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License to Practice Dentistry & Medicine in Oman

License to Practice Dentistry & Medicine in Oman


Take a look at these procedure to get a license to practice the profession of dentistry and medicine.

License To Practice Dentistry & Medicine

Who is eligible to request this service? Omani doctors.

Steps To Request The Service

Process Steps
Applicants of Doctor for the Ministry of Health
  • Forward the applications to the Director of Office for Public Hospitals.
  • Copy of biographical format submission.
  • Certificates of diplomas and experience copy submission.
Applicants of Doctor for specialist or consultant
  • The personal interview conducted from the Commission of Higher interviews must be passed.
  • The work offered by the Commission's recommendations must be accepted.
Category of specialist and physician assistant and specialist doctors
  • Mobilize application form submission.
  • Oral and written test results submitted.
  • Work offered by the Commission's recommendations must be accepted.
Applicants of Doctor to serve a private sector
  • Application must be submitted to the Ministry of Health to the Director of Office in the Public Hospitals in ministry.
  • Application should be submitted to serve the private sector to the Director of Public Service and private health institutions.
  • Biography copy.
  • Diploma and certificate of experience copies.
  • Inspection and audit certification of the health institution for applicant services needed to serve in a private sector.
  • Get the applicant A visa for visiting the Sultanate for a performance test.
  • Mobilize Application Form completion to enter the license tests (entry fee for licensing test).
  • Oral tests and written tests conducted by the Committee of the Ministry's office must pass the exam.
  • Labor cards and licences are to be issued.

Documents Required For The Process

  • Forms depend on the position.
  • Forms for visa process.
  • Curriculum vitae copy.
  • Certificates and diplomas of experience copies.
  • Passport's copy.
  • Photographs-2.

Special Conditions

  • Employment experience of 3 years.
  • Sponsor's letter to give permission.
  • Must be physically fit.


Applications get processed within 4 weeks of submission. Applicants get notified by telephone, e-mail, regular mail or by posting on the billboard of the Ministry's office.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I take an Arabian-language exam, instead of English? No, all our exams are conducted in the English language. 2. Can I take my exam through the phone? No. All our applicants must take the test in person. 3. After passing my exam, can I defer the oral exams? Yes. Oral exams must be taken within three months from the date of passing. 4. Can I participate in the oral exam if my visa gets near completion? Yes. We do our best to arrange the exam. 5. Am I a guaranteed employee, if I pass the oral and written exams? No. You don't become a guaranteed employee until you pass the hiring process. 6. When will I get the appointment after passing the exam? As subjected to the availability of vacancies. 7. Will I get the appointment from the Ministry of Health if there is a vacancy? Yes. The Ministry staff will contact you by mail, letter or phone.
Commercial Business Registration Process in Oman

Commercial Business Registration Process in Oman

Businessmen and investors can submit applications to exercise commercial business with the Governmental commercial services and Ministry new electronic services. It was initiated in 2006, to facilitate investors for the speed registration process through the directorate of investors services in the Ministry by self or with directorates.

Directorate Of Investors Services

The electronic system of ministry started the governmental commercial services that use information technology to limit approvals related to industrial, commercial and mining forms the government sides that participate in one station. 1st stage: Apply the service to the Ministry of Commerce and Industry or its branches. 2nd stage: Procedure for finalizing the offices. 3rd stage: Self service that is planned and implemented in 2009. All the approvals and applications are online, so investors procure services in any time and place. Applications that are submitted in Muscat differ from other geographic regions and governorates. Here the applications that have been submitted in Muscat take a different direction as it is electronically shown to all directorates. It participates in the directorate of the investors services / the one station. The one station is the part of the Ministry of Commerce & Industry that has employees from official governmental bodies and different ministries responsible for approvals and license issuance to establish the commercial business in Muscat.

