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Things to Take Care of While Setting Up Business in the Dubai Free Zone

Things to Take Care of While Setting Up Business in the Dubai Free Zone

Things to Take Care of While Setting Up Business in the Dubai Free Zone: The Dubai Free Zones or Free Trade Zones exist to bring in more international business to the city as it promised a full hundred percent ownership to foreign companies in Dubai along with other incentives such as being tax-free and having customs duty benefits. Operations of the businesses in the free zones do not come under the jurisdiction of the commercial companies law and UAE. Each free zone has rules that must be adhered to that are set up by the concerned free zone. Some of the popular Free Zones are Jebel Ali Free Zone (JAFZA), Dubai Multi Commodity Centre (DMCC), Dubai World Central (DWC), Dubai Airport Free Zone (DAFZA) amongst many others.


You can set up two types of establishments Free Zone Establishment (FZE) or a Free Zone Company (FZ Co) /LLC (FZ LLC). The main difference between the two is that when starting an FZE, only one shareholder can be registered, whereas, with an FZ Co, two or more shareholders can be registered.

Process of Setup

  • Choosing a field of business and type of ownership according to how you want to conduct your business activities.
  • Selecting a specific Dubai free zone. Research properly on which free zone allows the most benefits for the type of activity your business is going to conduct.
  • Deciding a company name is the next task. This should not clash with any national symbols, be offensive and at the same time must reflect your brand image.
  • Applications and documentation. This process involves filling in the application to start a business, submission of your business plan, memorandum and articles of association, board resolution and the colour copy of shareholders’ visa and passport.
  • Creating a bank account. You need to open a corporate bank account in Dubai to conduct business activities. Several documents are needed for that - photocopies of passports of partners, MoA, AoA, copy of shares certificate, company’s incorporation certificate, resolution from the board of directors and finally, a bank account opening form.


The benefits of starting a business in the free zone include full ownership and complete repatriation of capital and profits. All corporate and personal income tax along with import/export duties are exempted. If duty calls, the companies can function 24 hours a day. The business owners can own properties and also wind up business at their own call. The recruitment of staff, acquiring work permits and visas and relatively easy. And during the time for renewal, the fee is moderate and affordable!


The only limitation that remains is that once set up in the free zone, you cannot conduct business activities in the Dubai mainland.

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How to Setup an LLC Company in Dubai

How to Setup an LLC Company in Dubai

Dubai, one of the most attractive business destinations globally, is characterized by the mix of both the East and the West.

Setting an LLC company in Dubai - How to?

In order to set up an LLC company in Dubai, the following steps are to be followed
  • Register your company with the DED
  • Draft & notarize the company's Memorandum & Articles of Association
  • Submit all required documents and business license application with the Department of Economic Development
  • Register with the Dubai Commercial Register
  • once incorporated, register one's employees with the Ministry of Labour and General Authority for Pension and Social Security

LLC registration Dubai

Application forms for the trade name and for the warrant are filled in accordance with the DED. In the case of one or both members being corporations, the LLC Subscription is approved by a copy of Certificate of Incorporation, along with an Association Memorandum and a Board of Directors resolution. It is advisable to have an authorizing person, a Power of Attorney, to act on behalf of the shareholders of the LLC. You will be interested on: LLC Company Formation in Dubai Initial approval in this regard will be made by the DED. There may be a need for Supplementary approvals, which are made depending on the activities proposed by the LLC. The process is much simplified now, where the DED obtains the approvals from departments and ministries. This was enacted through the 2011 Licensing Law officially referred to as the "Law of the Organization of Economic Activities Practice in the Dubai Emirate." After obtaining the initial approvals, and the required approvals from the ministries and agencies, an LLC formation contract is signed by the Power of Attorney Holder before a notary. After completing the contract, the above mentioned documents are procured for LLC company registration in Dubai.

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How to Register a LLC Company in Oman?

How to Register a LLC Company in Oman?

The Omani LLC is the commonly used business entity for foreigners to do business in Oman, to manufacture business activities and various trading. For starting a business in Oman, you need to go through the process set by the Omani authorities. The company registration process of Oman is as follows:

The Name Reservation Process Before Registration

The company name is approved by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. Based on the Omani law, a new company should not have the same name as the existing company. The MCI needs a higher starting share capital for companies with certain words as "Oman" in their name.

