.

Setting up a business in Dubai

If you intend to set up your business in Dubai, the following are some of the locations you can consider

Free Zone Company

The major free zones in Dubai are Jebel Ali Free Zone (JAFZA): JAFZA, one of the world's largest free zone is located in the Jebel Ali area at the western end of Dubai. JAFZA best suits manufacturing and trading companies. Dubai Airport Free Zone (DAFZA): DAFZA is located at the International Airport. It is an ideal zone for IT, aviation and aerospace, electronics, telecommunications, luxury goods, and logistic industries. Dubai Silicon Oasis (DSO): DSO is located near the Dubai International Airport. It is ideal for tech companies. Dubai Media City (DMC): DMC is ideal to set up a company in the media industry. It also suits advertising companies, news agencies, and broadcasting firms. Dubai Healthcare City (DHC): DHC was established with the intend to address the growing healthcare services demand in the country. DHC comprises several hospitals, clinics, outpatient medical centres. Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC): DIFC is a financial hub comprising many financial institutions and multinational companies. It has its own independent judicial system, monetary exchange, regulatory body, and legal framework.

Mainland company

A mainland company in Dubai has the provision for carrying out business across the UAE. They have a foreign shareholder equity capped at 49%. Some of the locations to establish a mainland company are Business Bay: It is located near the Burj Khalifa spanning an area of over seven sq. km. Business Bay has a well connected network of roads and is known for resorts and hotels. Many international companies have their offices in the Business bay. It is ideal for opening a company in the hospitality industry in this sector. Sheikh Zayed Road: Sheikh Zayed Road is located at the centre of Dubai, and is filled with high-rise buildings on both sides. Sheikh Zayed Road is known for its versatility of office spaces. Deira - Deira, the oldest trade hub of Dubai, is also known for the many gold souks present here. Deira is an ideal location for small and medium-sized enterprises. Al Quoz: Al Quoz is situated between Sheikh Zayed Road and Al Khail Road and is Dubai's manufacturing hub. It comprises many warehouses, and the land cost is relatively low. Al Qusais: It's location near to Deira, proximity to Dubai International Airport, and the neighbouring City of Sharjah makes it an ideal place for logistics business. Bur Dubai: Bur Dubai is located along the Dubai creek and is famous for the computer accessories, and textile business. It is also a hub for restaurants and cafeterias. Setting up a business in Dubai offers many prospects; this is due to the City's commitment to sustainable development. The most crucial factor is the location while trying to set a company in Dubai. Blackswan helps companies globally to set up their business in Dubai through our services like business incorporation, accounting, registration, bookkeeping, and legal advisory. Our consultants, with their years of knowledge, are well adept at setting businesses in Dubai. This helps your business gain a foothold in Dubai. You can contact us to know more about our services.

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