Mechanism To Submit Applications

1. Investors can submit the electronic application to directorates or to the investors services.
  • Book the applications of trade names.
  • Commercial record issuance applications.
  • Applications of commercial registration like sales registration, renewal, and increasing capital.
  • Registration for the applications of trade marks.
  • Commercial agencies registration applications.
  • Commercial approvals applications like marketing offers and importing licenses.
  • Applications of mining licenses.
2. New systems can reflect the simplified procedures by making use of economic activities from the international classification system, also cancelling the companies branches and corporations inside the Sultanate, where branches merge with head office under the executive order and the branches attributing the origin. 3. Notify the investor with the submitted application status through email or sms. 4. Speed and transparency to fulfil the formalities. 5. Reduce the usage of forms and paper. 6. Applications are submitted to the directorates or Ministry of Commerce, & Industry / related regional directorates/ lawyer's offices/ finalizing procedures offices/ accountants.


1. Application submission Investors can apply for necessary commercial services to the next door's directorate of investor's services to the Ministry of Commerce & Industry in directorate or Ruwi/ related regional directorates/ lawyer's offices/ finalizing procedures offices/ accountants. 2. Data Entry Employees must input the data with computers by communicating with investors and light surveys of needed documents. 3. Issue approvals
  • Applications that don't require auditing, review, notifying the investors of needed fees through email or sms are directly approved.
  • Some applications need auditing or approvals by participating in the office. After that the investors are notified through sms or email about the application status or if any fees required.
Procedure For Business Setup in Dubai Gold And Diamond Park Free Zone

Procedure For Business Setup in Dubai Gold and Diamond Park Free Zone

The protocol to start a gold and diamond business in Dubai Gold And Diamond Park Free Zone is similar to other Free Zone domains in Dubai. The documents and formalities needed for business setup in Dubai Gold & Diamond Park Free Zone depends on the business licenses you opt in Dubai. Business that come in jurisdiction is Free Zone Establishment (FZC), Free Zone Company (FZC), or branch office of an international or domestic firm. The basic structure and shareholders number required are unique to the company you form.

Dubai Gold And Diamond Park Free Zone Business Setup has several steps

  • Identify the company type you like to set up in the free zone.
  • Register the trade name of the entity. The business name must be as per the naming guidelines offered by the authority.
  • Getting initial approval for business activities.
  • Extra permissions and approvals.
  • Application submission with required documents for the company's incorporation.
  • Full-fledged business activities commenced after the incorporation of the business setup in DGDP.

Documents Needed For A Business Setup In DGDP

  • Shareholders passport copies.
  • Board resolution to establish business in Dubai Gold and Diamond Park. Business Setup Free Zone.
  • Resume and passport of designated manager.
  • Article of Association.
  • Memorandum of Association.
  • Lease/ rent agreement of the commercial space or office.
  • Power of attorney if a business setup services like Black Swan aids you in the company formation in DGDP.
  • Documents of business registration and company license of the parent company like the representative office or a branch office.

Permitted Activities In DGDP

Legal activities that relate to diamond, gold and precious metals are pursued in DGDP. Many elite business entities of diamond and gold business have their branch in DGDP.
  • Trading Diamond & Gold
All types of trading like diamond, gold, and jewelry that are made with stones and precious metals.
  • Ornaments Manufacturing
You can open a manufacturing business setup in DGDP for diamond and gold ornaments.
  • Retail Business
Firms will conduct retail sales and purchase materials and products.
  • Professional Services
Individuals who are experienced in this sector extend their professional services after getting their professional license.
Ways to Register a Company in Oman

