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How to Apply for UAE Citizenship

How to apply for UAE Citizenship

A residence visa is required to live and work in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). For becoming a citizen, a residence visa is not the only necessity. As many people are ignorant on how to apply for citizenship in the emirate, this guide will be a source of awareness. The General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA) helps to apply for UAE citizenship. The requirements, procedure, and provision under which a person can acquire citizenship are discussed in this article. The UAE government’s official statement reads: “The step aims at appreciating the talents and competencies present in the UAE and attracting more bright minds to the Emirati community in a way that contributes to the development and prosperity of the country.”

Requirements of Acquiring UAE Nationality

For acquiring UAE nationality, a number of things to be taken into consideration are: The person should
  • renounce his or her nationality of the origin
  • Proficient in the Arabic language
  • Hold adequate education qualification
  • Have lawful source of income
  • Good reputation and code of conduct
  • Not have been convicted of any offensive deeds
  • Obtain security approval
  • swear allegiance to the UAE
Some specific conditions include:
  • Property should be owned by an investor
  • A doctor or specialist must be specialised in a scientific discipline of high demand in the UAE
  • A scientist is required to be an active researcher either at a university, research centre or in the private sector.
  • An inventor must have one or more patents that are approved by the UAE’s Ministry of Economy (MoE)
  • If conditions are met, he takes an oath and receives the country’s passport.

Categories of Foreigners Who Can Be Nominated for UAE Citizenship

The categories of foreigners who can be nominated for the UAE nationality are:
  • Investors
  • Doctors
  • Specialists
  • Inventors
  • Scientists
  • Intellectuals
  • Individuals with creative talents

How to Apply for UAE Citizenship?

A person can apply for citizenship by law though there are various methods

UAE Nationality by Law

Based on Federal Law No. 17 of 1972 regarding Nationality and Passports, and as amended by Federal Law No. 10 of 1975 and Decree-Law No. 16 of 2017, a person may acquire UAE nationality by the virtue of law, citizenship, or naturalisation. The law states that a person can acquire nationality who is:
  • Born in the UAE or overseas to a father who is a UAE resident
  • Born in the UAE or overseas to a mother who is a UAE national o Or to a father with unknown or without citizenship
  • Born in the UAE to unknown citizenship parents o This is also referred to as “foundling”

UAE Nationality by Citizenship

Granting nationality by citizenship includes:
  • Foreign woman married to a UAE national, with one or more children o Though they should be married for 7 years since the submission of the application
  • Foreign woman married to a UAE national, without children o They should be married for 10 years since the submission of the application
It is worth mentioning that in case of a separation or divorce, the woman will be entitled to nationality if she remains a widow or divorcee, or if she gets married to another UAE national after the said period.

UAE Nationality by Naturalisation

Nationality by naturalization can be obtained if:
  • You are an Arab from a neighbouring country and you have been displaced to the UAE
  • An Arab individual residing in the UAE for more than seven years
  • Any person who has been residing in the UAE since or before 1940 until the effective date of Federal Law No. 17 of 1972
  • Any person who has been provided outstanding services to the UAE

UAE Nationality by Presidential Decree

Presidential decree can overturn laws in specific cases. A decree can be issued by the President of the UAE to grant nationality to a specific individual and this also ignores the provisions stated in the Federal Law.
llc cоmраnу fоrmаtіоn process stаrtіng а llc company іn dubai

