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Agency for Registering Trademark in Dubai

Agency for Registering Trademark in Dubai: Having an extremely lucrative idea is rare. You’d want to protect the idea and your prospective business venture by registering a trademark to prevent anyone from replicating the same and going ahead before you. You get a trademark on something you think is unique and no one has thought of yet. But you must conduct proper research before you propose to file for one. It could be a name, sign, picture, signature, colour, word, slogan, software, application, website, shape, or combination of any of these or even a brand name to identify your business.

It is quite difficult to take care of this on your own because it has several legal details that might be out of a layman’s understanding. To avoid any repercussions in the future, it is best to take help from someone who has the expertise and knowledge of the field. That is why there are agencies in place that provide services to register a trademark for your brand or business.

The trademark registration agencies can help remind you that your trademark is a valuable asset and it can be sold, licensed or franchised amidst protecting your business identity, make sure you don’t use anything that similar to someone else’s brand, and prevents from your product or service being confused as a sister brand or with a brand that has a bad reputation.

The agencies go ahead and ask for several documents to get started:

  • Trademark Logo of the company (JPEG)
  • Proof of Trade License
  • Power of Attorney in favour of the agency handling the procedure
  • Copy of Passport with Visa Page of the Managing Director
  • A list consisting of items that will be protected
  • Priority Document
  • Contact Details
  • Other (Depending on the case of your trademark requirement)
  • A Notarized No Objection Certificate from Partners

Other than the regular fees (includes filing fees, publication in the trademark journal, Publications in two Arabic newspapers and Registration fee), there is a professional fee charged by the agency who has taken up the duty to do the trademark registration for you.

Soon, after all the procedures, if there are no objections, one will get the certificate of trademark registration. It will be valid for 10 years.

Register your Trademark Today!