Ways to Register a Company in Oman

Foreign investors wish to know how to register a branch office or a private limited company in Oman. In the past years, Oman has built up themselves as the main nations for leading the business exchanges within the Middle East. Oman is considered as the dynamic country of the Arabian Peninsula. The economy of Oman is reliant on their oil assets. Recently, the oil business isn't as lucrative as it was in the past. It prompted the legislature of Oman to arrange gas and tourism based businesses as their main stream of income. Also, Oman likes to differentiate their business exchanges and opens up for foreign investors to work. There are some reasons why companies and foreign investors are pulled into Oman to do business. Oman has been the third biggest country of the Arabian Peninsula. Business trades are easy here because of its political stability. The social strength makes remote entrepreneurs to work with no objection. Legislature is centered with monetary advancement and they make a business friendly environment. It prompts foreign investors to inject at the capital of Oman. Foreign investors need to register their companies and make their Oman company run successfully. There are some requirements to register a company in Oman. Some paperwork and documents have to be submitted to the authorities. They are:

Basic Requirements to Register a Company in Oman

  • Minimum of 1 Director
  • Minimum of 2 Shareholders
  • Registered Office Address
  • Capital requirement of 150,000 OMR

Documents Needed

  • Shareholders' passport copy
  • Identity Card
  • Bank's initial capital deposit certificate
  • Passport copy of all authorized signatories
  • Standard company registration forms
  • Company Statues
  • Chamber of Commerce & Industry Affiliation Certificate
SAIF Company Formation Cost & Package

Sharjah Airport Free Zone (SAIF) Company Formation Cost & Package

SAIF (Sharjah Airport Free Zone) is located next to Sharjah International Airport. It has the oldest UAE zones with developed infrastructure like warehouses, offices, and land leased for businesses. It formed in 1995 and hosts 7000 companies as of now. SAIF's location suits manufacturing, trading, and logistics companies who plan a business setup in the United Arab Emirates for a reasonable budget. If you wish for a business setup services in Dubai, consider SAIF as your possible option.

Vast Range Of Warehouses, Offices, And Land

Sharjah Airport International Free Zone has ready-to-move facilities. Their warehouses are equipped with pantry, fitted office, kitchen and air conditioning. The size of a warehouse is 125 sq meters, where 22 sq meters are occupied by the office space. Two types of offices in SAIF are present:
  • Air conditioned, fitted out and furnished.
  • Unfurnished offices with utility costs.
Besides that, temporary warehouses and labour accommodation are available. SAIF facilities can suit any company for a business setup in Sharjah.


The major categories of licenses are:
  • Trading
  • Industrial
  • Service
Your license belongs to any one of these categories. If you like to mix them, additional licenses must be purchased. Sharjah airport SAIF zone offers a broad business activity list. It is hard to get service activities like "investment of own funds." Activities can permit storage and consolidation of products which is specified in your license as assembling and manufacturing of products. SAIF will not share the activity list. Hence all the business activity must be checked. This free zone has multiple activities in license for the company formation in Sharjah, if it is not related, extra charges apply.

Costs Of Sharjah's Free Zone Company

SAIF offers
Service or trading license for AED 13,500. E-commerce or general trading or multiple activities or aviation license charge AED 21,000. It is eligible for a small office and 4 resident visas as part of the package. When you plan to rent the bigger facility, you must pay the office rent, license fees and warehouse rent. These prices are competitive to the Sharjah's LLC company formation charges. But the facilities are cheaper than the free zones. Immigration fees and visa fees should be paid separately.
Company Setup
Sharjah's free zone company formation in SAIF is done by the Power of Attorney holders or company owners. Licenses can be instantly issued on the day of application. Needed Information And Documents
  • Residential address
  • Passport
  • Phone number
  • Passport size photo
  • Owners' email
Documents which are issued by SAIF after the company registration are
  • License
  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Memorandum & Article of Association
  • Share Certificate
  • Investment Service Agreement
  • Lease Agreement
Company registration in this free zone is done by the business consultants in Dubai or Sharjah.