LLC Cоmраnу Fоrmаtіоn Process – Stаrtіng а LLC Company іn Dubai

LLC Company Formation in Dubai : The business hub of the Middle East, Dubai is the ideal ground to set up your business. The strategic location of Dubai at the juncture of East and West economies makes it one of the busiest business destinations in the world. Dubai provides state of the art infrastructure, high connectivity, a multinational workforce and a cosmopolitan lifestyle to investors from all over the world. The standard form of business in the Emirates is the LLC or the Limited Lіаbіlіtу Cоmраnу, Dubai. The Lіmіtеd Liability Company саn bе incorporated by a minimum of two and a maximum оf fifty ѕhаrеhоldеrѕ whose lіаbіlіtу іѕ lіmіtеd to thеіr ѕhаrеѕ in thе buѕіnеѕѕеѕ саріtаl. Apart from that, a great number of companies with fоrеіgn membership and assistance hаvе been established as Limited Lіаbіlіtу Cоmраnies, as it is the only course of action that will provide a direct and legal authorization and ownership of 49% tо the еxраtrіаtеѕ fоr a local buѕіnеѕѕ. Furthermore, it іѕ mandatory in UAE tо hаvе a local partner who is a UAE nаtіоnаl іn thе LLC with 51% of ѕhаrеhоldіng prospective. The іnvеѕtоr hаѕ thе sole right to choose his local раrtnеr in thе соmраnу. All these elements add to the fact that a limited liability company іѕ a dynamic and flеxіblе choice for business. Differential рrоfіt sharing аrrаngеmеntѕ can be made possible in an LLC. This allows thе foreign іnvеѕtоr to be a cut above as 51% lеgаl еԛuіtу іѕ with the local раrtnеr.

The Lісеnѕіng Authorities

The Dераrtmеnt оf Economic Dеvеlорmеnt is the chief licensing authority in Dubаi.

Whаt are thе Benefits of UAE Limited Liability Company?

  • Formation of a Limited Liability Company in Dubai has great benefits on offer for any investor which include:
  • Thе іnvеѕtоr can become a раrtnеr іn thе company
  • No ѕресіfіс mіnіmum саріtаl requirements are there
  • LLC is the mоѕt рорulаr choice for founding a соmmеrсіаl company іn Dubai The profit and lоѕѕеѕ of the LLC саn bе ѕhаrеd at a ratio different from thе ѕhаrе capital even though the foreign еԛuіtу in thе соmраnу dоеѕ not еxсееd 49%.
  • For an LLC it is eаѕу to open glоbаl соrроrаtе bank accounts and avail credit fасіlіtіеѕ
  • In an LLC, thе іnvеѕtоr will be able to manage the buѕіnеѕѕ wіthоut the day-to-day іntеrfеrеnсе from thе lосаl раrtnеr
  • By founding a LLC in UAE an investor can get unmatched ассеѕѕ tо thе extensive UAE есоnоmу
  • Only a few activities are restricted for an LLC.
  • All thе assets and саріtаl сrеаtеd by the LLC wіll be in thе nаmе оf the соmраnу аnd nоt in thе nаmе of thе local national раrtnеr
  • The іnvеѕtоr in an LLC also hаѕ thе option tо open separate branches in UAE.

LLC Inсоrроrаtіоn Services

Black Swan BSS works сlоѕеlу in coordination with clients to help in establishing their LLC right frоm the beginning to the end. We support our clients wіth strategic іdеаѕ and wоrk according to your business рlаn. It is to be noted that the time span of forming an LLC wіll bе about one to two wееkѕ frоm thе date оf receipt of all required dосumеntѕ. Black Swan provide assistance in:

Register LLC Company Today

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How to Register Pharmaceutical Products in UAE

How to Register Pharmaceutical Products in UAE

Some medicines like paracetamol, panadol, antibiotics or anti-allergies are types you see in general stores and medical stores. The medicines need approvals from the Ministry of Health and Prevention before importing, selling or marketing in the United Arab Emirates. The pharmaceutical industry is profitable which means there has been a lot of interest from local and multinational companies. Ensuring that these companies adhere to the right protocols and sell approved medications. The Ministry of Health and Prevention vets in the companies and products priority. Products on markets are registered with the Ministry of Health and Prevention first or you would get hefty fines and license suspension. Federal Law Number 4 of 1983 related to Pharmaceutical Profession and Institutions are referred to as the Pharmacy Law claiming that no pharmaceutical drug shall be circulated until the product gets registered with the Ministry of Health. Various prerequisites are involved to import registered and unregistered drugs in the country to sell or to market in clinics or hospitals.

