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Advantages of Setting up a General Trading License in Dubai

Advantages of Setting up a General Trading License in Dubai

A General Trading License is a one size fit all kind of license, and wherein one can trade different types of goods. It allows a company to import, export, re-export many goods like cloths, furniture, foodstuff, electronics, electrical items, etc. with a single license. Procuring this kind of license in Dubai mainland may seem costly initially. Still, all facilities are available in a single license for a person trading different goods and products, and they do not have to open separate licenses.

You will be interested on General Trading License

A General Trading License does not allow the trading of medicine, alcohol, cars, chemicals, etc. One will have to procure approvals from concerned government authorities or municipalities. But, trading of these activities is approved by DED under commercial trade license.

Zero tax

There is no personal or corporate tax. UAE does not charge taxes either corporate or personal for carrying out any kind of business. A business person with a UAE license does not have to pay taxes on their income or profit.

Hassle-free recruitment and unrestricted availability of employment visa

Companies can apply for an employment visa from the Ministry of Labour, and the eligibility depends on the size of the office and the selection of license activity. The bigger the office, the more number of visas. The employment visa holder or investor visa holder can sponsor parents, spouse, children, and maid.

Limited restrictions on minimal capital requirement

The minimum capital requirement is only AED 300,000, and it is not mandatory to provide a bank guarantee. You don’t have to deposit the share capital in the bank. Also, UAE companies are allowed for 100% of capital repatriation.

Effortless process

The process is pretty straightforward, and one can complete the whole company incorporation process within 3-4 working days if all the documents are in place.

Availability of state of the art infrastructure

Office places with flexible rent and lease spaces are available in plenty with good infrastructure. This makes it easy for business people.

Business all along with UAE

A company in Dubai mainland has the provision to carry out business anywhere in the UAE without restrictions.

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