Costs of SAIF Free Zone

The company formation in Sharjah SAIF entails resident visa opening. The employee's visa is valid for 2 years, while the visa of the company’s owner is valid for 3 years.
SAIF fees (AED)
SAIF fees. AED Medical checkup, AED Emirates ID,AED
Owner/ Investor  Normal (8-10 days) 3,840  690 370
Urgent (3-4 days) 4,040  690 370
Employee Normal (8-10 days) 3,240  690 270
Urgent (3-4 days) 3,440 690 270
If you've applied for a resident visa, when on a tourist visa, the procedure of status change is applicable. This costs around 860 or 1010 AED on an urgent basis.
Trade License Renewal
This just takes one day to renew the Sharjah Airport Free Zone company, without the company owners' personal visit. It must be paid and signed on the lease agreement to process the renewal.
The amendments of company in SAIF is only done by Power of Attorney holders or shareholders.
Costs Of Standard Amendments
  • Adding or removing Director- 2,000 AED
  • Shares transfer- 10,000 AED
  • Change of Manager- 2,000 AED
  • Change of financial year- 500 AED
How to Get a General Trading License in Dubai

How to Get a General Trading License in Dubai

Are you surfing over the internet to get a trade license in Dubai? You've come to the right place. We'll guide you with the procedure to get a general trading license in Dubai. Dubai is the important trading hub of the Arab region. Dubai’s strategic location offers benefits over other European and Asian trading destinations. Due to this benefit, the region has had significant growth in retail, logistics and trade in the past. The inexpensive energy, infrastructure facilities and the flawless communication systems present Dubai. It is the preferred trading destination of international businesses and traders. The well-equipped airport and seaport facilities having impeccable cargo-handling capabilities make Dubai the international cargo hub.

Obtain Your Trading License In Dubai

Businesses that wish to conduct trading of goods and commodities must acquire a general trading license in the United Arab Emirates. Here you'll find the complete steps to get a general trading license in Dubai. Businesses require the general trading license who likes to engage in more trading activities. It means the activities can belong to different industries. Many activities require the single general trading license to operate in the United Arab Emirates. Some activities are toy trade or furniture, trading of jewelry, electronic items, spare parts, exports and imports as well. Wholesale trading companies need a valid General Trading license to operate in the UAE. Some restrictions are suitable in trading products like beverages and tobacco. For trading these restricted products, businesses must get an external approval from its competent authority. You must set up a trading company in the UAE's free zone or mainland. The drawbacks and benefits vary with the jurisdiction. So, the investor must determine the jurisdiction from which they have to apply for a trade license.

Documents Needed For Issuance Of General Trading License

  • Business Managers' signature in the application.
  • Attested copy of business name approved from the DED.
  • MOA.
  • Copy of partner's passport.

Instructions To Get A General Trading License In Dubai

Instructions are given in a brief manner.
  • Determine the suitable trade name for your trading.
  • Assign a legal form.
  • Business activities are finalized that are to be listed in the license.
  • Get the initial approval.
  • Duly fill the application and submit.
  • Restricted activities need external approvals.
  • If trading activity requires additional approval, get them.
  • Submit all the required documents.
  • Find a location that is apt for your trading.
  • Prepare and attest the tenancy agreement.
  • File the Final License form at DED.
  • Pay the license fee.

Validity & Renewal Of General Trading License

Validity for the General Trading License is for 1 year. You must renew the license if it expires. For renewal, you must submit the expired license with proof to get approval from DED. The validity for renewed license is 5 years.

General Trading License Cost (Dubai)

The license cost around AED 40,000.

Benefits On Getting A General Trading License (UAE)

  • Exempted from tax- the license owner is exempted from tax.
  • Repatriation benefits- the business has complete reports assets and profits.
  • Uncomplicated formalities- the license issuance formalities are direct and easy. It is accomplished within 10 days.
  • Multiple visa benefits- the license grants multiple visas for the workers or staff of the license holder. Employee visa issued depends on the area of the office space. More the area, the more the number of visas issued.
  • Exempted from annual auditing- the license holder is not required to submit the annual auditing report.
  • Enhanced possibilities of trading- traders like to exploit their market to the fullest. The license holder can conduct a national, local and worldwide trade to get a General Trading license in United Arab Emirates.
  • Sponsoring visas- Visa sponsorship is available for the dependants of a license holder.
To acquire the general trading license in UAE or Dubai, it offers a lucrative opportunity for investors and traders. It provides the reliable platform to get more revenue in business expansion. We at Black Swan perform all procedures to get a license and related business setup in UAE and Dubai. Get in touch with us for the best plans and packages. Related Links You will also be Interested in
Subsidiary Company in Dubai