The prerequisites of the pharmaceutical market in the UAE

To start the business you have to get prior permission from the regulating bodies. The governing bodies ensure several factors including quality. To sell, import and market a pharmaceutical medicine you have to get approval from the Ministry of Health and Prevention. To get eligible for the process, the company applying must be legally incorporated in the UAE. They also need to be registered with the Ministry of Health. When you are not planning on registering the company, the other option is to engage a commercial agent or a local distributor as they are already registered with the Ministry of Health to import the pharmaceutical products. Agents then need to register the products on your behalf and save your time. The agents get a nominal fee for doing this. The Ministry of Health and Prevention claims the following conditions to be met before applying. 1. The marketing authorization holder companies need to be registered with the Ministry of Health and Prevention as they could register their products. 2. Applicants should have the medical warehouse licensed by the Ministry of Health and require a valid license.

The Pharmaceutical Product Registration in the UAE

The pharmaceutical product registration in the United Arab Emirates can be done online through the Ministry of Health and Prevention website. The website implements a registration process that needs you to insert your email address and password. This enables you to access the electronic portal of registration of the pharmaceutical products as well in future.

The Process

  • You have to register your account on the Ministry of Health and Prevention Website.
  • Then open the document with the pharmaceutical product registration and fill in the necessary details.
  • You have to pay the dues to meet all needs of the application.
  • After the application submission, technical committees will deliberate and forward their recommendations to the competent ministerial committee.
  • Applicants can follow up with the Pharmacological Analysis Section at the Drug Department.
  • The company then completes all needs and submit them on e-portal.
  • The technical committee approves the registration after re-deliberating the submission.
  • When the conditions are met the Ministry issues the registration of products.
The registration certificate issued by the Ministry is valid for five years. Starting date of the certificate will be from the date of the committee approval. The manufactured pharmaceutical products certificate is valid only for a year and has to be renewed.

Need for the Registration of Pharmaceutical Products in UAE

As the pharma business impacts the health of citizens, countries have a rigorous process to register the products. Most often people outsource the registration work to reputable consultants and that's how the successful approval has been exponentially increased. Blackswan Business Setup Services provide the registration of several products in the United Arab Emirates.

Documents needed to successfully register the products

  • The certificate of the product or the certificate of free sales is issued by the competent authority of the origin country.
  • The certificate should include the brand name and the formulation of the product.
  • The company address must attain rights for marketing and manufacturing.
  • Precise information of products like shelf life and storage conditions are to be met.
  • Letter confirming the product has been sold for two years in the country of origin.
  • The three authentic samples of the product with the Certificate of Product Analysis of them.
  • Have the approved internet leaflet certified by the competent authority.
  • The product should be Halal, the Halal certificate is needed from the regulated authority.
These are the official requirements but the regulating body may need additional documents and certificates to complete the registration process. The products should be free from heavy metals, hormones, antibiotics, steroids, pig derivatives and substances that prove harmful to health. These minute details can make a difference in having your product registered or not. We are aware of the complete process of registering pharmaceutical products because of their experience in the United Arab Emirates market. We have registered a large number of products successfully in Dubai and UAE. You can fill up the form below and get a quote.
Benefits of Registering a Company in Oman Mainland

Benefits of Registering a Company in Oman Mainland

The mainland company is also called as the onshore company. This type of business entities conduct business activities outside as well inside the region of origin. You can establish free zones and mainland companies inside the arena with the Sultanate. Certain requirements are followed by various corporate structures. The company formation in Oman needs various types of licenses to carry their business activities throughout. The license gives authority to conduct business activities without any restriction.

Types of Business Entities in Oman Mainland

  • General Partnership
  • Limited Partnership
  • Joint Venture
  • Joint Stock Company
  • Limited Liability Company
  • Holding Company
  • Branch Office
  • Representative Office

Types of Licenses Issued in Oman

  • General Trading License
  • Trading License
  • Professional License
  • Service License

Prerequisites for Registering a Company in Oman

  • Minimum 2 shareholders
  • Minimum 1 Director (can be of any nationality)
  • Registered Office Address
  • Minimum Capital Requirement of OMR 150,000

Tax Exemptions in Oman Mainland

Oman provided tax exemptions to business operating in any of the following industries:
  • Mining
  • Fishing, Farming, and Breeding
  • Tourism
  • Hospitality
  • Export of locally manufactured or processed food
  • Medical care units established by private hospitals

Required documents for Company Formation in Oman

  • The identity card.
  • Copy of shareholders passports.
  • Initial deposit payment certificate from an Omani bank.
  • The approved signatory form with names and signatures of authorised signatories.
  • The company registration forms.
  • The statues of company.
  • Chamber of commerce and industry affiliation certificate.

