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Advantages of Opening a Company in IFZA free zone

Want to start a business in a free zone but don’t know what the benefits of IFZA company formation are? You don’t need to look any further because this blog has everything you need to know.

More and more people are interested in starting a business in this area. This is not only because it is in a good spot in Dubai, but also because it gives entrepreneurs so many opportunities.

First, it’s important to note that the free zone’s location in Dubai is enough to help a business grow on its own. This is because the emirate has built a reputation as a place where people who want to get things done go. It has become one of the best places in the Middle East and the whole world to start a business.

Also, the country has taken many steps to keep up with the constantly changing business world. Free zones in the UAE, in particular, have a lot of benefits that can help businesses grow.

Read on to find out more about how IFZA companies are made.

Why choose business setup in IFZA?

IFZA, which is also called International Free Zone Authority, has become one of the most important places for investing in the UAE. Over the years, IFZA has grown into a strong platform with more than 800 partners around the world and a large global network. The free zone has set up a community where small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) can join a large platform. This platform is made to give international and local businesses the tools they need to grow and thrive in a setting where innovation and development are important. The area has a variety of facilities, including warehouses, apartments, and office space.

Advantages of IFZA company formation

It’s clear that there are a lot of benefits to IFZA company formation. Here are some of them:

  • Full ownership of business:IFZA lets foreign investors own 100% of a business they start.
  • Full profit repatriation: Companies in a free zone can send all of their profits back to their home country. This gives them the freedom to send all of their money back to where they came from without any rules.
  • 0% corporate tax: The laws of the UAE say that businesses don’t have to pay corporate tax on their income. This means that you can keep all of your profits.
  • 0% import or export tax: In contrast to the mainland, there are no customs duties in free zones.
  • Strategic location: The free zone is in an important part of Dubai. This gives investors access to global markets that are among the best in the world.
  • Global connectivity: Dubai is home to people from all over the world, and you can connect with a global business community there.
  • Range of business activities: In a free zone, you are free to do a lot of different business things.
  • Time-efficient and simple registration process: Getting a license is a quick and easy process as a whole. The investors also have easy access to services for starting a business and running it in a free zone.

Reasons why company formation in IFZA is the right move for your business

One of the best things about company formation in IFZA is that it gives entrepreneurs who want to move up in the business world a variety of packages to help them get started on the right path. IFZA is also the only free zone in the UAE that gives investors who set up a business “‘lifetime visas.”

Also, the area is strategically close to a lot of important markets. The pros of starting a business here are also much more important than the cons of IFZA company formation. The rules and regulations that apply to companies set up on the mainland do not apply to this area.

Branch companies, holding companies, and Limited Liability Company (LLC) with one or more shareholders are the different types of business structures in IFZA. One of the best things about forming an LLC in IFZA is that you can only lose as much as you put into the business.

One of the biggest perks when it comes to company formation in IFZA is that it offers an array of packages to entrepreneurs who want to advance in the field of entrepreneurship and to set them

Unique features about IFZA business setup

IFZA is one of the few free zones in the UAE that stands out for its unique benefits and the chances it gives investors. These things are:

  • There is no need for the investor to send in an audit report every year.
  • No paid-up share capital requirement
  • Owners and employees can get a visa for up to 3 years.
  • There is no need for employees to put down a guarantee deposit in a free zone.
  • Permission to have an office online
  • Investors don’t have to be physically present when a company is formed.
  • No letter of support is needed from the current visa sponsor

Trade licenses offered by IFZA

There are different licenses available in the free zone, such as:

The entrepreneur can conduct up to 7 activities under one trade license. IFZA is also one of the few free zones in the UAE that allows professional, commercial, and industrial activities to be done under the same license.

E-commerce is also not seen as a separate thing to do. But if you have a general trading license, you can still sell goods on online platforms.


    Tags : IFZA company formation, Business Setup Dubai, Company Formation Dubai, Company Registration Dubai, Dubai Freezone Company Formation, Dubai Mainland Company Formation, Business Incorporation Dubai, IFZA Dubai free zone Company Formation Process, Company Formation in IFZA Dubai Free zone