Subsidiary Company in Dubai

Dubai is one of the important Emirate in the UAE’s trading network. It is the host to major companies and corporate organizations that operate in various spheres of business. Legislation of Dubai’s government permits free trade and this makes Dubai the attractive Emirates for foreign and local investors in the UAE. Investors can open free zones and onshore companies in Dubai. Many foreign companies establish their presence in Dubai by setting up a subsidiary company or a branch office in Dubai. The subsidiary and branch office differs because of its autonomy in business operations, while the branch office is tied with the parent company. Subsidiary operates independently and branch office depends on the guidelines of a parent company.

Steps To Register A Subsidiary In Dubai

Based on the government of Dubai regulations, companies that conduct business in Dubai have to register with the DED (Department Of Economic Development). You have to appoint a local agent to establish a subsidiary in Dubai, who'll handle the registration procedure in Dubai and offer relevant advice to their foreign investors. We've a team of experts in Dubai's company registration to help you with the setup process. As per the Dubai Company Law, foreign companies can register their subsidiaries in Dubai under the LLC. Here are the steps to follow if registering a subsidiary in Dubai.
  • Company name reservation
  • Get approvals for business activities from DED in Dubai.
  • Notarize and draft the articles & MOA for the subsidiary in Dubai.
  • Submit the relevant information of directors or shareholders to the DED.
On completion of the registration of the subsidiary in Dubai, the investor has to apply for a business trading license with Dubai’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Get A Trading License For Subsidiary In Dubai

A few information and documents must be submitted to the Dubai's Chamber of Commerce to get the trading license for the subsidiary in Dubai. Some are:
  • Copy of Articles & MOA for the subsidiary in Dubai.
  • Trading license application form.
  • Name approval letter from DED in Dubai.
  • Passport copies of directors or shareholders.
Subsidiaries in Dubai need to get clearance from the Dubai’s Municipality Building Department. It is because the subsidiary must have their company's registered office in Dubai. Consult our specialists at Black Swan to get the information regarding your trade license availability to set up the subsidiaries in Dubai.
How to Start Lifestyle Consultancy in Dubai

How to Start Lifestyle Consultancy Business in Dubai

After the pandemic, people have shifted their attention towards mindful living. This results in increased opportunities among 'lifestyle consultants'. Consultants help clients to manage fitness, style, relationships, nutrition, and many more. They focus on the lifestyle of the clients and guide them to make positive changes and align them with their goals. This new industry is a lucrative opportunity for people who like to start a business in the United Arab Emirates. The United Arab Emirates has 90% of foreign individuals in their country. It has a unique landscape of people with a diverse portfolio of different individuals and lifestyles, making the diverse market to get better. Here, you'll explore how to start your lifestyle consultancy business in Dubai.

Choose Your Company Name

After choosing your business activity, you must select a name for your business. It is important because the name of the business represents your brand. The name you choose must adhere to the rules of UAE authorities and must not be offensive.

Select Your Location in Dubai

You must choose the suitable location for your business. Mainland and free zones are the two main locations you can select from. It has its own advantages and perks. Mainland locations provide direct access to markets while free zone locations offer ease in business setup, low financial costs, diverse licensing perks, easy applications, and many more. Choosing a suitable location will seal your deal to turn your business dream to reality.