The Company Registration Process in Oman

The following steps are included to incorporate your business entity in Oman:
  • Company name secured.
  • Initial deposit done after approval
  • Business license application.
  • Documents submitted to the Tax branch of the Finance Ministry.
  • Get a municipality license.
  • Company registration with the Royal Oman Police mandate.
  • Have to register with the Ministry of Manpower.
  • Organization seal must contain the organization name.
  • The logoApply for visas of the corporate bank account.


  • The stable and strong currency.
  • The free transfer of profits and capitals.
  • The duty-free import to other capital and machinery for industrial purposes.
  • Exemption of taxes for navigation companies.
  • Free open market and trading policy
  • Multiple countries with double tax treaties.
  • The well-regulated stock exchange.
  • Repatriation of profits and capital invested.
  • The political stability.
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Registering your Company Mainland!

How to setup Civil Company in Dubai

How to setup Civil Company in Dubai

If anyone searches to do a civil company formation in Dubai would face many choices. You can choose to form in one of the Dubai many free zones that benefit from zero percent corporate along with personal taxes. You could also set up the LLC in Dubai mainland. No need to hand over a 51% stake of your business to a local sponsor, it offers complete access to the UAE market that free zone businesses don’t. There is a third option for overseas entrepreneurs of the civil company formation in Dubai. This includes 100% ownership, access to the local market, and involves unrestricted liability. The Dubai mainland company set up is open for qualified professionals, who are in specialist sectors like lawyers, doctors, accountants, consultants and engineers. The civil company allows you to hold 100% ownership of your company. There is a rule to have a Local Service Agent (LSA) in the UAE, that is needed to form this type of a company in Dubai mainland. The Local service agent does not hold any stake in your business. LSAs would communicate with the government on your behalf, assisting the license approvals, work permit and visa applications, for which they have a percentage of company profits or an agreed fee.

The civil company formation in Dubai

If you are a professional and looking to make a name in the local market, then it is mandatory to understand whether the Civil company formation in Dubai serves the best option for you.

Easy and quick setup

The good news is that the set up of a civil company or civil company formation in Dubai is both easy and quick. You have to apply to the DED for your license. The government has taken the step to make the process more simple, you just need to meet the eligibility criteria.

Work with a local service agent (LSA)

Civil companies do not require to work with a local or corporate sponsor. You have to involve the LSA services to liaise with the government departments on your behalf. The LSA does not hold any company's stake or on your business decisions. Trustworthy LSA can be found by the company formation specialist to ensure the whole process goes without a hitch.


The civil companies do have a 100% liability, this is important when you make the choice. You are not personally accountable for any debts of the company when you go for an LLC company formation in Dubai. This makes a great layer of protection. The civil company has 100% liability, that means creditors can go after your assets and possessions. The two different company types share certain similarities in terms of structure, like the event of liquidation and hence the difference becomes clear.

Ease to sponsor dependents

Will you be able to sponsor your employees for their visas? As a shareholder of the civil company would sponsor their dependents for residence visas. To meet your application criteria, you can sponsor the visa for staff like your drivers, spouse and other dependents. The process is easy, you have to apply for the entry permit, medical fitness test, change of status, Emirates ID registration, and visa stamping. Get advice from an expert regarding this.


New expat gets delayed due to the apparent cost of doing business, but it is possible to establish a business in the Emirates for a minimal outlay. You have to apply for your professional license in Dubai to form your civil company, this costs around AED 17,000. There is no requirement to provide the paid open share capital, while setting up a new civil company and total startup costs are low.

Multiple shareholders

This allows you to form your firm with more than one shareholder. The civil company formation in Dubai needs a minimum of two shareholders as well the maximum being 50. It can be either individuals or the corporate entity.