The MCI Application

It involves preparing and submitting the following documents:
The Foreign Shareholder Documents for Registering Company in Oman
If a corporate entity, each shareholder should provide it's board resolution, constitutional documents, certificate of incorporation and power of attorney.
The Omani Shareholder Documents
Every shareholder should provide a certificate of registration, MCI computer printout, authorized signatory form, Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry certificate and shareholder's resolution. Must have the authorized signatory form and constitutive contract forms a part of the constitutional documents of the LLC.
The Bank Certificate
The Bank Certificate is obtained from a bank in Oman, that is used as evidence of compliance with the LLC's capital requirements.
The OCCI Registration
The important step in the registration process is the OCCI Registration. It is immediately obtained after the MCI completes the registration examination of your company and approves the certificate.


The approvals that depend on the LLC's intended business activities further requires government approvals.

The Steps for Post-Registration Process

When the LLC registration gets approved, and you obtain all the necessary certificates from the Ministry, you need to organize them:
  • The municipality license
  • The Tax registration
  • Register with the Royal Oman police
  • Register with the Ministry of Manpower, to apply for labor clearances and visas
  • Export or Import license, depending on the nature of the business
  • The Environmental, Industrial and other permits and licenses, depending on the nature of the business

The List of Documents Required to Set Up an LLC in Oman

  • Application forms that must be submitted to the MCI
  • The copy of passport or identity cards of shareholders
  • The copy of passport or identity cards of all intended authorized signatories
  • The approved authorized signatory form, with names and sample signatures of each authorized signatory reproduced
  • The standard company registration forms, including constitutive contract and articles of association
  • The application for specific licenses depending on the company’s activities
  • The certificate of initial capital deposit from the bank

Lease Agreement for Company Registration in Oman

  • The company lease agreement
  • The company statutes including memorandum and articles of incorporation
  • The certificate of chamber of Commerce and Industry affiliation
  • The Agency Certification, if applicable
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Financial Benefits of Starting Business in Dubai

Financial Benefits of Starting Business in Dubai

Dubai is the business hub of the entire Middle East, and the benefits of starting and conducting business in such an entrepreneurial environment are limitless. The support from the government, law, the many tax benefits and the splendid infrastructure create an environment of ease to conduct business activities. While that remains as appealing as it is, there are added financial benefits of starting a business in Dubai as entailed below.

Value Added Tax: To pay or not to pay

VAT was introduced in UAE as 2018 had commenced. VAT was brought in so that the government could continue to provide quality public services to the country. Customers were liable to pay 5% value added tax on their purchase to the business owner who then paid to the government. But not everyone needs to pay VAT - Only companies with taxable supplies and imports exceeding AED 350,000 per year need to register for VAT in the UAE are liable to pay VAT.

Avoiding any capital gains tax

In most countries, a business has to pay significant taxes on some of its assents upon selling them off if there is profit gained in the sales. In Dubai and the rest of UAE, the capital gains tax is null and void, so it is a good place to do business and sell off assets that have increased its value over time if the need arrives. This is especially applicable in those industries that deal with property and real estate.

No corporate tax

Having to pay corporate tax can be a huge burden. Corporate tax rates are very high and eat up most of the income gained by the company. In UAE, you don’t have to worry about paying corporate tax at all unless you are in the oil exploration or banking sectors. You could rather put the income into expansion or other fields of the betterment of your business.

Taxes from Tourism help your business

Each person staying at a hotel is liable to pay a small hotel tax and departure tax. The percentage rates of those have reduced over the years, which in turn has increased tourism, encouraging people to travel to Dubai even more. This tax collected in turn helps the government to better the tourism and hospitality industries. The Dubai economy is a fantastic place to see your business boom!

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Steps to get Event Management License in Dubai

When you head for business with requisite skill, there is no more reason why you can't get involved in this vast market. You can set up the UAE event management business with expert help to complete in five easy steps.