Business' Legal Structures

A legal structure your business undertakes depends on the location you choose. Mainland business can access LLC legal structure allowing for sole proprietorship, or partnerships. Free zones offer 100% ownership to the entrepreneurs regardless of business activity and nationality. You can register the company as a Free Zone Company (FZC), or a Free Zone Establishment (FZE). FZCs need two shareholders or more and FZEs require one shareholder.

Trade License Application in Dubai

You must acquire a license if starting the lifestyle consultancy business. The trade license allows its holder to engage in the business activities in the United Arab Emirates. This document is necessary for every entrepreneur. You should apply for a consultancy license and specify as lifestyle coaching for your lifestyle consultancy business. To apply for the license normally, you should submit your documents to the particular Emirati government authority. For a free zone, you must submit your documents to the specific free zone authority.

Documentation & Paperwork to setup Business

This is a vital step to make your business to run smoothly. Every entrepreneur and firm must abide by the laws and regulations of the UAE. After this step, you're legally permitted to commence operations. Black Swan can help you in Business setup service in Dubai. Call / Whatsapp +971 56 219 3732 / +971 4240 6939 or Fill up the form below to get an affordable business license in Dubai. Related Links:
How to Open Retail shop in Dubai

How to Open A Retail Shop In Dubai

As an entrepreneur, you must consider the option of opening a retail shop in Dubai. Businesses like retail shops are successful in many parts of Dubai. Some areas offer profits as the majority of the population grows rapidly and financially strong. Many foreign and local residents get a good income in Dubai. Thousands of tourists stay in Dubai, which is the boosting factor in the retail sector. Many retail shops are present, but opportunities come up for retail businesses.

Benefits Of Opening The Retail Shop In Dubai

Dubai’s retail sector is the thriving industry that contributes to 22.85% of total GDP in the UAE. It gives several benefits to people who wish to set up a retail business in Dubai. Here are six benefits that business owners enjoy on opening the retail store:

Choice Of Business Location

Dubai has more than 30 freezone areas and mainland locations for businessmen to open shops in Dubai. This free zone gives complete ownership to the company with 100% profit repatriations.You'll have to do the business outside of Dubai only. Mainland owners can enjoy benefits like full ownership and no-taxation similar to free zones, also can run the business in UAE local market areas and outside as well. This flexibility allows businessmen to open the retail shop in Dubai.

Expansion Opportunities

Dubai provides business expansion opportunities such as B2B, B2C and C2B trading to entrepreneurs. Dubai’s tech savvy people can support the growth of eCommerce businesses. You're free to conduct online promotions and digital advertisements.

Supportive Government

Dubai's Government provides continuous support and cooperation to investors across the globe. They've prime facilities and profitable business schemes all through the year. The Dubai government gives long-term residency to investors, entrepreneurs and business owners.

Easy Business Set-Up Method

Dubai has the best cooperative legal structures for all entrepreneurs and investors. You'll find it easy to manage the paperwork of the retail license Dubai within some days.

High Standard Of Living

Besides the opening of retail business, you can get a quality life in Dubai. The United Arab Emirates holds 20th position at the World’s Life Quality Index. It is due to the best infrastructures, top-class hospital facilities, and talented people. The major population are expatriates, so you can live in different cultures, communities, and religions.

Taxation Benefits

There are many tax benefits for entrepreneurs from the Dubai government. Many liberalists policies focus on investors, making it easy to open a retail business in Dubai. You're free from import-export duty, income tax, or personal tax. You'll get 5% compulsory VAT, based on the retail business activity you'll choose.

Steps To Open A Retail Shop-Dubai

It's simple to open a retail shop in Dubai as compared to other locations. Follow these steps to run your shop within a week:
Step 1: Retail License In Dubai
You should get the retail license and needed certifications from authorities. DED can permit the sanction of a retail license in Dubai.
Step 2: Business Jurisdiction
You can open a small store or mall in Meena Bazar, but you must know the jurisdiction. You should adhere to the terms of jurisdiction to set up the retail business in Dubai.
Step 3: Permissions For Renting A Shop
You must choose a shop location in Dubai, as it comes with extra challenges. It requires permissions to obtain from Dubai Municipality Body.