Multiple visas

The civil company formation in Dubai is popular with a larger firm. This allows the owner to apply for more visas, there is no upper limit for the mainland firm. The more visas you apply for, the more office space you must have. The rule of thumb is 100 sq feet of office space per visa. This visa rule can be negotiable with the DED. For instance, if you have a remote workforce of 500+ employees, then it requires more than 50,000 sq feet of the office space.

Your corporate bank account

Once obtaining your professional license and forming your civil company, it is speedy as well easy to open your bank account. The company formation expert advises the best bank to suit your requirements and also arrange meetings in-branch for you. You can even approach any local or international bank on your own.

Ways to set up a civil company in Dubai

The civil company holds a professional license in Dubai, the civil company formation in Dubai is the only company set up option that is made for professionals. To get a civil company in the UAE is a jump to a market, for which you get qualified and hope to enter. The benefits are 100% foreign ownership and full access to the local market. The approach also comes with a risk compared to an LLC. In this type of setup, you hold the large responsibility of your company share. You have to be serious, if you go for a not plain closing, as the owner of the firm you would lose much more than your company. The advice of the consultant is the key and this needs to be taken as an account of a serious issue. If you are aware of all the hurdles that come your way of being an owner of the firm, then nothing can stop you to fulfill your dream. Ensure to get advice from Black Swan Business Setup Service team to start your firm smoothly.

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Steps to establish business in Dubai

Steps to establish business in Dubai

Business Setup in Dubai: Steps to establish business in Dubai: Once all legal procedures have been sorted out, it will take about a week or so to start your business in the UAE. However, prior to initiating the legal formalities, there are few aspects required in the process which needs to be taken into consideration.

Business Type

The type of license to apply for will depend upon the business type you wish to start. Be it industrial, professional or commercial, it is likely to define your operations. But during the selection process, you need to keep in mind certain activities like jewelry trade, food trading, legal consultancy and veterinary activities, which may need other governmental departments to provide further approvals. Dubai’s DED (Dept. of Economic Development) is said to have list of 2,100+ activities to select from. In case, specific type is not present in this list, you should contact the DED. Every free zone here comes with its own approval formalities and regulations.


If you prefer to have 100% company ownership being a foreign national, then you can choose a location and license in any of the several free zones here in the UAE. Each free zone is known to cater to specific activities. Hence, with greater clarity with the initial step will help you to determine the best available option. 45+ free zones exist in the UAE concerned with different categories of operations, thus providing you with plenty of choice. In case, you plan to operate locally or require local license, then check with the DED (Dept. of Economic Development) to obtain a license. However, certain restrictions with regards to foreign ownership are to be adhered to with the DED license, based upon varying legal structures of the DED.

Legal Structure

There are set rules with regards to your establishment’s make-up, depending upon your business type and location. For instance, if you prefer to start legal consultancy business, then it can be undertaken as stand-alone company or its branch. This activity, however, does not allow sole proprietor. Every free zone comes with its very own restrictions pertaining to company structure, which can be checked out in the zone’s official website.

Trade Name

It is part of legal procedure and indicates nature of business, except it another company’s branch. The official DED website has all the rules pertaining to trade names.

Share Capital

Generally, the MOA (Memorandum of Association) of proposed company mentions clearly minimum share capital.


On getting ready the legal forms and procedures, few offices are to be shortlisted with costs along with other details. On completing the set legal formalities, you can have a clear path ahead. You can get assistance in the free zones to identify premises that suit your specific needs and to set up water, internet, electricity and other amenities.


In majority of the DED legal forms, manager has to be hired to manage operations as well as have him prepared prior to registration approval. In several cases, you might not have the privilege to hire any employee. Intelaq license holders (home based Emirati entrepreneurs based license) for instance, cannot hire employees, but allowed to engage contractors. You can check out the details here! Each zone in the free zone segment comes with its very own regulations to follow pertaining to business structure.

Local support

There is a genuine need to recruit a local agent, sponsor or partner to obtain DED licenses and it is excellent support exclusively for foreign nationals. Having local contact is sure to help achieve progress in the business setup at free zones, but not mandatory. Dubai being a favorable business destination does boast of providing entrepreneurs of all nationalities to set up their business easily and with very less effort.

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