Outline your business activity

Outline your business activities before applying for your event management license. Wide range of activities are carried with the event's license. This allows you to carry out activities like hospitality management to event promotion. You need to list on your application that you wish to undertake. Carrying out the activities that are not listed on your license would result in penalties. It's best to work with the company formation expert in this stage to make it covered.

Choose your company name

After outlining your business activities, choose your company name. This would take an extra thought in UAE than other countries. Choose a name that reflects to offer in the memory of your target customers. It must comply with the UAE's company name regulations. The company name should not have any offensive language or reference to known organisations or blasphemous language. When you want to include your name in your business name, it must be in full with no initials or abbreviations. Check whether your chosen business name is available to get registered. The company formation expert would do this as a part of the license application process.

Choose the right set up

Before making the formal license application, decide the right company set up for your business. The two choices in UAE are mainland or free zone. There are advantages to both. The free zones have cost-effective ways to start an events company, it has attractive benefits with 0% personal and corporate income tax and 100% exemption from customs tax. UAE free zone businesses benefit from all invested capital and profits. It has no currency restrictions or foreign exchange controls. You can set up the business in the UAE mainland. The mainland business trades directly with the local marketplace without services of a local agent and takes on government contracts, which free zone companies cannot.

Apply for your license

After deciding the activities you wish to list on your license, submit your application. Based on your choice of set up, you can directly apply to the Department of Economic Development for emulating you to set up or the relevant governing authority of the free zone. Whatever setup you choose to apply for an event management license in Abu Dhabi, Dubai or UAE, a company formation expert would help with this step. They manage the entire application process on your behalf. Either making your application yourself or through a company formation agent, you need to provide few details and some basic documentation as:
The Completed application form
  • The passport copy of the owner or proposed owner.
  • Any two colour passport size photos.
  • Pay AED 15,000 to secure your event management license.
  • Apply for a license package that has a Flexi-desk package which affords entrepreneurs the use of business facilities like mail services, internet, desk space and phone use.

Apply for visas and bank accounts

Apply for visas, business license and open your corporate bank account. Apply for your visa and employees visas too. The maximum number depends on your license type and size of your business. Sponsor dependants for their visa applications. You can bring your family, that includes spouse, children and dependent parents to the UAE. You can hire domestic staff like the housekeeper to make the process simple. The corporate bank account opening works with a company formation expert who would guide you with the complex process. The company formation expert will advise on best banks to suit your needs and arrange the appointments.

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Professional License Activities in Dubai - UAE

Professional License Activities in Dubai – UAE

Professional License Activities in Dubai - UAE: Individuals who plan to run a business or commercial activity in Dubai has to acquire a license. Dubai's, The Department of Economic Development (DED) has a well-administered system that separates the various sectors of licensing categories. This enables better opportunities at the constructive and regulatory facilities. The need occurs to choose the right type of license for your type of business in Dubai. Professional (The term professional indicates companies or individuals with trained skills) companies being set up in Dubai needs a professional license.
The list of individuals who require a professional license in Dubai are,
  • Lawyers and Legal Advisors
  • Accountants, Auditors, and Financial Advisors
  • Accounting and Auditing Companies
  • Architectural Consultants
  • Advertising professionals and Entertainment Artists
  • Business Consultants
  • Technical Services
  • Teachers and Educational Professors
  • Health and Medical Services
  • Medical Representatives
  • Carpentry and Artisan Activities
  • Consultancy Services
  • Information Technology Services
  • Printing and Publishing
  • Internet and Web Design Services
  • Management Consultancy
  • Beauty Salons
Listed above are some of the common professional activities that require a professional license in Dubai. One can get the complete list of activities that require a professional license from the office or website of the Department of Economic Development (DED). Even then it is always better to consult a business consultant or a business set up a company to get information about all the details minutely and to select a business license that suits you best.

Business activities carried out under professional license

  • Medical services
  • Document clearing
  • Beauty salons
  • Computer graphic design
  • Printing & publishing
  • Consultancy
  • Security services
  • Artisanship
  • Other noncommercial activities

100% ownership

A professional license in Dubai keeps you the sole owner of the company, i.e. you are allowed 100% ownership of the company. A professional license also allows other benefits to the license holders. In the case of trading companies, you are allowed only 49% of the shares while the majority 51% is vested with the partner (UAE national). But in the case of professional companies, 100% ownership lies with the owner in accordance with an agreement with a local service agent.