Documents Needed To Open A Retail Shop (Dubai)

The paperwork depends on the type of business activities of a retail shop. There are few documents needed to register and open the retail shop in Dubai.
  • Managers and shareholders passport copies.
  • A copy of the owners' Dubai residence visa.
  • Ownership deed or lease agreement of your retail shop.

Cost To Open A Retail Shop (Dubai)

The minimum of 20,340 Dh, ranking note charge, and myriad payment fee is required. A common trading license needs Dh 1500 and a fee of Dh 10,000 given to the Dubai Municipality. You have to pay Dh 3000 to MED (Ministry of Economic Development) and Dh 1200 to the Dubai Chamber of Commerce. Other expenses like renting the shop and paying employees' salaries are also required.


To open the retail shop, you'll need a registration process like submissions of multiple documents and obtaining approvals from many departments. You must get professional support to open a retail shop. Contact Balack Swan to get help for a business set up in UAE/ Dubai and Oman. Our consultants can execute the complete operation for your retail shop. Tags: Business Setup Companies in Dubai, General Trading License in Dubai, Food Stuff Trading License in Dubai, Supermarket License in Dubai, Setup A Tailoring Shop in Dubai, How to Setup Boutique Business in Dubai
how to setup forex trading company in dubai

How to Setup a Forex Trading Company in Dubai

Stock market is an active and dynamic industry for starting a forex trading company in Dubai. People around the world trade in various sectors. It's the largest market in the world which involves daily trading volume. Dubai stands out due to its business-friendly environment and well-developed financial system. You can open a forex trading company setup in Dubai on the mainland or in the free zone (DIFC).

Set Up A Forex Trading Company (Dubai)

If you like to enter the forex trading industry, here are the steps to guide you:

Analyze The Market

Usually people don't analyze the market in-depth. Before any step, you must know the pros and cons involved in the forex trading business. Now the digital revolution makes it easier. You can research and contact the right forex broker, they'll help you understand the aspects of forex trading. The experience you have will determine the needs. If you have a previous experience in the stock market, you can go for advanced platforms which offer forex trading api or service. When you're a beginner, you can stick to a simple trading platform. You should evaluate before you set up the forex trading company.

Choose A Broker

Get to know whether the broker is regulated under a government agency. Enquire if the broker functions as the market maker or uses the electronic communication network. The elements to consider are the margin, broker, demo account, narrow dealing spreads, educational resources, trading platform offered, customer service, and educational resources.

Obtain A Foreign Trading License In Dubai

Solicit the license to open the forex trading companies from Dubai Financial Service Authority. This has the independent legal procedure that monitors the trading of commodities exchange, and international equities in the United Arab Emirates. When you pass the credibility test, you'll get a license to run your forex trading company.

Open A Trading Account

You can now begin the forex trading with the live-funded account. Set an easy trading plan and stick on with it. You must hire a local business consultant to open your forex trading company. The value insights can make you understand the market, get the business license and set your forex trading company in the United Arab Emirates.

Advantages Of Starting A Forex Trading Company In Dubai

Like other businesses, forex trading is profitable in Dubai. Here are the advantages:
  1. You can trade from anywhere, at any time and earn profits. You just need a smartphone or a computer with proper internet connection to trade. Forex trading is manageable with high liquidity, minimal risk, and low transaction cost.
  2. You get zero percent tax policy in the UAE. It allows you to earn extra revenue and helps you to establish a trading company.
  3. It is easy to set up a forex trading company in Dubai. People get skeptical to invest in exchange market. But with secured and regulated by Dubai Financial Service Authority, the investors can trade in foreign exchange.
Tags : Business Setup in Dubai, eCommerce Licence in Dubai, Trade Licence in Dubai, Freelance licence in Dubai, Professional Licence in Dubai