Benefits and Advantages of Professional License

  • 100% foreign ownership
  • Wide range of activities to choose from
  • Cost-effective
  • Flexible market
  • Wide range of client to engage with
  • Renewal of professional license at an affordable cost
  • No additional income tax or corporate taxes on your profit
  • Wide range of choices for choosing the type of company you want to establish
  • Protected business engagements with the Department of Economic Development

How much does it cost?

The total cost of a professional license depends on the different categories of a fee that requires to be paid by a license holder.
  • Professional license fee
  • Service agent fee
  • Trade name fees
  • Security deposit (different for individual license holder and civil company)
  • Market fee (according to tenancy amount)
  • Others
You will be interested on:  Professional License in Dubai

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Agency for Registering Trademark in Dubai

Agency for Registering Trademark in Dubai: Having an extremely lucrative idea is rare. You’d want to protect the idea and your prospective business venture by registering a trademark to prevent anyone from replicating the same and going ahead before you. You get a trademark on something you think is unique and no one has thought of yet. But you must conduct proper research before you propose to file for one. It could be a name, sign, picture, signature, colour, word, slogan, software, application, website, shape, or combination of any of these or even a brand name to identify your business. It is quite difficult to take care of this on your own because it has several legal details that might be out of a layman’s understanding. To avoid any repercussions in the future, it is best to take help from someone who has the expertise and knowledge of the field. That is why there are agencies in place that provide services to register a trademark for your brand or business. The trademark registration agencies can help remind you that your trademark is a valuable asset and it can be sold, licensed or franchised amidst protecting your business identity, make sure you don’t use anything that similar to someone else’s brand, and prevents from your product or service being confused as a sister brand or with a brand that has a bad reputation. The agencies go ahead and ask for several documents to get started:
  • Trademark Logo of the company (JPEG)
  • Proof of Trade License
  • Power of Attorney in favour of the agency handling the procedure
  • Copy of Passport with Visa Page of the Managing Director
  • A list consisting of items that will be protected
  • Priority Document
  • Contact Details
  • Other (Depending on the case of your trademark requirement)
  • A Notarized No Objection Certificate from Partners
Other than the regular fees (includes filing fees, publication in the trademark journal, Publications in two Arabic newspapers and Registration fee), there is a professional fee charged by the agency who has taken up the duty to do the trademark registration for you. Soon, after all the procedures, if there are no objections, one will get the certificate of trademark registration. It will be valid for 10 years.

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The Do's and Don't's of Doing Business in Dubai

The Do’s and Don’t’s of Doing Business in Dubai

The Do's and Don't's of Doing Business in Dubai: You know how to set up a business in Dubai and now it is time to learn the do’s and dont’s of setting up and doing business in Dubai.


Get a local sponsor
You will need a local sponsor to invest in your company if you want to get a license to start a company in Dubai.
Choose your license carefully
There are different types of licenses for different businesses. Check the ones that apply to your businesses.
Many businesses require additional permissions from other departments. You should do a lot of research about your business in Dubai, check its viability, research about the location and about the culture of the people.
Hire a business consultant
All the processes look straightforward and easy on paper. If everything goes right you will get registration for your business in 4 weeks max. But if you are not sure, you should hire a business consultant who will help you figure it all out and get your business setup in Dubai.
Be patient
Patience is a virtue. You will need it in abundance to do business in Dubai. People might not turn up on time, negotiations may take longer than expected. You should be prepared to handle different scenarios.
Learn the culture and join groups
Meet people, make an effort to learn a few words in Arabic. People will be quick to appreciate you.
Be casual and develop close relations with the people
Be friendly and develop a rapport with the community of peers in Dubai. That part of the business world is still heavily influenced by word of the mouth referrals and the social mixers can be a great way to get your business advertised.


Don’t rely on verbal agreements
Verbal agreements are not binding. Once you find a local sponsor make sure you make an agreement stating your terms and get it notarized.
Don’t boast about your self
Humility says a lot about a person. Dubai is chock full of successful people and the people don’t especially care for boasting.
Don’t be late
Even though people may turn up late, meetings may run late or there will be all sorts of delays, make sure you are always on time.
Don’t talk about religions or sensitive topics
Avoid talking about topics that can hurt the sentiment of people. It does not help and alienates people.

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Why Companies are being Liquidated in Dubai

Why Companies are being Liquidated in Dubai

Why Companies are being Liquidated in Dubai: While there lie a large number of opportunities in the booming Dubai, there are some companies that are forced into liquidation. It is because of some financial and legal reasons, or because of inadequate planning or some bad choices. In such cases, companies have to undergo a compulsory liquidation. Whereas, sometimes the company board comes to a mutual consensus and conducts a voluntary liquidation. It is important to thoroughly do market research and see what you’re getting into before you start a business so you aren’t at the brink of liquidation. Reasons for liquidation also include not being able to fun day-to-day business activities and it is best to see those signs much beforehand and prevent the actual process. Here below are some logistic reasons why a business needs to be liquidated. An understanding of this will help you stay on par with your business situation.

Location Matters

The location of your business should be strategic, depending on who you want your market to be and where you want to function. With restrictions on operating in the free zone or mainland, one must choose the location with great detail to avoid any mess.

Planning Right

The planning process begins even before the incorporation. Staying ahead of yourself will help ensure you’re making the right decisions. Impulsive decision making without careful thought can put your business in a situation where you have no option but to liquidate.

Competent Workforce

The business owner himself cannot handle all the operations of the company, hence there is a need to hire a workforce. But now, he is also responsible and liable for the actions of the workforce and any damage or faltering from their part could do huge damage to the business. Therefore, while hiring it is important that you vet the potential candidate and remind him/her of the tasks and the gravity of it that they’ll be undertaking.

Skills of the Owner

While it may be important to hire a good, competent and knowledgeable staff, it is also important that the owner is skilled enough. Having financial, managerial and entrepreneurial skills are important. He/she should be able to take on any responsibility and notice mistakes made and have good eye for detail, overseeing all tasks.

Flow of Capital

Sometimes, business expenditure may exceed your expectations and you need more than you anticipated to keep business operations going. So you either have a reliable line of credit or stashed capital to take out for your operations. If the company goes into debt, it is required to be liquidated.

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Top 7 Business Opportunities in Oman

Top 7 Business Opportunities in Oman

Top 7 Business Opportunities in Oman: Oman has a high index on the free state for investment. Strategically located, Oman can be a link to routes between Asia and Africa. It is also a gateway to the Arab world. These factors, along with a progressive economy and investor-friendly business environment, Oman is the optimal choice to start a new business. Under the Oman vision 2040, many industries are booming with new opportunities.

Travel and Tourism

Oman is a beautiful country, with beaches and deserts. It is also one of the safest and friendliest countries for travel, especially for women. The tourism industry is booming and despite small setbacks in uncertain times, it has great potential and is a very profitable business in the long run. It is a low-cost investment opportunity.


Oman is a top importer for many products. Now, they want to manufacture products in their country rather than importing it, reducing dependency on oil exports. Investors are actively encouraged to invest in the manufacturing industry of Oman.


Oman looks to improve on the digital technology front and with a 2030 digital vision plan and Oman tech fund to invest. Oman has opportunities for technology-based startups that have a clear vision and plan.


Transportation and Logistics have been identified as a potential substantial contributor to the GDP. As such, the Oman government is taking steps to provide global facilities, extensive roadway and railways system and connect for faster logistics solutions. You can tap this market for your new business.


With Oman’s focus on oil, other rich resources like gold, silver, nickel, zinc and other minerals have been left untapped. The government is offering great opportunities in mining various natural resources. They want investors with exploration expertise, processing technology and other related opportunities.

Restaurants and bar

Restaurants are a sound investment in Oman. Opening a restaurant that serves different cuisine are all welcome. It is a good business opportunity with good ROI. Also, alcohol consumption is legal only in licensed places like hotels, restaurants and bar in Oman. If you serve alcohol in your restaurant, you have a better chance of making money.

Retail shop

Set up a retail shop, popular choices are electronics and home appliances, and perfume stores. Deal in commodities that are very popular with the local consumer and set up your business in a great location. You will also be interested on:

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